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im saying all of the bible is real . some text can be seen as told through a life lesson story to make it more easy to understand . in my findings i see alot of rockers are turning to christ .


.Alice Cooper said divine intervention is what broke his drinking habit in the mid-1980s. "I honestly think I was simply and completely healed," he said. "I guess you can call it a miracle. It's the only way I can explain it. It was absolutely eliminated from my life."


Cooper has often been called the model for today's shock-rockers, including Marilyn Manson. While he doesn't criticize Manson for his on-stage theatrics, Cooper takes issue with Manson's anti-Christian stance.


"He's very vocal about it," Cooper told KNAC.COM. "I believe [the Manson album] AntiChrist Superstar was pointed right directly at me. I didn't volley the first shots in this whole thing. His whole anti-Christian thing, and I'm like 'Hey, I'm Christian, and I'm not going to denounce what I believe.' I can be a rock 'n' roll star, a Christian and Alice Cooper."


Cooper continued, "I think Marilyn had a really bad Christian experience when he was younger. My guess is he got involved with some less-than-Christian-Christians and that really, forgive the expression, nailed him. You know, he's one of the greatest button pushers I've ever met. And I know that game because I invented that game...Manson clicked because he found a whole new set of buttons to push, he even pushed my buttons, which is pretty impressive since I was pushing buttons before he was born."


Cooper's embrace of Christianity was more a return to faith than a coming to faith. "I was pretty much convinced all my life that there was just one God and there was Jesus Christ and there was the Devil," he told KNAC.com.


"You couldn't believe in God without believing in the Devil. I always tell bands that the most dangerous thing you can do is to believe in the concept of the Devil or the concept of God, because you're not giving them full credit. When you believe in God, you've got to believe in the all-powerful God. He's not just God, He's the all-powerful God and He has total control over everyone's life. The Devil, on the other hand, is a real character that's trying his hardest to tear your life apart. If you believe that this is just mythology, you're a prime target because you know that's exactly what Satan wants: To be a myth. But he's not a myth, of this I'm totally convinced. More than anything in the world, I'm convinced of that."


Cooper said, "We have to make a choice. And everybody, at some point in their lives, has to make that choice. When people say, 'How do you believe this? Why do you believe this?' I just say nothing else speaks to my heart. This doesn't speak to my intellect, it doesn't speak to my logic - it speaks right to my heart and right to my soul, deeper than anything I've ever thought of. And I totally believe it. That being said, I'm not a very good Christian. I mean, none of us are ever 'good' Christians. That's not the point. When you're a Christian, it doesn't mean you're gonna be good, it means you've got a harder road to pull."

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and alot of them are turning away from christ


glenn benton of deicide burning a upsidedown cross in his forhead


with songs such as "kill the christian" "go fuck your god" and bible basher





and if you say aLL the bible is real,, than you MUST acknowledge that god says its ok to rape, murder, kill,


thats all im saying

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and alot of them are turning away from christ


glenn benton of deicide burning a upsidedown cross in his forhead


with songs such as "kill the christian" "go fuck your god" and bible basher


glenn who ?? :huh::jesterlaugh: ..nobody knows what or who your even talking about .I mean people who actually made a difference in rock ,others include moody blues, kansas, grand funk, and the list goes on...


and if you say aLL the bible is real,, than you MUST acknowledge that god says its ok to rape, murder, kill,

thats all im saying


your ship sank 15 pages back on that idea,you are beating a dead horse . how many times are you gonna post this nonsense ,thats not what the bible is about and yo u know it and so does everybody else whos actually read it.

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and those bands you mentioned,,, who cares about washed up old shit liek that anyways



well the early rock bands are what set the stage for newer ones and developed what rock was supposed to sound like .just because some obscure death metal band denounces christianity and makes up some scary songs doesnt mean much of anything ,theyve been doing this since the 60's

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i agree, but my problem with classic rock is the fact that 90 percent of the people that say they lke it,, only know the radio songs, and dont dig inott he actual albums,,


i like cream, blue cheer, stephen wolf, deep purple etc,, bUT i know more than the radio songs,,, i mean eVERY fuckin classic rock station plays the same damn songs 5 times a day,,, i mean do i really need to hear the same damn cream song?


but yes i enjoy alot of it, those bands indeed set the stage for what was to come

Edited by helldriver
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I just want to thank Shee-Male for bringing some credibility (at least initially lol) and some clarity to this whole matter. You guys have presented your argument very well, but it still boils down to this: #1 you say we are just one step above a monkey while at the SAME time you say #2 we are the supreme being of the infinite universe, even though you can in no way prove that, that is just your belief and therefore that is were your faith lies. In a nutshell, that is your argument no matter how you slice it.


