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Ok a little different direction, the question is what would happen if it was proven there is or isnt a god.


here is my answer:

If god was proven absolutely to not exist, I think it would be good for mankind in general. There would be less wars, people would get off their asses and actualy do somthing to help themselves since they would know there is no god to do it. It would take time but it would be a good thing to happen, we could get on with life and not have to worry with what would jesus do.


On the down side the economy would go to shit for a short time. Think of all the loss in revenue that religon brings, how much money does the vatican have? What does it cost to build all the ornate churches? How much money do old ladies send to evangilists? How much is made selling bibles? All the crosses and religous junk made and sold in the world. All that money would be up for grabs. Of course tell the pope he needs to give up all that money and power since there is no god. You prove there is no god and a huge power struggle will commence to get control of all that money and power.


On the other hand if you could get all that money for cancer reaserch, convert the churches in to housing for the homless, use the vatican resourses for scientific reasearch. Think of all the good that could be done if we put all the time, money and effort of religon to other uses!!! We could already have a good space station, or people living on mars, cures for all sorts of ailments. Cloned body parts to help people with damaged organs or limbs, the list is endless!!!

Now if god was proven to exist, the world would stop functioning as it does and we would all just pray alot and hope we die soon so we can go to hevan. I would not want to keep living this boring existance paying bills and taxes and working my ass off just to pass time untill I can move on to a better place!! I would be a thrill seeking junkie not caring if I die since I would be in a better place. What would be the point in making the world a better place, it would be a waste of time. I would just go to church and pray and do what the lord says then try and hurry to hevan!!


Your IQ test was right, you are a genious, smarter than Einstein could have ever hoped to be.

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the fact that we all (even if some of us are down troten morons such as helldriver) have compassion proves theres a god, any canine cornered will bite out of fear helldriver, your a fucking dog trainer now i supose, you keep asking brooke to answer some lame fucking question how about answering my banshee question asshole, if you really do own a shee im selling the three i own...i think at this point you need to post a pic of these bikes you say you own with a little sign that says banshee hq on them..............

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umm blue douche, compassion is a NATURAL emotion, it has nothing to do with god


and sorry but not every dog will bite out of fear or when cornered,,,, go to your local pound and pick out a dog thats been mistreated, and you wills ee that, but again some dogs will, and and again training them is how you aviod it,, and if you mistreat a animal in any way,, you should not have one,, simple as that


and again i guess if you go on that theory, i guess when your wife is bad, you beat her, or get rid of her?



and umm i have pics of my quads up here before,, and i just put picks up recently from my last GNCC race

Edited by helldriver
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umm blue douche, compassion is a NATURAL emotion, it has nothing to do with god

and umm i have pics of my quads up here before,, and i just put picks up recently from my last GNCC race

thats my point if we all came from a frog we wouldnt all share that emotion, and i call bullshit on your race crap post a pic of those bikes that say bansheehq...i gotta pic of you suckin dick wanna see it.......

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well according the bible, we came from dirt,,, so i find that hard to belive


and you call bullshit on anything you want,, I call bullshit on your recording abilitys,, ive been in studios, and you idiots are a dime dozen,,, you dont know shit about how a band shouild sound

Edited by helldriver
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well according the bible, we came from dirt,,, so i find that hard to belive


and you call bullshit on anything you want,, I call bullshit on your recording abilitys,, ive been in studios, and you idiots are a dime dozen,,, you dont know shit about how a band shouild sound

dude even after you edit your post you cant spell!!!!!, fuck your a moron, what the fuck were you doing during 4th grade?, you havent been in a studio asshole you been in some fucks 20 dollar an hour play ground, if your a studio guru what pins hot on a studer A-27

Edited by Blue Duece
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the fact that we all (even if some of us are down troten morons such as helldriver) have compassion proves theres a god, any canine cornered will bite out of fear helldriver, your a fucking dog trainer now


ok, talk about spelling,,,, i think you meant to say YOURE not your you dumb ass spell checker ahahahahahahah


i gotta love the spell checkers that can't spell themselves,, that is always funny



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i like how you ducked the recording question, typical smokepuff, or hellsmoker, taintdiver, hellpuffer, doaddriver, cockdiver, polesmoker........wheres those banshee pics? whats an eventide 3500, or a 1073? how about a tc2290...........your a fuckin tool

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i like how you ducked the recording question, typical smokepuff, or hellsmoker, taintdiver, hellpuffer, doaddriver, cockdiver, polesmoker........wheres those banshee pics? whats an eventide 3500, or a 1073? how about a tc2290...........your a fuckin tool

spell check asshole!!!!



