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she-male i have read the holy bible and know it pretty well... and yes i have studied the other major religions and i didnt even need to take flunky canadian summer school coarse or attend my local

community college to grasp these concepts :baseball_sleep: seems you need to grow up big time and act like a decent father and respectable member of your community ,lay off the molson(piss water) and stop watching old reruns of "strange brew"


I took additional courses because it was interesting, thats all.

I need to grow up?, your making a second personal attack at me. I am a fantastic father, my son and my next children will learn what is real and factual, and if they want to study a religion in the future fine. I wouldn't shun them if they did, unlike Christians who look down on others that don't view the same belife. I dout you even have kids, cause you sure don't have a fucking clue!

Why am I not a respectable member of my community? I'm a father/provider, pay all my taxes, coach, work hard for my family, run a small biz, and work on everyone elses projects. All this spreads me so thin I havn't even gone for a ride on the Banshee yet.

So tell me rocketboy, what is it that makes me such a terrible person??

Why are you so much better??



Just so you know Canadian brewed beer is the best, everyone knows it, I don't have to drink a case like I have to with American beer.




I forgive you so I will feel fine. You should forgive me and you will feel fine too.

We going fishing tomorrow? I am.


I'd go if you wern't so far away :wink:

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You called me a fool.

omg ahahahaha wahh wahhh


you called me a fool boo fuckin hoo


you fuckin sissy


suck it up :rolleyes:



I took additional courses because it was interesting, thats all.

I need to grow up?, your making a second personal attack at me. I am a fantastic father, my son and my next children will learn what is real and factual, and if they want to study a religion in the future fine. I wouldn't shun them if they did, unlike Christians who look down on others that don't view the same belife. I dout you even have kids, cause you sure don't have a fucking clue!

Why am I not a respectable member of my community? I'm a father/provider, pay all my taxes, coach, work hard for my family, run a small biz, and work on everyone elses projects. All this spreads me so thin I havn't even gone for a ride on the Banshee yet.

So tell me rocketboy, what is it that makes me such a terrible person??

Why are you so much better??



cock boy has to degrade evreyone else to make himself look better, he can not accept the fact that people are as good off or better than he is in life without religion


he is just another typical bible pusher that can't run his own life, but he has to try and tell you how to run yours

arrogant son of a bitch is't he

his momma needs to bitch slap him from ear to ear

Edited by helldriver
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That's true HD, but don't be to hard on cockboy. A social misfit like him spends so much time on his knee's, that he must try to bring people down to his level in order to communicate. Now lets all zip up our pants so cockboy can get off his knee's. :yelrotflmao:

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:baseball_w00t: nice :baseball_original: you guys dont know when to give up do you? this is like babysitting pre schoolers on here .its funny how atheists are so quick to defend their belief in nothing ,you really have no belief system friends ,so all you can do is ridicule ours to make your self feel better because you are weakwilled and lack faith .didnt you ever notice good always wins ? :baseball_original:

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hey i thought cockboy would be in church, being sunday morning and all


what a fuckin moron

he preaches all this god shit, and then dosent even go to the one place where he can suck off all the other bible assholes






and on coccboy, first you said i was satanist, now i'm an atheist? well can you pick one and stick to it


, dumb ass


and nope cockboy I NEVER give up

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hey i thought cockboy would be in church, being sunday morning and all


what a fuckin moron

he preaches all this god shit, and then dosent even go to the one place where he can suck off all the other bible assholes




and on coccboy, first you said i was satanist, now i'm an atheist? well can you pick one and stick to it


, dumb ass


and nope cockboy I NEVER give up



sorry to disappoint you ,but my church is huge and has several service times to accomadate attenders .I went to my usual saturday evening @6:00 service instead of the 9 or 11 o'clock ones

this morning .i like to sleep in after a long work week


the atheist remark wasnt directed at you helldriver ,i know that your not really sure what yo uare kinda like boy george or wacko jacko

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sorry to disappoint you ,

Your not disappointing anyone rocketroll, you are displaying your stupidity at a level far beyond anything I have ever seen.

First off, YOU don't know what I believe in or anything about me, and to speak as if you do is just plain foolish.

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hmm micheal is one of YOUR god discpiles as he says


and look what he does to young boys


hmm i guess its nothing out of the ordinary for you , same thing happnes in church





sorry hes not one of ours ...he doesnt do anything that the word of God wants ,also

he isnt even a christian ..he is a jehova witness - i know this is hard for you to fathom, but theres a big difference .he is doing his own thing just like yourself so he is more akin to one of "yours"




YOU don't know what I believe in or anything about me, and to speak as if you do is just plain foolish.



oh i see ..then you DO belive in God and his word ,good for yo u !now your finally starting to see the light :baseball_innocent:

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ok, so you hate jehovas, ,,, but why? cause it differs from you?


thats what i dont get all these religions, and all say each other is wrong?


so mr cockboy, tell me WHY your way is right and they are wrong,enlighten us

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ok, so you hate jehovas, ,,, but why? cause it differs from you?


thats what i dont get all these religions, and all say each other is wrong?


so mr cockboy, tell me WHY your way is right and they are wrong,enlighten us



i dont hate jehovas witness at all ,i never said that . they are a cult who follows the watchtower society instead of Gods word .they made up their own bible,their own pracitces , they make up their own rights and wrongs according to what their jehova elders say not what the holy bible says ,they have al l the makings of a selective non christian cult ,a holy bible based faith is Gods word

not what the guy behind the pulpit or an elder is saying ,IMO a minister is trying to help people understand scripture in a practical way ,he doesnt and shouldnt tell us what to do ,he should show/tell us Gods word i na way in which we can use it to serve God

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ok, so their veiw on god differs from you,,, so that makes them wrong? and they say the same thing about you,,, still makes no sense, if it all leads you to the same place , why should it matter?


and what about the mormons, are they wrong too cause they differ from your veiw?


a question, what are you? a catholic, a congragationalist , baptist what.....???

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Your not disappointing anyone rocketroll, you are displaying your stupidity at a level far beyond anything I have ever seen.

First off, YOU don't know what I believe in or anything about me, and to speak as if you do is just plain foolish.



How is that possible that I don't know anything about you what you believe! I'll tell you why bcz men are different today. Can you imagine our grandparents or theirs hiding what they believe. Think about in their world, no tv, no remote garage doors , no cloistering behind closed doors on the internet fooling themselves of being connected to the world. They looked forward to the exspression of ideas in town hall meeting, public squares, street corners and church. It's a BIG chance stating what you believe you might be scrutinized or ridiculed, but it was equal. A relationship for Gods sake. The problem of being a passionate believer in something you might become a hypocrite bcz you haven't thought everything through you will be challenged (IRON SHARPENS IRON).

Men are filled with fear, fear, fear,(can't say I blame them entirely) evident by hyper machismo which is the gate way to the obsession with the male member theirs way way to many references to them.

G0 ahead ENFORCER tell me what you believe. Take the risk of exposing your ideas even to the point of vulnerability. You have my word I won't take any personal shots, but I will take you to task, hold your feet to the fire, most important take it (your idea) to it's logical concluison.

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