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:baseball_w00t: nice :baseball_original: you guys dont know when to give up do you? this is like babysitting pre schoolers on here .its funny how atheists are so quick to defend their belief in nothing ,you really have no belief system friends ,so all you can do is ridicule ours to make your self feel better because you are weakwilled and lack faith .didnt you ever notice good always wins ? :baseball_original:


I'm not defending my belifes, I don't expect you to share them, all I asked was a question and you only reply with personal attacks, I asked you what makes you so much better?, so much more respected in the community? how old are your kids?

Edited by Shee-Male
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How is that possible that I don't know anything about you what you believe! I'll tell you why bcz men are different today. Can you imagine our grandparents or theirs hiding what they believe. Think about in their world, no tv, no remote garage doors , no cloistering behind closed doors on the internet fooling themselves of being connected to the world. They looked forward to the exspression of ideas in town hall meeting, public squares, street corners and church. It's a BIG chance stating what you believe you might be scrutinized or ridiculed, but it was equal. A relationship for Gods sake. The problem of being a passionate believer in something you might become a hypocrite bcz you haven't thought everything through you will be challenged (IRON SHARPENS IRON).

Men are filled with fear, fear, fear,(can't say I blame them entirely) evident by hyper machismo which is the gate way to the obsession with the male member theirs way way to many references to them.

G0 ahead ENFORCER tell me what you believe. Take the risk of exposeing your ideas even to the point of vulnerability. You have my word I won't take any personal shots, but I will take you to task, hold your feet to the fire, most important take it (your idea) to it's logical concluison.




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why would you bump something less than 1/2 hour later. This is why you are the pusher man!


You know....the bible states that even if your a non-beliver, and there are pearly gates, you will be judged by your actions/deeds, the way I see it I'm in good standing no matter what.

Acctually now that I thimk of it, most of the religions say the same.

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why would you bump something less than 1/2 hour later. This is why you are the pusher man!


You know....the bible states that even if your a non-beliver, and there are pearly gates, you will be judged by your actions/deeds, the way I see it I'm in good standing no matter what.

Acctually now that I thimk of it, most of the religions say the same.



Jesus was always on offence,(even at the end) me too.



I totally agree with you! Iv'e heard jewish people say the same thing (I'm married to one) they understand a little more than most.Christians don't always make themselves clear.I do believe we will all be judged by our works(what we do: behavior ,actions sins of commission & ommission etc...)but where YOU decided to live out your just judgement is your freedom of choice.I know this will sound offensive bcz the bible is to our nature.I don't want to add to it .I hope I havn't.

Edited by rkc
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why would you bump something less than 1/2 hour later. This is why you are the pusher man!


You know....the bible states that even if your a non-beliver, and there are pearly gates, you will be judged by your actions/deeds, the way I see it I'm in good standing no matter what.

Acctually now that I thimk of it, most of the religions say the same.



really ?hhhmmm i think you probably never even sat down and read the bible so face it ,you really have no clue of what the bible says other than what people say about it ,neither do your weak -willed sorry excuses for men who quote inaccurate scripture and bear false witness .im not gonna tell yo u how im better than you ,...im just telling you theres a better way to live . :baseball_whistle:

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Well Blue, 2+2=4, it's true and common sense, but there is no GOD. There is no proof, only a story book

ok 2+2 is some shit man made up, the calender, the clock, all made up shit by man, what proof do you have 2+2=4 i say it's 10, wanna argue that point........

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G0 ahead ENFORCER tell me what you believe. Take the risk of exposing your ideas even to the point of vulnerability. You have my word I won't take any personal shots, but I will take you to task, hold your feet to the fire, most important take it (your idea) to it's logical concluison.

rck,I have nothing to hide. So I will try to answer your question.

I believe in setting a moral and ethical standard and then living by those standards. These are the standards that tell us right from wrong and how to live moral productive lives. This allows me to make decisions in a moral and ethical way. And in return this allows me to be more tolerant and understanding of others who may have a different view.


Now let the stones be thrown........................

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rck,I have nothing to hide. So I will try to answer your question.

I believe in setting a moral and ethical standard and then living by those standards. These are the standards that tell us right from wrong and how to live moral productive lives. This allows me to make decisions in a moral and ethical way. And in return this allows me to be more tolerant and understanding of others who may have a different view.


Now let the stones be thrown........................



seems indirectly your morals were taught to you through the word of God ,all american ideals /concepts of our forefathers are christian based and of coarse God gave us a universal code of trying to do good in life

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I agree with rocketboy. If your moral and ethical standards allow you to be more tolerant as you say, how come you people are not more tolerant of Christians who promote a similar philosophy?

This thread is about an attack on Christian beliefs by a book (davinci code) that is admittadely (sp?) fiction. If you people were truly more tolerant you would completely stay out of this thread because this has turned into an assault on Christain beliefs by those who are anything but tolerant.

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rck,I have nothing to hide. So I will try to answer your question.

I believe in setting a moral and ethical standard and then living by those standards. These are the standards that tell us right from wrong and how to live moral productive lives. This allows me to make decisions in a moral and ethical way. And in return this allows me to be more tolerant and understanding of others who may have a deferent view.


Now let the stones be thrown........................





no stones here I'm just tring to understand/learn I appreciate your candid responce. Let me ask you who's sets your ethical standard in other words by who's authority? And I agree thats what we should be doing if we believe in standards trying to be consistent. We should respect others and their ideas.I do think that the def. of tolerance has changed it used to mean to put up with somthing you believe is false.Tolerance now means that your supposed to accept every belief is true.

Edited by rkc
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BECUASE ITS TOO DAMN FUNNY to watch all you bible assholes get all upset


this is for those morons whoc ame to a slayer show pushing this shit on us


for those who think you are better than us becasue we dont want to suck gods dick


i oove to watch you idiots preach about how you obey gods law than do the total oppiste, {04le is a good example of this}


i could care less if i offend you morons


as i think its funny to watch you cry

Edited by helldriver
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If your moral and ethical standards allow you to be more tolerant as you say, how come you people are not more tolerant of Christians who promote a similar philosophy?

This thread is about an attack on Christian beliefs by a book (davinci code) that is admittadely (sp?) fiction.

"You people"? I am only speaking for myself. I do not know what values other people have, therefor I can only speak of my own. And if your own faith was as strong as you claim, nothing could be said to you in this thread to throw you from that path. Only the guilt and struggle within could be that strong.

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"You people"? I am only speaking for myself. I do not know what values other people have, therefor I can only speak of my own. And if your own faith was as strong as you claim, nothing could be said to you in this thread to throw you from that path. Only the guilt and struggle within could be that strong.





It's nearly impossible to have multiple conversions at once (after all we are guys) & with no dissrespect to others but it might be more satisfying if you and converse for a few posts.

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