AHAH again


its"YOURE "not "your"


you mental midget

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Ok a little different direction, the question is what would happen if it was proven there is or isnt a god.


here is my answer:

If god was proven absolutely to not exist, I think it would be good for mankind in general. There would be less wars, people would get off their asses and actualy do somthing to help themselves since they would know there is no god to do it. It would take time but it would be a good thing to happen, we could get on with life and not have to worry with what would jesus do.


On the down side the economy would go to shit for a short time. Think of all the loss in revenue that religon brings, how much money does the vatican have? What does it cost to build all the ornate churches? How much money do old ladies send to evangilists? How much is made selling bibles? All the crosses and religous junk made and sold in the world. All that money would be up for grabs. Of course tell the pope he needs to give up all that money and power since there is no god. You prove there is no god and a huge power struggle will commence to get control of all that money and power.


On the other hand if you could get all that money for cancer reaserch, convert the churches in to housing for the homless, use the vatican resourses for scientific reasearch. Think of all the good that could be done if we put all the time, money and effort of religon to other uses!!! We could already have a good space station, or people living on mars, cures for all sorts of ailments. Cloned body parts to help people with damaged organs or limbs, the list is endless!!!

Now if god was proven to exist, the world would stop functioning as it does and we would all just pray alot and hope we die soon so we can go to hevan. I would not want to keep living this boring existance paying bills and taxes and working my ass off just to pass time untill I can move on to a better place!! I would be a thrill seeking junkie not caring if I die since I would be in a better place. What would be the point in making the world a better place, it would be a waste of time. I would just go to church and pray and do what the lord says then try and hurry to hevan!!







I keep waiting for genius thoughts to migrate through your posts.....I'm still waiting. If you REALLY wanted to go in a different direction you should have made your first question rhetorical to yourself and let the rest of us try to answer objectively or subjectively.

Since you failed to be honest in wanting to go in a different direction (proof is that your answer went in the same direction) What a surprise you you don't believe in God! Except for the one fashioned in your own image. So really you should have skipped the question and gotten straight to your faith based flawed premise. Even your attempt to see it through believer eyes failed , evident by "it would be a waste of time".

I didn't have to go far into your answer (14 words) to find a major flaw in your continuity "good for mankind" (obviously my major point, driven home until some unbeliever takes me to task) If there is no God there is no "good for man kind" or anything else There is no bad , no worse, no better, no greater, no lesser,no higher , no lower, no purpose, no meaning, no significance,NO LOVE. SORRY if there is no God then we are just carbon based molecules smashed together for no apparent reason. Can you imagine a rock rising up and claiming to be our judge to rule whats right and wrong over us. WHAT A JOKE, talk about a waste of time. Again, who cares if you can talk, we're still rocks (we just look better.... oh yeah there is no better) Unbelievers are just cheap thieves stealing concepts of love meaning & significance from those of us who have the authority of reason to believe in eternal ideas.

"Good for mankind" can only come from a Holy (person) eternal God, not temporary chemicals. It pains me (not really) to do your thinking for you (unbelievers), but this would be your only original concept "nerve ending pleasure" in whatever form that comes in (no difference) murder, torture, unloving sex ,help feed the poor, kiss your children, what ever FEELS good . Go for it, time is short. Despair

Edited by rkc
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good for mankind can only come from god>/



Kill People Who Don't Listen to Priests


Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the LORD your God must be put to death. Such evil must be purged from Israel. (Deuteronomy 17:12 NLT)




Kill Witches


You should not let a sorceress live. (Exodus 22:17 NAB)




Kill Homosexuals

"If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives." (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)




