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i keep you laUGHING,A ND i KEEP THIS THREAD GOING :headbang:




I THOUGHT you got it?


guess i was wrong


but reverend rkc is a



now were starting to get somewhere, ill bet a grand RKC is getting laid and your not, i just cant see a chick wanting to fuck you HD, 1: your clearly a moron 2: one post theres no devil the next post there is and 3: your employer has the same initials as your screen name HOME DEPOT

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now were starting to get somewhere, ill bet a grand RKC is getting laid and your not, i just cant see a chick wanting to fuck you HD, 1: your clearly a moron 2: one post theres no devil the next post there is and 3: your employer has the same initials as your screen name HOME DEPOT


thats hilarious blue my wife just called me to bed! :clap: talk to you guys later. you too hd lol!

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maybe this post will hit 100 pages......heres a question hellpuffer....if there is no god why is there something rather than nothing? we have only two options, either no one created something out of nothing or, someone created something out of nothing.............answer:nothing comes from nothing...and if you cant believe that nothing caused something, then you dont have enough faith to be an atheist

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I thought I covered that already!!


You cant make something from nothing is a fact, since matter cant be destroyed only re-arranged. So with that thinking it proves god is not top dog, since he couldnt have come from nothing.


It's like the joke about how man can do anything and god sees it, then a doctor says he is just as good a god and he can make another man from dirt too and challanges god. God accepts and the doctor starts to gather dirt, but god stops him and says "No no no, make your own dirt". Well where did the dirt come from that god is made from? And the argument that he has always been there is invalid since there would have to be there before god to have always been there, so who created there to begin with and where did they get the stuff to make there anyway.


Nothing can be proven absolutly 100%, science or god, but you have to be intellgent enough to examine all the evidence to come to the most likly answer for the truth.

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Nothing can be proven absolutly 100%, science or god, but you have to be intellgent enough to examine all the evidence to come to the most likly answer for the truth.


what is the point of mocking someone's belief? some of the most intelligent people in the world believe in a God. Was Einstein an idiot, or are you just smarter than him?

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what is the point of mocking someone's belief? some of the most intelligent people in the world believe in a God. Was Einstein an idiot, or are you just smarter than him?


Tuff shit if they or you think I am mocking you, but I'm not, I just stated the fact nothing can be proven. I never said who was right or wrong just that you be smart enough to decide for yourself with the evidence available.


Now as to being smarter tham Einstein, maybe I am in some respects, I do have a genius IQ but that dont say shit about how smart you are just that you test well. Anyway in todays world people who are in power must agree to religon or they wont be in power, and in the past if you stood up and said there was no god your carrer was done and possibly your life. Thats just how it is we all know it, if you are in the main stream the pressure to put on the beilef in god is vital to sucess. So who is to say anybody really belived in god out side of the public eye. There are many people who go to church and all that shit just to please others, I know some of my friends that dont belive in god but go to church just so their mom wont shit her self, it happens all the time.


So if your saying that just because a smart person says they believe in god it must be true, then yeah you are stupid!! That is the whole point of my post, you have to be smart enough to make up your own mind on what is true or not, and dont base it on opinion or what someone else says, look into it your self and decide if the evidence supports what it says or not. That goes for god and science.

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So if your saying that just because a smart person says they believe in god it must be true, then yeah you are stupid!! That is the whole point of my post, you have to be smart enough to make up your own mind on what is true or not, and dont base it on opinion or what someone else says, look into it your self and decide if the evidence supports what it says or not. That goes for god and science.


I didn't say I believed in God because Einstein did. Our theories on God differ substantially. Anyway, I guess I misinterpreted what you said about being intelligent enough to decide what the truth was, and took it as you saying any intelligent person would believe in evolution.

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nope not what I meant.


But all the evidence does lean toward evolution, and there is nothing to support that god had anything to do with it. That is just mans early attempt to explain where we came from.


We did evolve, now the real question is why is it so hard to find evidence to support this claim showing evolution from sincle cells and amino acids all the way up to what we are today.


Good example: If aliens came to this planet a million years from now and we are all gone, but they find a monoply game could they prove how it was made or the evolution of the came? How did the cardboard get made or the plastic pieces or the money, blah,blah,blah. I doubt it if we are gone and a million years has gone by to erase the factories and everything involved to make the game. Maybe they would conclude the God milton bradley made it from dust and left it for them so they would not be bored in space! Needless to say we know almost every aspect of the human body and how we grow. But since we can only show proof of our evolution back to a point, we must have been made by god!! I say we a re a lot more complicated than a monoply game so thats why we dont have all the evidence, most of it has been destroyed by time and the elements.


that was a rambling post but oh well you get the idea. Almost 100 pages!!!

