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"If there is no God, why is there something rather than nothing?"


Two options: either no one created something out of nothing or else someone created something out of nothing.


Which view is more reasonable? Nothing created something?


And if you can't beleive that nothing caused something,then you don't have enough faith to be antheist!




Norman L. Geisler

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rkc, i thought you said you were NOT going to relpy to this thread anymore?





youre just a typical bible asshole,, lies all the time, cant even do one thing he says hes gonna do


and who said anything about being an atheist? im not one im into the dark shit



and if there is a god,,, who/what created him?



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rkc, i thought you said you were NOT going to relpy to this thread anymore?

youre just a typical bible asshole,, lies all the time, cant even do one thing he says hes gonna do


and who said anything about being an atheist? im not one im into the dark shit

and if there is a god,,, who/what created him?





HD maybe this is part of the problem. You need to slow down when you read, I said I wasn't going to respond to you any more. Look at that, you got me to break my vow of silence,your good! I've got to admit theirs somthing likable about you especially when your civil.(sarcasm)


MY last post was not directed to anybody inpaticuler.(I just like typing & yes I am a hypocrite you don't know the half of it)


I"ll answer the question(no riddles). there is a law of Causality it's a very important to everybody thats why you used it. The def.is everything that comes to be needs a cause.God did not come to be. No one made God. He is unmade. As an eternal being,God didnot have a beginning, so he didn't need a cause!

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i do believe kotin hit the nail on the head. :laugh:


and who said anything about being an atheist? im not one im into the dark shit


helldrivier, the dark shit? so far all youve said youre into for dark shit is horror movies and death metal. whats the deal? youre dangerously close to admitting that you do follow a religion of sorts.

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i do believe kotin hit the nail on the head. :laugh:

helldrivier, the dark shit? so far all youve said youre into for dark shit is horror movies and death metal. whats the deal? youre dangerously close to admitting that you do follow a religion of sorts.




HEAR HEAR! no wonder why the boys chase you all around the room. You gotta love that cranium!

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brookie i thought we went through this before, i told you how i think, what i belive in,,, go back and re-read it


i told you i read and am very intersted levey ,crowley . the christian bible, etc and a host of others


and god did not have a bgginging? and that is so because....??????


well we know god had dabbled in necrohilla, baby killling, murder. rape, incest.. so yup he is the all mighty :yankyank:


im still curious as to the qyestion i have not been able tyo get a answer for


WHY is your religion right, and all the thousands of others wrong? and why do you hate other religions that say they worship god? ya know they think you are wrong, and they are right,, so whats the deal preacher man?

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HEAR HEAR! no wonder why the boys chase you all around the room. You gotta love that cranium!

:happy: :wink:


brookie i thought we went through this before, i told you how i think, what i belive in,,, go back and re-read it

no you didnt!!!! you said you believe in indulging in your 'natural emotions, desires' blah blah. youre into evil dark shit but you arent a devil worshipper. you dont believe in god and think religion is for morons, yet you arent an atheist, which in turn would mean you believe in some sort of religion..... :baseball_wacko:

you make no sense. i think you believe in doing what you want, when you want, especially if it means bashing christians cause you think its a cool rebellious thing to do. hows that working for you so far? gotten you a lot in life?


i told you i read and am very intersted levey ,crowley .

but they were satan worshippers or something, and you said you didnt believe in satan. you still arent explaining what you BELIEVE in

well we know god had dabbled in necrohilla,

omg you are still saying the necrophelia thing AHAHAHAHAHA dude, we have told you over and over, that passage was about sleeping with a dead mans wife, not a mans dead wife



you need to brush up on your reading comprehension skills.

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i bleive in myself, no other higher power,, yes, i indulge in my natural emotions, cause sin is just something made up the reluigious people , its their way of using scare tatics


until is ee proof of any higher power



and yes i despise the bible asholes that preach to other people, push religion on others, when they cant even run their own lives right, yet they want you to?? makes no sense



just like those bible asholes pushing their belifs on people outside the slayer show


i tried to talk to them, but they couldnt answer one of my questions, they just kept quoting the bible, and then when i quoted parts of it,, they acted liek they ahd never heard of that,, then i grabbed one of the bible those assholes were giving people, opened it up, and showed them where god says itr ok to kill, rape, and stuff , and they couldnt belive that i actually knew about thats tuff,, of coarse i spit at them took the bible and wiped my ass with it, cause it was funny, as they took much abuse from people, it was quite fuuny


and yes brookie, i like to get the bible assholes all in a uproar,,, it funny, and very easy,,, offending them is quite funny,and brookie, by your own admission you dont know anything about religion,, you cant even make one quote from the bible without looking, so please let the people who know stuff about it, speak here

