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well odeon, i feel for you and your brother,, that is a terrible situation, and I hope everything works out


but in reality it is his own strenth that keeps him going,, i dont think god had anything to do with it


he usses god as a substitue for his own strenth that he dosent really think he has but he does


and i hope i didnt come across like a rocketboy or something and that i was mocking him, cause i was not


and IF god ever was to be proven as real, I would still kick him in the nuts, but thats just me

Edited by helldriver
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Suppose you were an omnipotent god, and you demand worship, such as the Christian God. Would you give proof of your existence to those who wished to follow you? I imagne for Jehovah that it would be quite simple to perform a continual sequence of verifiable miracles. It would be quite logical in practice too, for it would keep God

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i agee with you to some extent, BUT again you're goin on the fact that its god that made this world,, when he had nothing to do with it


god dosent give me the choice to reject or accept him I make that chocie on my own


nor does god give me the choice to love or hate,, that is MY natural emotions,

and please show me the evidence that you say god has shown us...

Edited by helldriver
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i agee with you to some extent, BUT again you're goin on the fact that its god that made this world,, when he had nothing to do with it


god dosent give me the choice to reject or accept him I make that chocie on my own


nor does god give me the choice to love or hate,, that is MY natural emotions,

and please show me the evidence that you say god has shown us...

your standing in the evidence...

1:every design had a designer

2:the universe has a highly complex design

3:therefore the universe had a designer...........

anymore questions?

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yes, that is NOT proof, that can be proof of science too


and then who created the designer?


so gimme so solid proof

jesus christ is your solid proof, he walked the earth and was seen by hundreds of thousands of people.......can you prove to me that george washington or abe lincoln were real? for every sentence that was written about Lincoln a book was written about christ

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ok, now show me all this proof of all this biblical stuff, such as noahs ark,,{ that can in all reality not be true} as it is psycally impossible,,


and what about afam and eve,,, that is about as far from the truth as anything,, cause e we all know prmitive man was waaayyyy before that


come on man, i thought you could do better than that

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so gimme so solid proof

as i said in my previous post god wont be coming to your house anytime soon, if he did youd be forced to accept him.....heres an analigy you'll understand, my studio's are worth about 25 million bucks, im driving down sunset blvd in a SL-600 im an old ugly asshole i meet a 22 year old hot chick, she's keeping my testicles empty, does she love me for my money? or cause im the neatest thing since sliced bread?

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HD check these out :






Iv'e given these to my atheist buddies(believe it or not I do hang with them)I told them aleast they can argue better with me or at parties.


sorry there is no link I'm an idiot with a computer

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revernd rkc, fuck you bible pusher


NOW its my turn to push'



well helldiver you can insult rkc all you want but im not a bible pusher, i could give a good godamm, what the out come of your exsistance is, what makes me laugh is your such a fucking cunt, an attention whore and an all around twat, youve yet to prove any point instead of trying to denounce god why dont you come up with an alternitive, well i think i can answer that because your to fucking stupid to even argue your point, youve yet to post ANY logical alternitive to god.......awww fuck me..i just clicked on your link asshole........ without god there is no devil my fucking 9 year old makes more fucking sense than you do......either theres a god and the devil or theres not which is it........you remind me of the guy in the adam sandler movie "50 first dates" who says "hi im tom" every 30 seconds.......your a fucking moron dude...........

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