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Yes, we "gotta". First off, Rocketchilds philosophies are out of step with anything that would be considered remotely intelligent. You claim shee-male is not a responsible citizen. Responsible citizen? Compared to who? You? Responsible citizens indubitably do not lead a daft jihad against those who oppose the right to ones own opinion. Your 3rd grade Sunday school banter is nothing more than modern day religious bigotry LOL, your like the little man behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz. Pull back the curtain of exhibitionism and you'll see a recalcitrant gadfly hiding behind it. :yelrotflmao:



so sue me ..please dont take that to heart... because i know youll actually try .lots of big talkas usual, so when are yo u ready to grow up internet tough guy?seems you are apparently more like the lil' man behind the curtain hiding behind your own ignorance and selfish ideals

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7) Rape of Female Captives (Deuteronomy 21:10-14 NAB)




"When you go out to war against your enemies and the LORD, your God, delivers them into your hand, so that you take captives, if you see a comely woman among the captives and become so enamored of her that you wish to have her as wife, you may take her home to your house. But before she may live there, she must shave her head and pare her nails and lay aside her captive's garb. After she has mourned her father and mother for a full month, you may have relations with her, and you shall be her husband and she shall be your wife. However, if later on you lose your liking for her, you shall give her her freedom, if she wishes it; but you shall not sell her or enslave her, since she was married to you under compulsion."



Once again God approves of forcible rape.

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so sue me ..please dont take that to heart... because i know youll actually try .lots of big talkas usual, so when are yo u ready to grow up internet tough guy?seems you are apparently more like the lil' man behind the curtain hiding behind your own ignorance and selfish ideals

So what's wrong rocketroll? Truth hurt? :flamewar: :yelrotflmao:

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Yep the truth hurts and here it is. enforcer you are the biggest poser pussy in the history of the internet. Did you call me a fool, bitch? I was your best friend for the longest time and your only friend at the end so I don't know why you can't find something better to do than come in here (I was here first) and antagonize me. I held nothing against you or your beliefs, whatever they may be, but you are rising up against MINE for no reason and it's about to get ugly.

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cockboy must have the cheapo version of the bible

cause those are right out of it


i have a copy right here, and it says that


nice try bible boy




Yep the truth hurts and here it is. enforcer you are the biggest poser pussy in the history of the internet. Did you call me a fool, bitch? I was your best friend for the longest time and your only friend at the end so I don't know why you can't find something better to do than come in here (I was here first) and antagonize me. I held nothing against you or your beliefs, whatever they may be, but you are rising up against MINE for no reason and it's about to get ugly.

oohh 04le is now on the dark side


good job


leave that bible shit behind

go with your natural insticts

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whatever they may be, but you are rising up against MINE for no reason and it's about to get ugly.

i just hope it doesnt get as ugly as his blue banshee is ..that would be bad


cockboy must have the cheapo version of the bible

cause those are right out of it

i dont have the satanic version like you

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i love it, !!! 2 typical bible puhers in the names of cokboy and 04le

just cant seam to practice what they preach, typical of bible pushers though


it seams their holier than thou stuff, is only good at certian times



man thas thread is just getting going!!!

i love it :evil:

Edited by helldriver
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Yep the truth hurts and here it is. enforcer you are the biggest poser pussy in the history of the internet. Did you call me a fool, bitch? I was your best friend for the longest time and your only friend at the end so I don't know why you can't find something better to do than come in here (I was here first) and antagonize me. I held nothing against you or your beliefs, whatever they may be, but you are rising up against MINE for no reason and it's about to get ugly.

Fuck off douche bag, and stop trying to turn this into a personal attack on me bitch! :yelrotflmao:

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i love it, !!! 2 typical bible puhers in the names of cokboy and 04le

just cant seam to practice what they preach, typical of bible pushers though


it seams their holier than thou stuff, is only good at certian times

man thas thread is just getting going!!!

i love it :evil:



exposing your ignorance is not hypocracy . like i said im not holier than thou in no way shape or form, but theres right and wrong and its pretty evident as to which choice someone chooses

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Fuck off douche bag, and stop trying to turn this into a personal attract on me bitch! :yelrotflmao:

You mean attack dumbass. Are you man enough to meet me in person pussy. You are only 4 blocks away. April just left. She said you are a douche bag. She talks to Pam. Pam says you are dickhead. I hope you have been training because I have. Pussy.

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i just wonder how mnay of these bible idiots that "claim" that they are into this religion and then dont even go to church to give praise to the one they say they hold so dear


i bet none of them have stepped foot in a church in years, other than to get sucked off by a preist every now and then

Edited by helldriver
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Fuck off douche bag, and stop trying to turn this into a personal attack on me bitch! :yelrotflmao:



oh now yo u went and did it ..thats sexual harrassment and slander and could land you in jail

better hope he doesnt act like a coward poser and try to sue you in court ...oh wait thats you im thinking of

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