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warwgn, 1st I want to thank you for your thoughtful responce.2nd I want to thank you for your polite manner.

(Thanks, and your welcome)


You also are a secular thumper if you have the honesty to admit it.

( I dont have to admit anything)


Breaking the 1st law of physics: something can not come from nothing.

(you are correct but that would disprove god right there. Be careful what you cite, it can also go against what you belive, facts have a funny way of doing that.)


It was not clear to me if you were athiest or not but your link blogger is.

(I just dont belive in god's or a higher power, so what ever that make me??)


Science tells us nothing about the existence of God.

(because it deals in mainly facts, and requires proof that can be tested by others for validity)


If you stand back at the edge of the universe with out God you have to admit it doesn't care if you live or die because you have no meaning.Regardless if you think you do.

(So whats your point in this comment? Why should the universe care about me?? Thats life, you dont choose to be you simply are. Can you tell me about before you were born, or more importantly do you really care? I dont, I am alive for the moment and that is what is important, what I was before and what I will be after has no meaning at all because I will never know either!!)


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I see it for what it is,,, good fictional stories




Ha, most if not all of the "name calling" and "hate talk" in this thread has been done by the Holier Than thou crowd. Just go back and read this thread LMAO! The hate talk and violent threats have been made by the religious hypocrites. Ha ha, I my self have been threatened in this thread just for having a different point of view.

Hmmm that is some group that you like to associate your self with rkc.


Nothing new, It's always been that way.

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pretty bold statement... too bad it has no merit and is pure opinion of its author

...so this is what they teach you at your local community college ?

not really i thin kyo uhave that backwards friend .Did somebody hurt your civil rights again ?:baseball_wibble: better call your lawyer


Well you see rocketboy it's like this, there is a planet in a star cluster called M-4 (I think it stands for Messier?), it is 23 times the distance from earth to the sun, which is approximatly 5500 light years away, it is also 1000 times the size of earths mass, and guess what, it's 13billion years old!

How did something this size around for that long slip through the fingers of "the great creator"??

There are planets forming as we speak.

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The bible doesn't make any specific claim as to the age of the universe.


Other than that, if you could fully describe and define that which is infinite, it would then be reduced to finite. Therefore demanding "proof" is akin to saying that you would believe in God

if it could be proven that God is not really God.


We all have faith. You either have faith in God or you have faith that our existence is ultimately meaningless. One or the other.

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how about i just belive in myself, and dont need no bullshit made up god

and if you cant come up with any "proof" why do you claim there is this god

faith is hope for a circumstance or thing that is not proven to be true. There is no virtue in accepting something on faith, since it may very well be false, and it is clearly not virtuous to believe the false. Faith has also been proven through out history, time and again, that it is equivalent to massive hysteria; IE: Crusades, Burning Times, Inquisitions, Holy Wars, etc. On a grand scale faith, thus far, has only proven to be an intellectual weakness, and a significant barrier to scientific and moral progress. With all of this in mind, how can God possibly expect us to view faith as the greatest way to glorify him, let alone demand this of us?

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how about i just belive in myself, and dont need no bullshit made up god

and if you cant come up with any "proof" why do you claim there is this god

faith is hope for a circumstance or thing that is not proven to be true. There is no virtue in accepting something on faith, since it may very well be false, and it is clearly not virtuous to believe the false. Faith has also been proven through out history, time and again, that it is equivalent to massive hysteria; IE: Crusades, Burning Times, Inquisitions, Holy Wars, etc. On a grand scale faith, thus far, has only proven to be an intellectual weakness, and a significant barrier to scientific and moral progress. With all of this in mind, how can God possibly expect us to view faith as the greatest way to glorify him, let alone demand this of us?


well said....where did you find this??