Thanks to Sheemale now we see that it is not just one or two twisted elviras, but also some semi-normal "joes" with a mortgage and mouths to feed. It is now very clear to see that one side accepts a message of love and tolerance while the other side FEEDS on a message of F-god, hate and violence and the only thing that MIGHT keep them in line is their fear of maybe going to jail.


IMO, you guys who hate God have simply had it too good for too long. Christianity BUILT this comfy world you live in, you pathetic ingrates. Also, alot of people in this world come across times in their lives when they might not have enough to eat or even have a roof over their head. It is good when those people, at unfortunate times in their lives, have a little bit more moral guidance to base their actions on than just their fear of maybe going to jail, which for them may be a big improvement in their living conditions. I would prefer that they would maybe concider seeking a church supported shelter or the help of some other Christian outreach program instead hurting someone I love.


I'm no stranger to troubles in my life and I've done things I'm not proud of but as I grow I do strive and hope to be better and I take comfort in the fact that, since I see evidence of God in this Universe, the Bible says that all those who choose to, can present Jesus in their heart to the Almighty as an offering of the perfect nature which we should have, but we have not.

















Shee-male, if you want to be an upstanding father for your child, you may want to concider tossing out the death metal. It's about time you grew out of that childish phase anyway don't you think? Have you already told your little boy that you or him or his mom could accidentally be killed any day (you never know) and that you are all just worm food? Did you tell him that you want him to keep his faith in the worm food theory no matter what he may hear or feel about God in his heart? <_< Why don't you tell him what science has proven, which is that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transduced (change of state) and that our life energy may very well live on. Give the boy a little hope for God's sake.

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hahah 04le you now have just confirmed what ive always thougth, youre a MORON


next time you are sick and need some medication to make you better , you can thank science for that,, you wouldnt even have asprin for your headache if it wasent for science


i dont see ANYTHING that i can hold.touch, use that god had made


and you talk about death metal ?,, well then you havent read the bible from cover to cover,, there is more mayhem, and death going on there that god says its ok to do,,,


you bible prechers are such damn hyprocrits all you have done is twist the bible inot what you want it to be, and ignore parts of it,,,,

Edited by helldriver
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I love how 04le says christanity built this country :rotflmao: This is the biggest sack of horse shit and only an EXTREME MORON would believe something this retarded. The VERY FIRST AMENDMENT of the constitution is based on the Separation of church and state. The mian reason why the forefathers came to this country was for religious freedom. They listed it as their top goal in forming America. AS a Matter of fact most of the fore fathers weren

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Well you see 04LE it's like this, I AM AN UPSTANDING FATHER, I don't aspire to be I AM!, I don't listen to death metal, I listen to "heavy metal" or agressive music (you prolly call it devil music), I relate with it and it's lyrics, the world is fast paced and there are so many things that piss me off and organized religion is #1.

If my son should come home one day and say "Dad, I want to go to church", I would gladly take him, and try to answer any ?'s he may have with an unbiased opinion (yes it would be difficult), and if he decides thats how he wants to live his life then so be it!, unlike you christions I don't force feed him any religious belifes, I don't preach the "worm food theory" to him nor do I preach Holy hocas-pocas. Thats what organized religion dose, They force feed you this crap from day one, making you baptise your children branding them at an early age to start brainwashing and then they follow suit a generation later, well this cycle stop with me!. William (my son) can baptise himself when he's old enough to make his own decisions. Why should a belife stop him from marrying who he wants, or choosing the food he can eat, orwho he wants to fight for, look at the world around you, there are children being killed for what their parents branded them, they don't know wtf going on, their just kids!

My boy will grow to stay true to what is real to him!

He's 3 now and let me tell you, he's far more intersted in the latest Hot wheels track, or pixar movies then to be exposed to a force fed religion, when he grows older, he can make that decision for himself.

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Well you see 04LE it's like this, I AM AN UPSTANDING FATHER, I don't aspire to be I AM!, I don't listen to death metal, I listen to "heavy metal" or agressive music (you prolly call it devil music), I relate with it and it's lyrics, the world is fast paced and there are so many things that piss me off and organized religion is #1.

If my son should come home one day and say "Dad, I want to go to church", I would gladly take him, and try to answer any ?'s he may have with an unbiased opinion (yes it would be difficult), and if he decides thats how he wants to live his life then so be it!, unlike you christions I don't force feed him any religious belifes, I don't preach the "worm food theory" to him nor do I preach Holy hocas-pocas. Thats what organized religion dose, They force feed you this crap from day one, making you baptise your children branding them at an early age to start brainwashing and then they follow suit a generation later, well this cycle stop with me!. William (my son) can baptise himself when he's old enough to make his own decisions. Why should a belife stop him from marrying who he wants, or choosing the food he can eat, orwho he wants to fight for, look at the world around you, there are children being killed for what their parents branded them, they don't know wtf going on, their just kids!

