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  Meat said:

also, just wanna say that I think most of the religious folk seem to be very nice people and I dont have any problem with them worshiping whatever they wanna worship.

Meat, notice the difference between you and the things Helldriver says...


This thread has 2 things in it that keep me checking in on it.


1st The fact that people preach evolution but even scientists who spend their whole life studying it can't prove it.


2nd The fact that Helldriver is so intolerant of others beliefs. The level of insult he has shown against people of faith is absolutely disrespectful. The pictures he posted and things he brags about doing should be troubling to people no matter what their belief, even you'd have to admit that Meat. Is Helldriver somebody you could go hang out with?


PTT, good point, insults and attacks are uneeded. Most of my friends are religous to some extent, they don't push their views on me and I don't push my views on them, and we're good.


But your comment about how scientists spend their life studying evolution and can't prove it I'd have to disagree with. Many people spend their entire lives studying god and are much farther away from proving he exists than we are of proving the theory of evolution.

  Meat said:


Blue D, I still love ya man, but I think the same as Helldriver, I think... you think... this whole god thing is a buncha bullshit. :shrug: I mean everything you ever posted before this thread gave me the impression that you are not the slightest bit religious. I guess its hard to judge a person by what they write down on an internet forum :blush:

meat i got nothing but respect for you man.......but everyone has to realize religion and god are two very different things im not in any way shape or form religious...........ive researched way to much to think a fish becomes a monkey and a monkey a man......enstien wasnt relgious he came to the conclusion there must be a god........evolution is a 200 year old theory, same fucking time some idiot said the earth was flat.......they dont teach it in school anymore..........proof wise scientificly theres more proof that there is a creator than there isnt......relgion is mans thing........saying jesus fucks babys, or budda sucks cock, Ala buttfucks young boys is irelevent.......my arguement which NO ONE has posted one single fact is, theres no fucking evolution.......otherwise, wheres the fosil of one of these wonders? you all claim are real, why did eveolution stop? scientist's cant turn a monkey into anything other than a monkey, some moron saw a catipiller turn into a butterfly and claimed evolution, meat if you took some time and researched both sides of the coin youd come to the same conclusion as i have....in grade school i was taught evolution and the height of it was a picture of a circle with a fish, a monkey and a man in it, it was the center fold of my science book, the reaserch will show you the chances of a big boom and all of a sudden, billions of formulas for life appearing and sustaining would be like hitting the lottery everyday for some ten million years......and for what its worth theres more documentation that some kid named jesus walked the earth doing crazy magic tricks than there is that george washington abe lincoln, marty king, and JFK lived.....hell there might not even be any scientist's alive still that believe in evolution, theres none that i know of......

  Meat said:

:whistling: I just like riling you up. :shrug: :biggrin:

exactly why i ignore most of your posts. passive aggressive. coy. instigator.


k then, let get back on subject of how man was created....



heres what im' thinkin'.... lets look at the facts as I see em and then I'll add some of my thoughts....


K. On one hand you have the theory of evolution, and it hasnt proven to the world 100% conclusive evidence for their case :shrug: . they just havent found that 'missing link' that would make evolution a truth and not just a theory.


On the other hand you have religion. Religion teaches the theory that man and everything in the cosmos(did i just say cosmos ? :biggrin: ) comes from a god or gods. God created man and everything with miracles.


Now from my standpoint, being raised without religion and being a big fan of logic, I have to throw out the theory of religion right away. Im sorry, it just sounds too far fetched to me.


My logic tells me that we could have very well evolved throughout thousands upon thousands of years, we have fossil evidence of primiative man. A coupla species actually. But the facts are evolution has a few missing links. So I can't side 100% with the evolution side. But I'll tell ya this, im 95% wit em. :thumbsup: I don't know enough about the subject to be 100%. :geek:


Deeeeep thoughts...

I recall hearing that we share 99% of our DNA with Bonobos, a type of chimp. :shrug: :ninja:

Maybe evolution and religion are both wrong and man was put on Earth by aliens. :shrug: :ninja:

Could "god" be an alien or perhaps a bonobo ? :ohmy: :ninja:

Bonooooobo is a fucked up word. :biggrin:

  Brooke said:

exactly why i ignore most of your posts. passive aggressive. coy. instigator.


