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Which Domes For Noss Head?

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I've got a shaved stock head (.038" shave) and it gave me 155psi on my stock motor. Now I'm ported and I've only got 140psi. I want to go back to 155 or so. I don't want to run race fuel, just 91 octane pump gas. I believe my current head domes measured 20.5-21cc, it's been a few years though.


My elevation is 1600 feet, I do ride at LS as well.

Timing is +4

Wiseco Pro-Lites

Stock Crank



Should I go for 20cc or 19cc domes? According to the chart on Noss' site, it looks lilke 20's may only get me another 8-10psi but 19's may be too much for pump gas. Got any Input?

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19's would need more octane. I would try to run 93 octane with the 20cc domes since your timing is advanced. If you get the 20cc domes and take a trip to lower elevations, remember to up the octane for the trip.

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im running AV Gas (100 LL oct. with lead, wont hurt 2-strokes) with 18cc's in my Prodesign and no problems yet. im just on the Missouri side so there can be much of a diff in elevation :cheers:




will it not hurt to run straight 100LL?? if not i want to try it out..

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