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how about i just belive in myself, and dont need no bullshit made up god

and if you cant come up with any "proof" why do you claim there is this god

faith is hope for a circumstance or thing that is not proven to be true. There is no virtue in accepting something on faith, since it may very well be false, and it is clearly not virtuous to believe the false. Faith has also been proven through out history, time and again, that it is equivalent to massive hysteria; IE: Crusades, Burning Times, Inquisitions, Holy Wars, etc. On a grand scale faith, thus far, has only proven to be an intellectual weakness, and a significant barrier to scientific and moral progress. With all of this in mind, how can God possibly expect us to view faith as the greatest way to glorify him, let alone demand this of us?





This is the worst post I have ever read... and it has nothing to do belief in God.


Have you ever talked to a child who goes to great lengths to convince you of their truth in a


concept with such sincerity and you just stand back and smile at the little heydipper.You make


STUFF up as if you have never read a single definition in your life.


We must have a common definition of terms or else there will be no communication


(just illusions of it). 1st, the most important aspect of faith is not faith, it's the object of that faith.


2nd it's real simple faith means TRUST. Of course faith is virtuous.


Are you telling us that if you loaned your buddy some needed money on monday.


It's not virtuous to have faith in him (based upon a relationship that has a good track record) to


pay you back on friday in which you have no PROOF that he will pay you back?(because it hasn't


happened yet) Not only is faith virtious,it's just plain smart! We act in faith hundreds of times a


day, everytime you sit in a chair you trust it will hold you up. Also you might want to look up what


will have if you don't have faith (antonym). It's called cynicism and to have that attribute is real


intellectual weakness!






a disparaging 30 point difference equals no communacato.





ps. no I never said I wouldn't respond to you in non religous matters. Especially if I can teach you something. I tried to dumb this post down as much as I could.

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Suppose you were an omnipotent god, and you demand worship, such as the Christian God. Would you give proof of your existence to those who wished to follow you? I imagne for Jehovah that it would be quite simple to perform a continual sequence of verifiable miracles. It would be quite logical in practice too, for it would keep God

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Blah blah blah... What do you want to do helldriver, kill Christians? We are your brothers and sisters. We are like mastercard...everywhere you want to be. Jesus did not demand worship but he did accept it. He came speaking the truth and plainly said that he came as a sword of division.


He is the fulcrum, the balance (division) point and the equilibrium between strength/justice vs mercy/love. God prefers the offering of mercy and love but he knows that there are those who will not even accept that, and out of spite some will attempt to tip the scale with all of their strength into what they perceive as justice (works both ways, I'm not blind to my own hypocrisy). It is not profitable to expect more from God (proof) instead of being happy with what we have. I also suspect that it is not profitable to expect those to believe who choose not to, just as it is not profitable to exhalt one mans "path" over another, however we all must come to terms with the revelations of God as they are revealed. This type of understanding comes by way of Jesus and is perhaps one of the reasons it is written that he is the way and the truth and the life.


Perhaps the entire universe is the macro-cosmic brain of God and operates on unperceivable cosmic mechanics that in some way shape or form might even mirror our own neurological bio mechanics. We can't even rule that possibility out because the understanding of even the greatest cosmologists is still and will always be no more than a child like understanding.


In order to simplify data transmission, electrical engineers developed a system of piggy-backing the data onto a carrier or source signal. Everything is derived from the wavelength of the stable carrier. If the data were transmitted at the same wavelength as the carrier it would not be possible to extract it from the source as a distinct signal of it's own. Perhaps all of our existence really is dependant on a source signal that was "spoken" by God. I don't know, once again "let God be true..."


I'm sorry if I have offended anyone. I'm sure that it is possible that we may all come to a similar understanding through the Word without having to offend each other but I know that I often times fall short.


Like rkc said, we all must have faith and we rely on it everyday. In the ultimate sense of our existence though, once again, you either have faith in God or you have faith in the thought that ULTIMATELY our complete existence is meaningless and ultimately NOTHING will matter. Wait a minute though, things DO matter, in fact things ARE matter. Imagine that.

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first of all, i am not your brother,, we fell from different cunts,,

so dont call me your fuckin brother

second, you say jesus doesnt demand worship from us??

well than how come the bible says stuff like this?


