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Da Vinci Code


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You are probably the most incorrigible person I have ever met. That construction company you work for is probably just a gypsie clan and a van. I seriously doubt you could hold a job for very long in any other work sector that involves a hierarchy of supervision. The prospect of you ever completing a formal education is to small to be considered a prospect. Other than that, have a

good day.




So anyway, breaking it down like Deuce said, the Bible says that God is the Father. When you are a kid, your dad may have to threaten to beat your ass, and if you don't listen he may even do it. When you (human race) gets older (spiritually), dad doesn't beat your ass anymore. He just tells you he loves you and he hopes that you listen and learned all of your lessons when you were a kid because he knows that he taught you right. So He turns you loose with a loving message because he knows that you want and deserve to be free to go and do your own thing. He is also much more wise than you and he knows that if you don't heed his advice you will get YOURSELF into all kinds of trouble. The beautiful thing about Dad's love is that He loves you so much that if you ever get yourself into trouble or if you just miss being close to his love and wisdom, all you have to do is call on him and he is there. That is the bible in a nutshell except for all of the essential messages of truth and wisdom, the learning and application of which will make anyone a better person.

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wow, for a supossed christian that isnt supoosed to judge people, you sure have alot of issues


and again you going on that "god says , scripture says bullshit,,, that is just silly that because a book says so, how bout something other than words to back it up bible asshole,

i mean what about other religions tha claim there word is correct,, and yours is wrong,?

there are countless books that claim things, so i guess i shoudl just belive that too huh?


and wow, you belive in beating your kids?? man good thing you werent my dad



i bet you would condon beating your wife and your dogs too


so thank you for further proving as to why christains are hyprocrits :yelrotflmao:





and the probablity of anything in tye bible is correct is about 1938475785903848 to 1

the probablity of scince being right is much higher







i hope you realize that is non christian behavior, and is indulging in your natural emotions,,


but than again its very typical for a christain asshole to not follow his own book :yelrotflmao:


good job man,, you shall soon be a member for the legions of hell -l-

Edited by helldriver
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But yet when someone calls you an atheist you deny it and proclaim something even

more absurd. If you say that God does not exist then you are an atheist.

However, you promote the "dark shit" to the detriment of life. Good luck with that.

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and it seams gods purpose came from murder,and destruction,


and that i have no problem with

what i have the problem with is you denying it, and then claiming god is all good

if yoyu god does exist, he is not the all good god you say he is


i mean there is no defending where he says to kill everybody that does not follow him







and oh some little facts i dug up


Quick Fact:


In the US, the number of non-religious people has more than doubled from 14.3 million in 1990 to 29.4 million in 2001; their proportion has grown from just eight percent of the total in 1990 to over fourteen percent in 2001.


This was the greatest increase in absolute as well as in percentage terms among all religious groups.


Source: 2001 American Religious Identification Survey.





Quick Quote:


"As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion..."


From Article 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli 1797. Unanimously ratified by the U.S. Senate and signed by President John Adams.




Edited by helldriver
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Dude no one says you have to believe anything but it is clear that whatever you

"believe" in has made you a vile person with no compassion for or understanding

of yourself or your fellow man. As long as you continue repeating yourself with the same misconstrued, out of context "points" that ignore the big picture of God's purpose, I'm sure

that myself or some one else will continue to offer you correction. I'm going to take a seventh

inning stretch. Talk over you soon.

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and it seams gods purpose came from murder,and destruction,


and that i have no problem with

what i have the problem with is you denying it, and then claiming god is all good

if yoyu god does exist, he is not the all good god you say he is


i mean there is no defending where he says to kill everybody that does not follow him

and oh some little facts i dug up


Quick Fact:


In the US, the number of non-religious people has more than doubled from 14.3 million in 1990 to 29.4 million in 2001; their proportion has grown from just eight percent of the total in 1990 to over fourteen percent in 2001.


This was the greatest increase in absolute as well as in percentage terms among all religious groups.


Source: 2001 American Religious Identification Survey.



Quick Quote:


"As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion..."


From Article 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli 1797. Unanimously ratified by the U.S. Senate and signed by President John Adams.




atheism = socialism


" the masses are the asses" - plato

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all you do is take parts of the book that fit your agenda, and ignore the other parts

and when i point them out, you say oh its out of context or some stuipd shit


now again how is god saying to kill anybody that doesnt follow him out of context?


and i beilve in love, giving as much as possible to those who deserve it


while you assholes are suposoed to love even your enimeis, but clearly you dont follow that, as 04le proves in ever post he makes


he clearly is following the natural laws, only he's too stupid to see that


i also belive if someone dose you wrong, you must smash him back with full force


kindness goes to only those desreving, not waste it on low life scum



that is hardly a atheist veiws


it more along the lines of levayism, or Crowley


and if god existed, i think in this time and age of more people losing instrest in religion, that he should make himself known and do something about it


hell i give i god the middle finger every day, i poke fun at that homo jesus, and that whore mary, i deny god in every way, and he hasent done damn thing about it,, fuck em -l- \m/

Edited by helldriver
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