I think you enjoy my ramblings :whistling: . Maybe im not an instigator, but someone who trys to makes people think outside the box, someone who stirs the fire when the fire goes dead. Maybe Im not being coy, but trying hard to sound clever, funny and entertaining ? Maybe Im not really passive aggressive, but actually an honest to goodness nice guy and I don't fall into that "hater" persona that is all over the internet.


I do like to read your posts.


I think this thread is complicated enough without throwing scientology into the mix, lol.


And I think its also worth noting that I am not a 100% supporter in evolution either, but like Meat said, when you step back and take a look at the evidence for both sides, it makes me lean toward the theory of evolution, heavily. And there is alot of support out there for evolution, in fact I just watched a special on the Discovery channel not too long ago.

  Meat said:

I think you enjoy my ramblings :whistling: . Maybe im not an instigator, but someone who trys to makes people think outside the box, someone who stirs the fire when the fire goes dead. Maybe Im not being coy, but trying hard to sound clever, funny and entertaining ? Maybe Im not really passive aggressive, but actually an honest to goodness nice guy and I don't fall into that "hater" persona that is all over the internet.


I do like to read your posts.

and maybe im just pissed that such a smart nice guy chooses to be so manipulative and condescending sometimes.


  Meat said:

does sceintology say we came from aliens ??

yes it does.

  Brooke said:

and maybe im just pissed that such a smart nice guy chooses to be so manipulative and condescending sometimes.

yes it does.



I'll try to not be so condescending. I'd like to think that im not talking down to anyone, but instead challenging thier opinions by asking "why" and "how". I just havent' perfected my communication skills yet :biggrin: I realize that.


Religion teaches the theory that man and everything in the cosmos(did i just say cosmos ? ) comes from a god or gods. God created man and everything with miracles.
I coulda been condescending in that statement, but I wasnt. I made a concious effort in how I worded it. :thumbsup:
  Meat said:

dwell on this meat buddy, every design has a designer, our banshee's didnt just appear someone thought them up.......... as far as the missing link dont you mean about 600 million missing links?.....what one fish turned into one monkey who turned into one man and theres the human race? would that be adam, then he jacked off and stuck his nut up his ass and 9 months later there was Eve?, you need to remember a dude and a chick had to evolve?..............my father in law has launched several apollo missions and he's a scientoligest, he beleives theres a higher power but............he also dangles his keys over a menu when we go out to eat to see what he should eat, hopeing the spirits will tell him which fucking salad to eat....ironicly he's also a vegan thats why whenever when go out to eat with my father in law i order the steak and potato,(just to fuck with him) when my son was 2 foot tall he would walk out onto the drivway and grab the lug nuts on the car(probally to keep from falling over) and grandpa would say "look" he must have been an auto mechanic in another life.............that in a nut shell is why duece doesnt believe in a religion..........its all just a bunch of whacky fuckers trying to jamb there shit down your throat..........

  Meat said:

I'd like to think that im not talking down to anyone, but instead challenging thier opinions by asking "why" and "how".


and this is how man evolved, asking the "hows" and the "whys"....

this is also how man makes the right choices, rather then following blindly


Meat, i need too correct you on one thing. it wasnt thousand upon thousands but rather millions upon billions of years, slight error :thumbsup:


Duece your right. I need to remember there is a difference between religions & thier zany rituals and the theory of god.


Ya know those preachers who bring sickly folk up on his stage and they put thier hands on thier sickly persons feet and god heals thier bunyons, or the preachers that say the craziest shit like that Jerry Fallwell guy or Pat Roberts ?? These are the guys that are blowin' god's street cred with fellers like me :biggrin:


and we didnt evolve from fish to monkey to man, you know its more complex than that.


Random thought.....

alot of animals have.... two eyes, one mouth, four legs, one heart, two lungs, hair, toenails, teeth, sex organs, kidneys, a liver, a nervous system, a brain, veins, skin, blood, two nostrils and a nose.

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