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hahah 600 for some rockets someones getting robbed!!! 450 for cpis or shearers .. i think i know which one id go with. if there at 600 why would u want anyone to bid on them u tryint to falsify some bidding??? cause i dont know anyone willing to pay that for those pipes/ :flush:

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Might want to try a set before you say that. I just had a brand new set of CPIS and a brand new set of rockets. After running both, rockets pull way harder then CPI... I dont care too much for the assclowns making them but ohh well. Wish Minkia was still holding down shop :(



hahah 600 for some rockets someones getting robbed!!! 450 for cpis or shearers .. i think i know which one id go with. if there at 600 why would u want anyone to bid on them u tryint to falsify some bidding??? cause i dont know anyone willing to pay that for those pipes/ :flush:


Edited by ellison445
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hahah 600 for some rockets someones getting robbed!!! 450 for cpis or shearers .. i think i know which one id go with. if there at 600 why would u want anyone to bid on them u tryint to falsify some bidding??? cause i dont know anyone willing to pay that for those pipes/ :flush:




banghead you could buy cpi's any day of the year...


to each their own, take your negative comments else where :yank:

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This was based off a 4 mil <_<

If someone wants to give him 600, let him live!!! No need to come here saying what you said. I rather pay 600 to him then wait 12 weeks for the same pipes :confused:


umm i have seen there performance first hand,, i run shearers and hmmmm no way is that statement true for big motors!!!


Edited by ellison445
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600 bucks you better sell them.

480 for a set of shearers and they will kill rockets.  but to each their own.



They are different pipes. It's really personal preference. They are both good pipes and both will provide good power. But to say that Shearers flat out kill Rockets is hogwash. And for you to come in here and try to put down Rocket pipes when this guy is trying to sell a good set is hogwash too. I think you should either take it somewhere else or just stay out of it.


Someone jump on these pipes, Rockets are a good pipe no matter what some of these yaywhos think. Free bump!!

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