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Helmet Cam Video of AGP NA WarHorse event May 14

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  • 2 weeks later...

That was awesome!!! :headbang: I gotta get me one of those helmet cams :evil:


Ben, this race is right up the road from me. Iv' been to two of em this year and its cool, its still a small series, but there's enough racers out there to make it a good event. Dale, the tracks are cool as hell, keep em wide, they're more fun to race.


AGP's last race of the season is in my hometown. Irish Valley MX is hosting it. C'mon Pa guys, lets go racing this event.

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Hell yeah Denny that looks like a blast, did they get nailed with rain the day before or is it always that wet?! The whole time I was watching it I was thinkin', damn where is there a place to pass...then he hit the creek haha! Way more water there but just as many rocks!!

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Too bad our Banshee's cant do that. I SOOOO WISH my shee could hit a puddle without boggin down. Hell...bigger the puddle the longer I have to wait for her to dry out.


Cost me one race. I had first till I hit a puddle the size of a VW van. killed me instantly. Took bout 20 minutes before I could move again, and I missed the cutoff to the second lap. bummer!




look at the yerinton race. youll see me sitting on the side of the road getting passed by quads.


then the lovelock pics...you can see the pics of my tire coming off...and my "FIX".

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