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Whats the highest you've gotten?

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I got up about 15-20ft by mistake, ended up in a nice huge ditch. Couple of broken bones and a complete rebuild later... IM done getting high :P

:baseball_w00t: yea but i bet you looked good doin it. isnt that all that matters??

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Accidental air is the worst.... 5 ft feels like 15 if your not ready for it...


yeah no shit!i was riding this pit in gardner mass i went up what looked like a nice roller, well the whole fuckin middle had wased out leaving like a 10 foot gap that dropped about 15 feet.the quad dropped right out from under me leaving me to take the 15 foot fall without it.so there i am in the middle of this big fuckin hole i couldnt get out of.i had to sit there for like 20 minutes until someone found me.no fun at all!

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