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brookie i thought we went through this before, i told you how i think, what i belive in,,, go back and re-read it


i told you i read and am very intersted levey ,crowley . the christian bible, etc and a host of others


and god did not have a bgginging? and that is so because....??????


well we know god had dabbled in necrohilla, baby killling, murder. rape, incest.. so yup he is the all mighty :yankyank:


im still curious as to the qyestion i have not been able tyo get a answer for


WHY is your religion right, and all the thousands of others wrong? and why do you hate other religions that say they worship god? ya know they think you are wrong, and they are right,, so whats the deal preacher man?






My religions not right my relationship is. Jesus filled in the gaps to the big mysteries. It's the most plausible, logical, sciencitific and all formable education in this country is founded in christianty were not (or shouldn't be) afriaid of facts.

And you bet I hate other religions(love can't be love without limits) but not the people if a religion is deceiving people and leading them down I have/want to try to turn them with respect & kindness. Gods a gentleman He doesn't shove his relationship down anybodies throat (what's the point of free will?) Thats why this place and the likes are so great it's free and safe(relatively lol)

and I should approach relationships the same way & if I don't I hope I'm open to correction.


If I hated other religions why do keep trying with you!

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well the other religions say the same thing, so AGAIN who is right and why are they right?



and what about the bible saying if you dont belive in god, you must be kiiled, and or sent to hell ,,{and yes that is not out of context} and a question i also have not gotten a answer for, BUT anyways,,


NOW, Consider all of the people who live in the remote regions of the world who have never even heard the "gospel" of Jesus Christ. Consider the people who have naturally adhered to the religion of their parents and nation as they had been taught to do since birth. If we are to believe the Christians, all of these people will perish in the eternal fire for not believing in Jesus. It does not matter how just, kind, and generous they have been with their fellow humans during their lifetime: if they do not accept the gospel of Jesus, they are condemned. No just God would ever judge a man by his beliefs rather than his actions.


and you speak of free will but in fact the free will you speak of is not free,


It is also written that I was given free will with which to choose if I will go to hell or not. How can you possibly deem something free when you must fear consequences? That completely conflicts with the definition of free. If I were to hold a gun to your head and say

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well the other religions say the same thing, so AGAIN who is right and why are they right?

and what about the bible saying if you dont belive in god, you must be kiiled, and or sent to hell ,,{and yes that is not out of context} and a question i also have not gotten a answer for, BUT anyways,,


NOW, Consider all of the people who live in the remote regions of the world who have never even heard the "gospel" of Jesus Christ. Consider the people who have naturally adhered to the religion of their parents and nation as they had been taught to do since birth. If we are to believe the Christians, all of these people will perish in the eternal fire for not believing in Jesus. It does not matter how just, kind, and generous they have been with their fellow humans during their lifetime: if they do not accept the gospel of Jesus, they are condemned. No just God would ever judge a man by his beliefs rather than his actions.


and you speak of free will but in fact the free will you speak of is not free,


It is also written that I was given free will with which to choose if I will go to hell or not. How can you possibly deem something free when you must fear consequences? That completely conflicts with the definition of free. If I were to hold a gun to your head and say

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who ever said freedom would be consequence free.I'm free to drill a whole in a wall that might have a water pipe in it (it does concern me fear) but thats not what free means. It means you don't have to earn it!

hey now thats a good quote right there. good way of explaining it. :smile:

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nope, i think thats a pretty good discription of what free will is, and the difference of your free will is that you dont know if their is a pipe behind the wall.. I know that god says i'll be killed if i dont obey him,, you see the difference


and like you dont make up defintions of things to cover up unanswed questions, and contradictions of the bible :rolleyes:


and god will be fair to them??? WTF,, well thats mighty nice of him :shoothead: but you had better hope all those other religions gods are fair with you, as you dont belive in them


man sometimes your stupidity amazes me

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