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rkc, you've peaked my interest and seethed my anger (that usually goses hand in hand), care to elaberate a little more?

The video that helldriver posted is what infuriates me, I see this all the time, people use religion as a mask so people drop their guard. Weather it be at a funeral or a slayer concert, it is always inappropriate, and I don't recall any scripture disribing these actions...well I guess it depends on how you interpate them. This is why we athiests can relate with one and other, you won't find us at any protest, anywhere, unless there was a athiest protest...but that seems like some kind of oxymoron?


...ah yes moosehead...mmmmmmmmm, I'm also a fan of the dark beers...mmmmmm




Hey Shee-Male;



Before you read this let me PLEASE explain my tone of this message since you can't hear my voice or see my face.This post is from my calm heart only meant for clarity and for your benefit (from my perspective of course!) My usual mode is to take ideas to there conclusion which I'm open to also. With my respect please read.




Even though you only wrote a few words I find your thoughts hard to answer back.I,m not sure why your anger is heightened, me or the video or a combination.I can only guess, talking is so much better.Never the less I can defend why I am angry. I have a reason. I have authority.I have a command"be angry.....yet do not sin" the bible confirms my emotion I am in harmony with my heighted sense of anger [side bar; the video makes me crazy, but I'm going to calm down in my anger. And answer like I should. Religious people should correct religious people just like any other subject.I know your angry about the video(rightfully so)but in your post you gave no credit to the chastising that was going on by like minded people with you (religious people). Thats what I mean by common ground. Further more I condemn what they(protesters) were saying & doing(no brainer) and I've know it for YEARS.Let me also add I don't know where they will spend eternity].You gave 3 examples of situations where the religious mask themselves to trick people to drop their guards. I agree w/ possibly only one(other 2 cases people will raise their guards).Funerals people do drop the guards they're hurting. You can say it's trickery if a minister/pastor/priest takes advantage of a group. they're are three kinds of people there some captive, some teachable, some in the middle. Atheist are not usually hired at this type of event. So it would not be inappropriate for loved ones to hire a teacher/comfortor.Now that I have explained my reasonable postion. I'd like to ask you by who's authority are you angry?That video you saw or me are just chemicals, who cares what they think they're carbon based atom piles. They have no purpose, you have no purpose. The universe doesn't care if you/them live or die.There is no meaning to their words or mine so why do you CARE SO MUCH?Tommorrow the sun will rise the same as it always has and will.To be intellectually honest you should concentrate on nerve ending pleasure.Who cares if one group is convinced to think like the other. There is no right or wrong and you might become dirt again tommorrow.



Enistein thought he knew about 1% of the universes knowledge. If you're the same then in that other 99% could there be the possiblity of an existing god?I don't think you're an athiest but an agnostic(I don't know).







Please let me be clear so I'm not accused of coming under false pretenses.I try(not as successful as

I'd like to be) to be kind to everybody.I also have an agenda with varying degrees of intensities to be used by God. And always hang w/ people long enough to find out what you like about them.

Edited by rkc
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I try to be kind too but I still want to be honost with you in that I am apprehensive to

accept your subsequent adlibbed pretext of "tongue in cheek" with regard to your perfidious

comment comparing the talmud with Christian doctrine, which gave implication (extrapolating

thoughts to their end as you like to do) that the New Testament

contains no more or no less truth than those documents of the pharisaic spirit.

Would you care to engender more discourse on this sir, or am I being unreasonable (very


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Hey Shee-Male;

Before you read this let me PLEASE explain my tone of this message since you can't hear my voice or see my face.This post is from my calm heart only meant for clarity and for your benefit (from my perspective of course!) My usual mode is to take ideas to there conclusion which I'm open to also. With my respect please read.