Kill Fortunetellers


A man or a woman who acts as a medium or fortuneteller shall be put to death by stoning; they have no one but themselves to blame for their death. (Leviticus 20:27 NAB)




Death for Hitting Dad


Whoever strikes his father or mother shall be put to death. (Exodus 21:15 NAB)




Death for Cursing Parents


1) If one curses his father or mother, his lamp will go out at the coming of darkness. (Proverbs 20:20 NAB)


2) All who curse their father or mother must be put to death. They are guilty of a capital offense. (Leviticus 20:9 NLT)




Death for Adultery


If a man commits adultery with another man's wife, both the man and the woman must be put to death. (Leviticus


and i love thsoe preists that fondle young boys in the name of god, they are holy men,, and look what they do,, yup god is all good :yelrotflmao:


god did not give us those emotions,, what about early cave man,, i guess they had no emotions huh?


because god couldnt have created early cave man, cause the bible dont date back that far


and RKC saying unbelivers are just cheap theives,, is rkc thinking he is better than everyone else,,, i mean really, a little arrogrant i think, but yet typical of a bible asshole

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I keep waiting for genius thoughts to migrate through your posts.....I'm still waiting. If you REALLY wanted to go in a different direction you should have made your first question rhetorical to yourself and let the rest of us try to answer objectively or subjectively.

Since you failed to be honest in wanting to go in a different direction (proof is that your answer went in the same direction) What a surprise you you don't believe in God! Except for the one fashioned in your own image. So really you should have skipped the question and gotten straight to your faith based flawed premise. Even your attempt to see it through believer eyes failed , evident by "it would be a waste of time".

I didn't have to go far into your answer (14 words) to find a major flaw in your continuity "good for mankind" (obviously my major point, driven home until some unbeliever takes me to task) If there is no God there is no "good for man kind" or anything else There is no bad , no worse, no better, no greater, no lesser,no higher , no lower, no purpose, no meaning, no significance,NO LOVE. SORRY if there is no God then we are just carbon based molecules smashed together for no apparent reason. Can you imagine a rock rising up and claiming to be our judge to rule whats right and wrong over us. WHAT A JOKE, talk about a waste of time. Again, who cares if you can talk, we're still rocks (we just look better.... oh yeah there is no better) Unbelievers are just cheap thieves stealing concepts of love meaning & significance from those of us who have the authority of reason to believe in eternal ideas.

"Good for mankind" can only come from a Holy (person) eternal God, not temporary chemicals. It pains me (not really) to do your thinking for you (unbelievers), but this would be your only original concept "nerve ending pleasure" in whatever form that comes in (no difference) murder, torture, unloving sex ,help feed the poor, kiss your children, what ever FEELS good . Go for it, time is short. Despair



See thats the reason these disscusions turn nasty, you turn you attack on the person and not the question. You made a halfass attempt to answer my question but still tried to discredit and attack me on a personal level. Why is that? why not just make an honest attemp at answering the question, I asked the question then gave my answer to it as an example in the hopes people could understand what it was I was asking.


It was very simple, what would happen if God was proven to exist or not? I didnt say would people belive it, or would science try and prove it wrong. I didnt ask about your ideal of humanity's worth due to god. I am saying if god was proven to exist what would happen? If god was proven not to exist what would happen? By proven I mean either god himself came down and made it perfectly clear in our minds using his god powers that he was real, or the bible was with out a doubt proven wrong using time travel to see the begining and it was not as the bible says.


So one more time, the argument of god cant be proven or disproven, so i am asking what happens if it was. We always argue about the existance but not the implacations of actual proof.

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wasnt that the 12 dudes that followed jesus around?

Hey rkc, how was that for genius??



thats fuckin funny shit right there


and yup, it seams the bible pushers are the ones that first fire the shots at the person instead of the question, and then cry when it goes back at them , and they TRY make to themselves look better,, hell they actually think they are superior to the non belivers,,, they are quite arrogrant, i guess that their own lives are in such turmoil, that they need tro try and bring other people down, and tell other people how to run their lives, when they should really look at themselves and figure how to get their own lives in order before they tell you how to

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