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Da Vinci Code


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Ok a little different direction, the question is what would happen if it was proven there is or isnt a god.


here is my answer:

If god was proven absolutely to not exist, I think it would be good for mankind in general. There would be less wars, people would get off their asses and actualy do somthing to help themselves since they would know there is no god to do it. It would take time but it would be a good thing to happen, we could get on with life and not have to worry with what would jesus do.


On the down side the economy would go to shit for a short time. Think of all the loss in revenue that religon brings, how much money does the vatican have? What does it cost to build all the ornate churches? How much money do old ladies send to evangilists? How much is made selling bibles? All the crosses and religous junk made and sold in the world. All that money would be up for grabs. Of course tell the pope he needs to give up all that money and power since there is no god. You prove there is no god and a huge power struggle will commence to get control of all that money and power.


On the other hand if you could get all that money for cancer reaserch, convert the churches in to housing for the homless, use the vatican resourses for scientific reasearch. Think of all the good that could be done if we put all the time, money and effort of religon to other uses!!! We could already have a good space station, or people living on mars, cures for all sorts of ailments. Cloned body parts to help people with damaged organs or limbs, the list is endless!!!

Now if god was proven to exist, the world would stop functioning as it does and we would all just pray alot and hope we die soon so we can go to hevan. I would not want to keep living this boring existance paying bills and taxes and working my ass off just to pass time untill I can move on to a better place!! I would be a thrill seeking junkie not caring if I die since I would be in a better place. What would be the point in making the world a better place, it would be a waste of time. I would just go to church and pray and do what the lord says then try and hurry to hevan!!




:clap: couldn't have said it better myself...

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I'm not going to pick it apart, and this is not an attack on you but just an observation of your analysis, which is that it represents a very shallow view of the human condition.


Here is a simple answer. How about everyone center their souls in mercy and tolerance and don't hate your brother or sister because they love God. I for one appreciate the wide range of social and cultural diversity in this world and so does Jesus. Peace.

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you moron Christians love to talk about how loving, dutiful and compassionate you are, yet I have yet to see ONE on here who does not practice hypocrisy to the highest degree. your willful ignorance of the Bible combined with your two faced idealism to preach it, is too fuckin funny For nearly two thousand years Biblicists have been lecturing people on the importance of adhering to the Bible

Edited by helldriver
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^^^^Well that post IS representative of your ignorance, however seeing as that you posted it only 1 minute after my post above, and since its grammer and punctuation is representative of slightly higher than your 4th grade education, I'm going to guess that you were just waiting in the wings to pounce with that lame post. You need to get laid loser.

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anybody heard chris barnes new band torture killer, wow.

havent heard it yet, bUT i just picked up the new slayer cd today "Christ illusion" it kills


and it made the top 10 billboard!!! {but that is irrevant, id rather not have that happen}



for thrash metal, that is amazing



This thread is about helldriver not being man enough to get over his fear of God. Take God or leave God but don't hate on those who wish to seek God.


and you should learn not to shove god down peoples throats because someone dosent agree with your god

so until then i will to contuine to bash jesus with a passion

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cockpuffer you've tried to shove the fact there is no god down everyones throat for 103 pages now, so for you to talk about someone else pushing there opinion is a joke.....................whats making me laugh so fucking hard is you'll post "Hi i'm hellsmoker and i suck cock" and then have to go back and edit it AND still spell half of it wrong..........

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and it is fuuny as hell how they get all upset when you poke fun at that asshole jesus



it too funny watching them scramble for bible quotes and silly rantings,,





and not once did I preach to them about not beliving in god,, i mearly stated facts, point out the things in the bible they choose to ignore, and just cause some good ol chaos :jesterlaugh: they on the other hand go on a preaching rant, when you disagree with them


reverend rkc is a prime example of this

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there ya go again dude you typed 5 half sentences and you had to edit them you dont have one fucking post without an edit.......fuck man are you that stupid?...........scan your fucking high school diploma and post it, i can see why you dont think theres a god your to fucking stupid to grasp it, you must stock one hell of a shelf or something for a living, cause you cant spell, your fucking grammer is nill, and your dumb as the day is long, no fucking wonder your pushing 40 and not married, your a fucking moron, what did you huff fucking paint or something cause you cant afford real drugs?

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there ya go again dude you typed 5 half sentences and you had to edit them you dont have one fucking post without an edit.......fuck man are you that stupid?...........scan your fucking high school diploma and post it, i can see why you dont think theres a god your to fucking stupid to grasp it, you must stock one hell of a shelf or something for a living, cause you cant spell, your fucking grammer is nill, and your dumb as the day is long, no fucking wonder your pushing 40 and not married, your a fucking moron, what did you huff fucking paint or something cause you cant afford real drugs?

ok, you are sTILL using YOUR in the wrong context here

are you that stupid?


well yes you are :headbang:


love spell checkers that cant spell themseves,,, that is always the way it works too





just remember (god is dead and i am alive ) , and helldriver is only trying to help all you beleivers from waisting your lives beleiving, when you could be having fun and riding you qaud more.

fuck ya!!!!! :headbang:

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