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i love when they bible pushers say "oh its gods will" that is THE biggest bullshit crap they can try and feed you

gods will is just another bullshit answer they give, when they dont have a STRAIGHT up answer

god says in the bible he is not of this world so i gotta go with you on that...if he was no way he'd see a baby die, he created heaven on earth for us and we fucked it up, when he cleans up this shit hole he can remember the baby resurect his soul and tell you to ride his nuts, so in your case yeah there isnt a god and when you die in 20 years yer done, but that little kids coming back for another shot in a perfect world

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i asked you a question, you cant answer it


that = you have no clue as to what one is


thank you

hahahaha yea ok whatever you say. why dont you enlighten me and tell me what you think makes someone a badass. we can even weigh your badass level against mine if that would be easier for you.

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dude, im probably more of a badass than you. im not gonna sit here and tell you how to be a badass.

The heart of the wise study to answer and yeah brooke, your a badass. Just look at your sig and stuff. Helldrivers sig is a little more badass though. Yours will scare 6 year olds but his will scare

8 year olds.


I think you ARE a badass helldriver because you humbled yourself enough to

inquire as to what may be more "badass" than yourself.

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i didnt have any one particular badass in mind.


The Fonz Brooke, the Fonz!

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i agree brooke anyone ive ever seen that was a darkside badass would at minumum, sever a few fingers or even his testicles to prove he's on the darkside, ill bet helldrivers afraid of his own shadow if he wasnt such a pussie he'd sever his penis and wear it as a testament to his bad ass darkside self......i mean anyone can listen to slayer and pretend there bad, a true darkside fella would mame himself, i see guys on the streets of LA with there ear lobes as necklaces, i think helldriver is a bitch......

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The heart of the wise study to answer and yeah brooke, your a badass. Just look at your sig and stuff. Helldrivers sig is a little more badass though. Yours will scare 6 year olds but his will scare

8 year olds.


I think you ARE a badass helldriver because you humbled yourself enough to

inquire as to what may be more "badass" than yourself.

im pretty sure that no picture in anyones sig will make them a badass.


helldriver, i never claimed to be a badass, i just said im probably more of a badass than you. on the sliding scale of badass vs. pussy, im way higher on the badass scale than someone who can barely comprehend a simple sentance and whose only connection to the dark side is the bride of chucky.


The Fonz Brooke, the Fonz!


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well how do you know youre more a bad than me, as you cant even explian what one is?

i know what its NOT, and since you happen to encompas everything that isnt badass, i can pretty confidently say im more of a badass than you.

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