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its my own will, nobodys elses


and it certianly wont be the will of your bullshit god

yeah ok Gods will :yelrotflmao:


i guess it is gods will that takes the life of newborn babies that did nothin g wrong, or its gods will that takes the lives of 4 year olds, again, that did nothing wrong,

well try and tell the mother of that newborn, that is was gods will, and the kid is in a better place you bible asshole!!


i love when they bible pushers say "oh its gods will" that is THE biggest bullshit crap they can try and feed you


gods will is just another bullshit answer they give, when they dont have a STRAIGHT up answer


I find it odd HD that you believe religion is a farse even though morality is based on religion. A person with no morals in my opinion would have no regard for human life. Yet you care enough that it makes you angry. Don't give me the line that you are born knowing right and wrong, that's simply not true. I'm gonna guess something like this has happened in your family. And since God seemingly wronged you, you have some sort of vendetta against him. Is there any truth to that?

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once again its NATURAL emotions god has nothing to do with it.


god had never done me wrong, cause he dont exsist









i wonder how a some people that live in some remote palce that never heard the word of your bullshit god, can make desions or judge right from wrong,,,???


now back to gods will, come on bible thumper dont aviod it

answer it!!!

Edited by helldriver
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once again its NATURAL emotions god has nothing to do with it. morialty had nothing to do with religion, for none beliversnyways

i wonder how a some people that live in some remote palce that never heard the word of your bullshit god, can make desions or judge right from wrong,,,???

Have you ever heard of cannibalism? How come some people in remote locations believe that it's ok while you would disagree? I assume you disagree from your other statements and your regard for human life. But in your world where you believe there is proof of evolution I don't see why you'd hold life so dear, if something dies it's natural right? But for some reason you blame God for the death of an infant...

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umm ther has NEVER been one documented case of a tribe ANYWHERE t hat practices canniblasim EVER!!


now the meaning of canibilsm is that you must live off it,,,

now of coarse there has been caases where people have eaten people or tried it,,, but never has there ever been a case of humans that live on it


hell famous serial killers such as ed gein, and jeffery dahmer have eaten people, but not to live off it


youre lack of knowlegde amazes me :yelrotflmao:


and yes i agree if a baby dies is nature taking its coarse,, bUT in youre disillused world, god HAD to have done it, cause god is the only answer,, or so you claim,, and because you cant admit your god is a baby killer, you try and rationalze it with "gods will"

i see it for what it is,,,, you dont

Edited by helldriver
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youre lack of knowlegde amazes me :yelrotflmao:


Interesting it's like you only want to see one side of the story all the time isn't it. How about this one.


However, the evidence supporting its existence is abundant and is represented in every medium imaginable, including stories, symbols, legends, writings, archeological evidence and first hand accounts. Cannibalism is a practice that reaches across centuries and cultures. In many cultures, it is considered atrocious and sacrilegious, whereas in another culture it is a sacred and revered custom. Cannibalism is an undeniable occurrence rooted in antiquity and branching forth to the present-day.
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now look at the real world,,, you see moron, i read about this stuff,, i bet youre the type that thinks the faces of death movies are real :yelrotflmao:



where did that quote come from?, did you take it out of context/? hahaha thery NEVEr sasid it was aFACT,, man youre so stupid


come on man, its been proven that NO tribes ever, have ever, or most likely will ever use casnniblism as a diet to live on,


show me proof that this ever happened?? come on i defy you to find proof


i wish it did happen, cause its a fucklin cool concept,, although it only happens in horror movies,,,,


even on the discovery channel thay had a segmnbt about canniblism is they couldnt prove there was ever one tribe anywhere that did that



well than agian, you belive in unicorns, and noahs ark,and adam and eve etc,

Edited by helldriver
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meat VIDEO review


Was that predictable or what! as soon as it started with that little reading about symbolism (the most important one of all left out that blood represents life). I knew immediately this was not going to talk about cults and religion but exclusively(95% 5% others for balance)slamming Jesus. What a waste of time pbs liberals who hate God & the USA (other smears of course). You would holdup and side with a emasculated condescending foreigner! I guarantee that cold smug brit has faith in a god thats fashioned in his on image. Talk about cult like, he'd make a perfect man worshipping leader. propaganda to the hilt one sided swill. Go out tonight look at stars look at your children nieces and nephews and say just piles of chemicals. remember no God,no right or wrong just raw nerve ending pleasure.

Edited by rkc
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again there is NOT one shred of evidence supporting a fatual case of a tribe anywhere living off people,, again show me a case


they only speculate,,



am i afraid to die? dunno, i dont wanna die yet,



i guess as long as i go quick, and then i wanna be stuffed, this way i can always be around,,,, watching :evil:

and then you could find me at some guys garage sale, :jesterlaugh:


but if you wanna find out when your time is up go here







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again there is NOT one shred of evidence supporting a fatual case of a tribe anywhere living off people,, again show me a case


they only speculate,,

am i afraid to die? dunno, i dont wanna die yet,

i guess as long as i go quick, and then i wanna be stuffed, this way i can always be around,,,, watching :evil:

and then you could find me at some guys garage sale, :jesterlaugh:


but if you wanna find out when your time is up go here





Re read my last post you don't know the definition of cannibalism.


You want to always be around? What kind of believe does that stem from?

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yes i read it,, bUT i said find one case of a tribe living off people, likek you said there was



i said there has been cases of people eating PARTS of people,, but NEVER a tribe of people that practice it as a diet



clearly i was joking, cause once youre dead, youre fuckin dead but iw ould love to be stuffed!!!!!

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yes i read it,, bUT i said find one case of a tribe living off people, likek you said there was

Again your reading comprehension has really messed you up. I never said that people live off of people I only said cannibalism. You are the one who tried changing the definition, you even said

you see moron, i read about this stuff
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im still wating for that ONE documented care of a tribe living off human flesh :yelrotflmao:


beyond horror movies, metal lyrics, and imagination, it simply doesnt exist

but its damn interstering either way

:yelrotflmao: he never said a tribe was living solely off human flesh. omg this is a riot hahaha

he just said there are tribes who indulge in cannibalism. cannibalism, as in, a human eating the flesh of another human.

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and again, there is

NO proof of that


show me some


come on brookie, you opened your mouth for something other than a hot load of jizz

so show me proof

show me ONE tribe anywhere that eats human flesh

other than a serial killer,,, like ed kemper or ed gein, and the occisional operson that eats a part of his buddy to survive,, it simply dosent happen,, there is NO tribe that practices it,, well i'm waiting brookie

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