Even though you only wrote a few words I find your thoughts hard to answer back.I,m not sure why your anger is heightened, me or the video or a combination.I can only guess, talking is so much better.Never the less I can defend why I am angry. I have a reason. I have authority.I have a command"be angry.....yet do not sin" the bible confirms my emotion I am in harmony with my heighted sense of anger [side bar; the video makes me crazy, but I'm going to calm down in my anger. And answer like I should. Religious people should correct religious people just like any other subject.I know your angry about the video(rightfully so)but in your post you gave no credit to the chastising that was going on by like minded people with you (religious people). Thats what I mean by common ground. Further more I condemn what they(protesters) were saying & doing(no brainer) and I've know it for YEARS.Let me also add I don't know where they will spend eternity].You gave 3 examples of situations where the religious mask themselves to trick people to drop their guards. I agree w/ possibly only one(other 2 cases people will raise their guards).Funerals people do drop the guards they're hurting. You can say it's trickery if a minister/pastor/priest takes advantage of a group. they're are three kinds of people there some captive, some teachable, some in the middle. Atheist are not usually hired at this type of event. So it would not be inappropriate for loved ones to hire a teacher/comfortor.Now that I have explained my reasonable postion. I'd like to ask you by who's authority are you angry?That video you saw or me are just chemicals, who cares what they think they're carbon based atom piles. They have no purpose, you have no purpose. The universe doesn't care if you/them live or die.There is no meaning to their words or mine so why do you CARE SO MUCH?Tommorrow the sun will rise the same as it always has and will.To be intellectually honest you should concentrate on nerve ending pleasure.Who cares if one group is convinced to think like the other. There is no right or wrong and you might become dirt again tommorrow.

Enistein thought he knew about 1% of the universes knowledge. If you're the same then in that other 99% could there be the possiblity of an existing god?I don't think you're an athiest but an agnostic(I don't know).

Please let me be clear so I'm not accused of coming under false pretenses.I try(not as successful as

I'd like to be) to be kind to everybody.I also have an agenda with varying degrees of intensities to be used by God. And always hang w/ people long enough to find out what you like about them.


I think I used the word seethed incorectly, I ment like to boil simmer, or begin to calm, "seeth the fires", it made sense in my head...oops lol

I was angry previously, mostly with you and your previous posts, I got a little mixed up in my last post, I'm curious to what you have to say now that I find your posts to be a little less derogatory, it was that video that got me wound up, not you, I guess I got caught up in the moment thinkin....WTF!, what is with these people protesting at a funeral and worse yet, involving their children! It just plain ol pissed me off, I'm over it now lol.

I can't really say for sure why I care so much about something so far a way, I guess when your young and have young ones you just wanna be able to solve all the worlds problems, even though thats near impossible, the desire remains, and when you see blatenly stupid people you wonder why something isn't done about it. I think this kind of sides on the same way you feel about the gay folk ( I'll never realy understood them myself), you just wonder how it can continue and gain popularity.

I dunno, maybee as I grow older I won't spaz so quickly..who knows.

Having said all that, I assure you that I am 100% athiest, I took it apon myself to learn a little about many religions striktly for info and learning, same goes for stories of aliens, I also enjoy reading all about those from a far far away place (supposedly), I just find it all interesting.

I agreee there is a huge amount of this world left unturned, I just don't belive there is god watching us. Sorry.

My parents dragged me to church and I hated it, I was bored and felt out of place, the minister would always side in the favor of my parents, when I told him how much I disliked being there, this may have also started my hate for authority, and subsequently peaked my interest into why my parents would drag me there, I asked lots of questions to many people and when I was in highschool jumped at the chance to take corses that delt with religion, I also found myself going to different churches on my own accord to find out a little more. Aside from all the stories all the religions preach they all have a similar base, like blue said, if you only read the 10 comandments, your golden. The problem with the whole thing is man, we all have a bad side, anger and hate, and mans hate is usually stronger than his rational or reason, this is why there is war.

If you get screwed over royaly by a mechanic you would let your friends & family know to steer clear, you'll tell everyone that listens, but if your mechanic is always good to you...sure you'll let people know but not to the same extent as if he pissed you off.