Everyone will have to worship Jesus -- whether they want to or not. Philippians 2:10


and again, if faith is all you have to go on, and you yourself said you cant prove the bible is real,, why bother?

it seams pointless to me

Most importantly, the point to remember here is that if we don

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Blah blah blah... What do you want to do helldriver, kill Christians? We are your brothers and sisters. We are like mastercard...everywhere you want to be. Jesus did not demand worship but he did accept it. He came speaking the truth and plainly said that he came as a sword of division.


He is the fulcrum, the balance (division) point and the equilibrium between strength/justice vs mercy/love. God prefers the offering of mercy and love but he knows that there are those who will not even accept that, and out of spite some will attempt to tip the scale with all of their strength into what they perceive as justice (works both ways, I'm not blind to my own hypocrisy). It is not profitable to expect more from God (proof) instead of being happy with what we have. I also suspect that it is not profitable to expect those to believe who choose not to, just as it is not profitable to exhalt one mans "path" over another, however we all must come to terms with the revelations of God as they are revealed. This type of understanding comes by way of Jesus and is perhaps one of the reasons it is written that he is the way and the truth and the life.


Perhaps the entire universe is the macro-cosmic brain of God and operates on unperceivable cosmic mechanics that in some way shape or form might even mirror our own neurological bio mechanics. We can't even rule that possibility out because the understanding of even the greatest cosmologists is still and will always be no more than a child like understanding.


In order to simplify data transmission, electrical engineers developed a system of piggy-backing the data onto a carrier or source signal. Everything is derived from the wavelength of the stable carrier. If the data were transmitted at the same wavelength as the carrier it would not be possible to extract it from the source as a distinct signal of it's own. Perhaps all of our existence really is dependant on a source signal that was "spoken" by God. I don't know, once again "let God be true..."


I'm sorry if I have offended anyone. I'm sure that it is possible that we may all come to a similar understanding through the Word without having to offend each other but I know that I often times fall short.


Like rkc said, we all must have faith and we rely on it everyday. In the ultimate sense of our existence though, once again, you either have faith in God or you have faith in the thought that ULTIMATELY our complete existence is meaningless and ultimately NOTHING will matter. Wait a minute though, things DO matter, in fact things ARE matter. Imagine that.






a very impressive post

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Suppose you were an omnipotent god, and you demand worship, such as the Christian God. Would you give proof of your existence to those who wished to follow you? I imagne for Jehovah that it would be quite simple to perform a continual sequence of verifiable miracles. It would be quite logical in practice too, for it would keep God

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reverened rkc, god commands that next time you make a better post



proof and faith don't co-exist. if you prove something, what role does faith play in anything? additionally, what room would be left in making your own decision knowing this truth?


If God himself appeared before you and proved his existence, he would be forcing your hand. Is that they way to express love?


As for going back and debating the passages, what point would it serve honestly? In your heart, you disbelieve no matter what explanation was given, not that I'm some Bible scholar that could sway the hearts and minds of the masses due to my superior understanding.


It saddens me to see religion used in negative contexts all of the time. Bible thumpers knocking on your door, the Crusades, the Inquisition, etc etc.


I look at my brother as an example of what faith in God can do for someone. He's 34 years old, and was diagnosed with a rare degenerative heart condition. Doctors say that he has the heart of an 80 year old man, and that over time his vital organs are deteriorating, because his heart cannot pump enough blood to supply the needed oxygen to sustain normal operation. He undergoes an experimental heart surgery. 2 weeks later, he goes in for a chest x-ray, and they find spots in his lungs and swollen lymph nodes (he's never smoked in his life) almost certain indicators of cancer. Most people would be bitter with self-pity. My brother doesn't even want us to know, because we'll worry about it. His faith in God gives him the strength he needs to focus on the things in life he can control. Is his faith worthy of mocking?


I don't believe there is any physical proof that justifies evolution or christanity, there's just evidence to support both theories. Decide your own path, but respect others' at the same time.

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