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hey helldriver here is a link for you, and all the bible belivers. If you read all this and still think the bible is 100% AND THERE IS A GOD then good for you!!!


good ass link thats fun to read and makes you think, bible thumper!!




Can you see the humor of someone thinking that they found something new,novel, and even provocative. These arguments are all old and they have been around for hundreds of years. Even when it comes to arguments that you think could not have happened unless there were new scientific discoveries. The age of the earth was discussed thousands of years ago. Even Augustine (354-430 a great christian mind) thought that Genesis 1 should not be taken literally. Many Christians believe God formed His planned relationship with man through evolution. This does not even come close to negating the main theme of the bible (which I'm willing to bet most unbelievers could not give a good guess because of ignorance on the subject)

For arguments sake lets say you're right, there is no God and take that idea to it's logical conclusion. You are just dust, thats all you've ever been, thats all you ever will be. Why does dust care so much about being right trying with such passion to convince others of their way of thinking? (at least we have a excuse) to understand how fast time goes by, just look back, it flies. Soon to be more behind you than in front of you. And soon to be dead. What makes you think you have ANY meaning at all. Be a good atheist and practice what you say you believe and not what you do. :shrug:


The bible says in the last days there will be a great falling away (christians leaving). There will be many more so called ex-christians to join your voice!

Edited by rkc
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and the bible is old as dust,, and its incorrect


why does the bible pushers care so much if we dont belive?

its fuuny that every time the bible is proven incorrect, the bible asholes say "oh its not to be taken literly"


than in the next sentance , they will say the bible is 100 percent accurate


well make up your mind

Edited by helldriver
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Ya know fellas ive talked about the "darkside" maybe i never really defined it though, i dont think there's a god and certainly not a devil, the darkside to me is the crack of a mans ass, ya know the north side, the place where the sun dont shine, i like my ass, fairly hairy with just a hint of shit, a shit smear in a mans skivvies is heavenly (pardon the pun) i like the group slayer because like me they are truly pussies afraid of there own shadow's. As ive said before im into imagery, just picture me rimming a grown mans hairy asshole, i also like Latte's with a vortex of cinnamon, long walks on the beach and a hairy set of nut's, I think deuce was right on check when he said I was a pussie, I often quote passages from my atheist website depicting the bible (which) ive actually never read, but as I understand it my idol Satin was getting fucked in the ass, while blowing his followers when Jesus walk in and shit his mess kit, (Sodom and Gomorra) anyway I could go on but I just wanted to say thanks to you all for allowing a FUCKING MORON, such as myself to grace this website

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that was a good one blue douche :headbang:

thanks HD, i thought id just keep the insults flyin, i thought the part about the devil gettin it up the ass was pretty good since were quoting the bible, i thought id point out a few tidbits you missed.....

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Can you see the humor of someone thinking that they found something new,novel, and even provocative. These arguments are all old and they have been around for hundreds of years. Even when it comes to arguments that you think could not have happened unless there were new scientific discoveries. The age of the earth was discussed thousands of years ago. Even Augustine (354-430 a great christian mind) thought that Genesis 1 should not be taken literally. Many Christians believe God formed His planned relationship with man through evolution. This does not even come close to negating the main theme of the bible (which I'm willing to bet most unbelievers could not give a good guess because of ignorance on the subject)

For arguments sake lets say you're right, there is no God and take that idea to it's logical conclusion. You are just dust, thats all you've ever been, thats all you ever will be. Why does dust care so much about being right trying with such passion to convince others of their way of thinking? (at least we have a excuse) to understand how fast time goes by, just look back, it flies. Soon to be more behind you than in front of you. And soon to be dead. What makes you think you have ANY meaning at all. Be a good atheist and practice what you say you believe and not what you do. :shrug:


The bible says in the last days there will be a great falling away (christians leaving). There will be many more so called ex-christians to join your voice!


Well I'm game why dose dust care so much rkc?, why try with such passion to convince others of their way of thinking?

Well this dust cares for all the dust around me, and when we're gone, we're gone, best enjoy it now.

I'm starting to think the "r" in rkc is for reverend. Your about as helpful as helldriver on this site.....well almost.

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