I could see this on 04le's post, where he talks about the nasty can of worms that would be opened, why is he so angry?, thats why I said, next step is to pick up a rifle, afterall this is how they do it over seas, if you don't belive as we do, you are less of an indavidual and therefor should be removed from the planet. To me thats rediculus, breeding fear into people via religion is common place now days, (like rocketboy and his "judgement day") except for those of us who stand our ground and say, I don't care what you belive, I'm not killing or alienating a human being over a belife, of course this may be reworded and sugar coated for followers to swallow.

No god is my sheppered cause I am not a sheep, I've watched people give all they have to a religious group all to end up with nothing, not even the help they were promised, I've seen people so brainwashed they're praying in bathrooms during dinner, or on their front porch at 2.00am, to me people like this are so peocupied with their religion they spend their whole time on earth living 50% of a life. I'm not leaven this planet with any less then 90%.

Edited by Shee-Male
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shee- male,



Thanks for your thoughtful responce,but I must admit you have added to my frustration not anger. For a long time now I've noticed a deteriortion in real conversation, between real people many times I've talked with people who will not look at me as equal.At least thats what I FEEL by the style of feedback I receive. Most "wait to talk vs. wait to listen. You did tell me how you arrived at your anger and I appreciate that.I think I read your last post with you in mind not just me.I addressed each point that you made and elaborated, but you did not return the favor. Not everybody is good at conveying their thoughts but you did and excellent job and are well spoken at what you were FEELING. Emotions are just what they are emotions, but I was hoping to find out your reason for your continued insistence on justice, morality & love (your kids) when there can be none with chemicals. I hope to try again with some of your comments in your last post I hope this won't be an illustion of real conversation or relationship even if a honest athiest thinks it's just a LCD screen!

Edited by rkc
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rkc is so damn brainwashed, its not even funny

no RKC is probally a man, supporting a woman who's had his children, trying to go through life honest and raise his kids to be the same, your problem helldriver is you think being a asshole makes you cool, it really doesnt, you think people on this forum think your bitchen with your moronic post's (they really dont) youve yet to offer a stitch of advice about a banshee, most of us have forgotten anything you could possibly ever know about a quad , i went back and read most of your post's since youve joined the hq and you really dont seem to know a hell of alot about anything, certainly not a banshee.......

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well recording man, you claim to be all rich and famous by being a common recording man,, EVERY recording man ive seen are usually making shit for money,, and know nothing of what the music should sound like,, unless you own a recording studio, you are nothing more than common recording retard


And ive been in plenty of recording stidois,, hell ive even been a few bands


i know how it works


ive been in the studio with my friends bands Suffocation, Type O negitave, and even flown to Flordia to Morrissound, with suffocation


im sure you dont know morrisound, cause it was made for metal bands, by metal people,cause assholes like you dont have a clue as to they are suposssed to sound


but at least you get it in the roost room, and dont go crying


but its funny to expose rkc, and 04le for what they really are


biblical hyprocrits

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well recording man, you claim to be all rich and famous by being a common recording man,, EVERY recording man ive seen are usually making shit for money,, and know nothing of what the music should sound like,, unless you own a recording studio, you are nothing more than common recording retard


And ive been in plenty of recording stidois,, hell ive even been a few bands


i know how it works


ive been in the studio with my friends bands Suffocation, Type O negitave, and even flown to Flordia to Morrissound, with suffocation


im sure you dont know morrisound, cause it was made for metal bands, by metal people,cause assholes like you dont have a clue as to they are suposssed to sound


but at least you get it in the roost room, and dont go crying


but its funny to expose rkc, and 04le for what they really are


biblical hyprocrits

Yeah I think I do know who morrisound is he's in Florida he has a SSL 4064 console with a MTR-90 analog OTARI 2

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I'm suprised you hung in this long Jim.... you must be bored.... Or maybe your just intrigued on what's gonna roll outa that idiot's mouth next... Whatever it is... it can't possibly be the highlight of your day...


i think your right Mike, im fucking cooked buddy, everytime this asshole responds to something i get an email.......... i need to turn that shit off in my control panel

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