My boy will grow to stay true to what is real to him!

He's 3 now and let me tell you, he's far more intersted in the latest Hot wheels track, or pixar movies then to be exposed to a force fed religion, when he grows older, he can make that decision for himself.


you must have went to a very shitty church that didnt follow the bibles teachings .William will listen to exactly what yo u tell him ,he loves yo u ,belives you ,and expects yo u to show hi m the way in life and all you have to offer him as a father is an idea that we came from pond scum? I can hear yo u telling him an ansewer to his concernd question of where we came from and yo u say " son i am an accident in infinte time ,yo u are also an accident as well ,theres nothing to guide us or that created us as loving beings ,nothing matters in our brief life spans . this world around yo u is nothing but a blink... then we are nothing but dirt again " but im sure yo u wont use those words exactly ,youll sugar coat them for him .why??? because yo u dont want him to have nothing to live for like his dad ...but this is exactly what your saying unfortunatly .

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cockboy that is the most disturbing and stuck up shit i have ever heard, quote { you dont want him to have nothing to live for like his dad} unquote I mean saying you dont want the kid to turn out like his father,, youre a fuckin asshole, that has NO RIGHT to judge someone like that ,,


typical christian thinking you are better than everyone else


what is it because he is probably better off than you without religon?




well im here to say with that statement you have proved excately what i thought the whole time

you christians are hyprocrite judgemental assholes, that think youre better than everyone esle,, you should try and run your own life before you tell someone how to run theirs


is your life really that sad cockboy?

Edited by helldriver
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you must have went to a very shitty church that didnt follow the bibles teachings .William will listen to exactly what yo u tell him ,he loves yo u ,belives you ,and expects yo u to show hi m the way in life and all you have to offer him as a father is an idea that we came from pond scum? I can hear yo u telling him an ansewer to his concernd question of where we came from and yo u say " son i am an accident in infinte time ,yo u are also an accident as well ,theres nothing to guide us or that created us as loving beings ,nothing matters in our brief life spans . this world around yo u is nothing but a blink... then we are nothing but dirt again " but im sure yo u wont use those words exactly ,youll sugar coat them for him .why??? because yo u dont want him to have nothing to live for like his dad ...but this is exactly what your saying unfortunatly .


No, I'll tell him 2 people were created out of thin air, had kids, then those kids slept with each other and had kids and those kids slept with there brothers, sisters, parents, uncles and aunts for thousands of years and now theres you. Clearly your brainwashed mind can't even fukin read, I said I don't preach any belife to him, if he ask's were he came from, the answer is simple, his Mom. 3 year old children don't ask why are we on earth what is the big picture?...do you have kis rocketboy? children are guided by their parents.

My family and friends give me pleanty to live for fuckface, I'm am not so weak that I have to rely on a fairytale to "guide" me, I will show Willy the ropes of life without the hinderance of religion, until he is old enough to chose for himself.



cockboy that is the most disturbing and stuck up shit i have ever heard, quote { you dont want him to have nothing to live for like his dad} unquote I mean saying you dont want the kid to turn out like his father,, youre a fuckin asshole, that has NO RIGHT to judge someone like that ,,


typical christian thinking you are better than everyone else


what is it because he is probably better off than you without religon?

well im here to say with that statement you have proved excately what i thought the whole time

you christians are hyprocrite judgemental assholes, that think youre better than everyone esle,, you should try and run your own life before you tell someone how to run theirs


is your life really that sad cockboy?


Your right Helldriver, so typical it isn't even funny anymore :angry:

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What was all that garble?......lay off the hard drugs man.

Whats real you ask? family, taxes and science, not a story book. Do you whatch the news?

I have unfortunatley read the bible and used to go to Sunday school & attent church regularley as an alter boy. Then one day I realized what a crock of shit the bible really was,

Continue to belive in yourself.

Long live athieism...a non profit orginization!

I have too unfortunatley read the bible and used to go to catholic school till 8th grade, every day of my life i got it stuffed down my throat, im not real savy for mans religion, but there is a god, the fables you read in the bible are there to try to teach something....just read one page, the commandments, follow those and your golden

and as far as whats real the taxes you pay you could avoid, you can live without family and science is mans theory

whats real is the air your breathing and the blood in your veins, take those away for a few minutes and your history, thats for real, if you have read the bible you must have missed the word love written there over ten thousand times most people skip by them and come back with the whole burn in hell thing, hell in the old testment is scheoul meaning your grave, jesus went to hell for three days, and like god im a father also not to many parents would toss there children into a burning pit for eterinity, but i know ive sure threatened to if my kids didnt knock the bullshit off, if there is a god and after you die he brings you back to life and asks you if you now want to live forever, tell him to go fuck himself.........

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