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myrtle beach?

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ok, my mom and dad divorced about 2 years ago, and my mom lived up here (in massachusetts) for just under a year, on her own. i stayed with my dad, and my mom was hurt. she moved down to myrtle beach in january, and ever since has been begging me to move. my grandparents and 2 aunts live down there, and now my mom, so i have family there already. i am thinking of just renting a 6x12 trailer from uhaul, putting my banshee in there with all my shit, and just leaving. up here it seems like im standing still, i work at a ford dealership reconditioning cars, i make around $300 a week, and im 18. to me that doesnt seem like good money, and up here i cant concentrate and think of what i wanna do with my life yet. all my friends and peopel my age are all going to college and have good paying jobs. if i move down there it seems like its a fresh start, leave any troubles up here, move down there, find a better job, make some better friends, find some better riding (if there is). my grandfather down there does taxes, so he knows almost everybody down there, and he said he could have a good job for me the day i move down there i could start.

im just looking for opinions and a little re-assurance. everybody up here thinks its a joke because im sort of a pushover, so they dont think i have the balls to move.

also, if anybody on here lives in that area, is there a lot of riding down there?

thanks in advance, and sorry for the long story...

Chris Hastings

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First and foremost, which parent do you like better? Stick with who ever is best or play them against each other so they will buy you whatever you want. But anyway, I've lived up north and down south, and if you don't know what the south is like, your in for a shock. I've been to Myrtle Beach a ton of times, used to live near there. If your single, there are plenty of hotties there (it's the friggin beach man.) It is kinda dirty though. Your best bet is to visit first, stay if you like it. Massachusetts pretty much sucks anyway. But then again, your 18, move out on your own.

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well to be honest right now i like my mom better, my dad drank before the divorce (my mom claims thats why the divorce happened) and now he drinks even more, in fact he is drinking right now, he is a good guy, just has a big problem... ive been to myrtle beach at least once a year every year since i was 6, sometimes multiple times, and i love it there, but its a big difference living there and visting for a week...

and your right, massachusetts does suck...

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Bud im gunna go n tell ya ta pack up n move right now. I been ta Myrtle beach last summer (Granted its da one n only, first time leavin da state n maybe the 2 r 3rd time leavin da town........) and i loved it. Like i said i aint seen a lot, lotta trouble leavin da farm out here, no one ta watch it, but i tell ya what seein them lights everywher n da beach......women.... B) .. it was all soooo cool. tell ya what id do anythin ta get back ther right now. id definately sugest it.

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Get ur ass up and move i live in ga and go to myrtle often if ur 18 that is where u want to be. Lots of shit to do lots of girls that often go home after vacation so you dont worry about them getting crazy :dance: .Anyway i would move there as a matter of fact i couldnt think of a better place to be.

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sounds like you have better things to don in Myrtle beach and your opportunitys for money making are better in an area with much more commerce and like everyone said you are youg and there are lots of young hotties there to hang with I am only 22 and i would have done it when I was 18 if I had the opportunity.

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I came from L.I.- lived there my whole life- moved with my wife and kid to N.C. about 3 hrs. from Mrytle- ain't never going back. I go down between Mrytle and Wilmington about 3 times a month. Don't move down if you have a weak stomach- it's easy to get sick of the beautiful weather and women, LOL.

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I would say go and at least try it.. You will never know what its like if you don't try and then there would always be what-ifs. I say go and give it a honest try and if it sucks balls then move back... Its much easier to do all this shit now rather than when you have kids and tons of shit.



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Man you people need to get out a little further, Myrtle beach sucks.


If you think you are going to get a better job at the beach, think again. Most of the jobs around the myrtle beach area are simple service jobs. No industry there that would give you a chance of getting a good paying job with benefits. If you're thinking of moving, move to a place that has some opportunities for you, not just some place that has a bunch of sluts in the summer, and is dead the other 7 months of the year.

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dont know, i know there arent a lot of good paying jobs there, but i can try... my grandfather has so many friends there, he does taxes down there and knows a bunch of people that would be willing to hire me... and after i become a citizen down there, i think im gonna go to school to become an HVAC technician, and then again after a little while, go back again to become an electrician so i can make even more money because i can install stuff all at once... im 99% sure im moving at the end of the summer...

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well i talked to my grandfather today, and he has a guy that he does taxes for that builds wood cabinets and usually starts his guys off at $10 an hour, which is $2 more an hour than im making up here, so i may be moving before the end of the year...

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and florida isnt. lol .. I lived in fla for over 15 years and what a shit hole it is. If you are cuban then fla is the place to be specaily Miami.. As for MRYTLE BEACH i cant really say i havent been. After living in Fla i hate the beach.. I live on the other side of South Carolina in the north west corner and i love it!. Bottom line is dude you are young make a move and try it you can always move if you dont.


Good luck in whatever you deside!

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