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nope not what I meant.


But all the evidence does lean toward evolution, and there is nothing to support that god had anything to do with it. That is just mans early attempt to explain where we came from.


We did evolve, now the real question is why is it so hard to find evidence to support this claim showing evolution from sincle cells and amino acids all the way up to what we are today.


Good example: If aliens came to this planet a million years from now and we are all gone, but they find a monoply game could they prove how it was made or the evolution of the came? How did the cardboard get made or the plastic pieces or the money, blah,blah,blah. I doubt it if we are gone and a million years has gone by to erase the factories and everything involved to make the game. Maybe they would conclude the God milton bradley made it from dust and left it for them so they would not be bored in space! Needless to say we know almost every aspect of the human body and how we grow. But since we can only show proof of our evolution back to a point, we must have been made by god!! I say we a re a lot more complicated than a monoply game so thats why we dont have all the evidence, most of it has been destroyed by time and the elements.


that was a rambling post but oh well you get the idea. Almost 100 pages!!!



I of course always find humor in those who feel the need to grandiose themselves. And to expose others to your so called gift Is risky indeed because then you may be held to that standard and embarrassed.So if your mentality is superior to most how come you don't comprehend the obvious flaw in a premise that is redundantly stated by unbelievers on this thread ie: that believers on this topic believe that God can be proven! You missed that several times. Is it that your so impressed by what you have to say, that you wait to talk instead of wait to listen.Bright people are a dime a dozen. The most impressive people are those who care for others by deed and truth.



quote: Needless to say we know almost every aspect of the human body and how we grow. I'll be quoting this one at Pfizer tomorrow! Who gave you your IQ test HD :yelrotflmao:

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Tuff shit if they or you think I am mocking you, but I'm not, I just stated the fact nothing can be proven. I never said who was right or wrong just that you be smart enough to decide for yourself with the evidence available.


Now as to being smarter tham Einstein, maybe I am in some respects, I do have a genius IQ but that dont say shit about how smart you are just that you test well. Anyway in todays world people who are in power must agree to religon or they wont be in power, and in the past if you stood up and said there was no god your carrer was done and possibly your life. Thats just how it is we all know it, if you are in the main stream the pressure to put on the beilef in god is vital to sucess. So who is to say anybody really belived in god out side of the public eye. There are many people who go to church and all that shit just to please others, I know some of my friends that dont belive in god but go to church just so their mom wont shit her self, it happens all the time.


So if your saying that just because a smart person says they believe in god it must be true, then yeah you are stupid!! That is the whole point of my post, you have to be smart enough to make up your own mind on what is true or not, and dont base it on opinion or what someone else says, look into it your self and decide if the evidence supports what it says or not. That goes for god and science.


Bam!...Thats what I'm sayin.

Take for instance that you wanna be a judge, bet dollars to doughnuts you wouldn't get far if you were an athiest, so if you wanted to live your dreams you would be forced into religion, or pretend.

I always chuckle (to myself) when I'm in court and have to swear on the bible lol, it may as well be a fuckin dirtwheels mag, some traditions are so archaic!

This is the problem with today, so many people with power feel they need to think for the rest of us, and whats good for us, thats why no person would say "hay everyone, I have proof there is no god" because if they did have proof I bet that person would dissapear, never to be found again. There is far to much riding on organized religion with far to many people that stand to loose so much.

There are planets forming as we speak, no big deal really it's been going on for millions of years, this dosn't mean life is meaningless, we are shaping the world everyday as our kids will after we're dirt and so on.

I always wondered is there a doggy heaven?, or a cat heaven?, how about a hampster or goldfish heaven? after all they are "gods creatures" lol


what jesus preaches




Dude my guts still hurt from laughing so hard!

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But all the evidence does lean toward evolution, and there is nothing to support that god had anything to do with it.

your high pal, the boys of apollo 13 found this out, the hard way, maybe you should do some research.............

#1 if the centrifugal force of planetary movements did not precisely balance the gravitational forces, nothing could be held in orbit around the sun

#2 if the universe had expanded at a rate of one millionth more slowly than it did, expansion would have stopped and the universe would have stopped and the universe would have collapsed on itself before any stars had formed. if it would have expanded faster, then no galaxies would have formed

#3 if the thickness of the earths crust were greater, to much oxygen would be transferred to the crust to support life, if it were thinner volcanic and tectonic activity would make life impossible

theres yer science pal argue with that


show me some fucking evidence that leans towards evolution...... i call bullshit.......all there is, is evidence that theres a god, you gotta be a dimwitted moron to think otherwise

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