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i can play that game too

i am asking you a question that you obviously have no answer to.


instead of diverting attention away from your horribly ignorant mistake, why dont you explain to us where in the bible it says to fuck dead people. or admit youve misinterpreted it and stop citing misinformation.



if you cant address that issue then all the arguments you copy and paste from your devil worship sites are completely discredited.


you make such elementary mistakes in your logic. your ignorant ramblings make me embarassed to be a non-believer.

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hey brookie, i got a question for ya


can you FINALLY tell me WHAT one has to do to become a bad ass?


i mean you should know about this, being you are a self proclaimed bad ass


you have NEVER answersd this, you just studdered


and you mentioned you have a "attitude".. can you expian what this so called "attitide" is that you have?

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hey brookie, i got a question for ya


can you FINALLY tell me WHAT one has to do to become a bad ass?


i mean you should know about this, being you are a self proclaimed bad ass


you have NEVER answersd this, you just studdered


and you mentioned you have a "attitude".. can you expian what this so called "attitide" is that you have?

i have answered those questions already. now answer mine.

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ok, and if you look back in this thread, i have answered yours, about 16 times


and you nEVEr answerd what it takes to become a bad ass,, or is it because you havent clue as to what you are saying?

i gave examples of what i thought a bad ass was, and you said i was wrong,, so again, please tell us


nor have you explianed this attitude you have


cause all I see from here is a poser,,, unless you can explain

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ok, and if you look back in this threrad, i have answered yours, about 16 times


and you nEVEr answerd what it takes to become a bad ass,, or is it because you havent clue as to what you are saying?


nor have you explianed this attitude you have

you havent answered mine. where in the bible does it say to fuck a dead person?? the example you gave was saying if one brother dies, the living brother should be with or take care of the dead brothers wife. not a dead wife. we pointed out the misinterpretation over and over yet you still use it. whats the deal??


for the millionth time, the badass comment was an insult. saying im probaby more of a badass than you. me, a mere GIRL. like i explained to you before, its like me saying my 18 month old niece is more of a badass than you. or saying my grandma is more of a badass than you. do you get it yet??


and i dont even know what you are talking about with the attitude thing.


now answer my question. where in the bible does it say to fuck dead people??

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again, i have answered and talked about the stuff like 16 time over with the bible morons,, so you must go back and search for it,, because if i post it again, you will bitch that i just repeat myself



so you are saying youre more of a bad ass than me? umm ok sure if you want to be :shrug:


being i havent a clue as to what a bad ass is



so it seams you do, and you think you are one, so all I want to know is what the specifactions are to be a bad ass,,, thats all, and being you know all about this,,, you can tell us



or will you avoid the question again?

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again, i have answered and talked about the stuff like 16 time over with the bible morons,, so you must go back and search for it,, because if i post it again, you will bitch that i just repeat myself

so you are saying youre more of a bad ass than me? umm ok sure if you want to be :shrug:


being i havent a clue as to what a bad ass is

so it seams you do, and you think you are one, so all I want to know is what the specifactions are to be a bad ass,,, thats all, and being you know all about this,,, you can tell us

or will you avoid the question again?

if you have no other proof of fucking dead people in the bible then admit youre WRONG. the one example you cited for it, was misinterpreted by you. oh wait, i mean by whatever dumb fuck wrote it on whatever satan worshipping site you got it from.


and you are obviously too numb to get the badass insult, so give it up.

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how can i get the bad ass insult, when i dont know what it takes to be a bad ass?

and you seam to know what one is, since i posted what i thought one was and you told me i was wrong,,,,,, so for the millionth time

please explain!!!!!!!

give it up dude. you dont get it. or are just trying to argue for the sake of arguing. either way, im not in the fucking mood.

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ohh youre not in the mood



well then thats when i really pour it on :evil:

and i see you cant answer what you said you are,,



youre just a fuckin a poser, :yelrotflmao:



it kinda sucks though,, i guess i'll have to go through life not know what makes one a bad ass

and being our sites self proclaimed bad ass {brooke} cant help me out here :shrug:

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rkc, I appreciate your presence and your pre-sense. Congratulations on suffering helldrivers ridicule of school yard proportions with such grace.


41So they left the presence of the Sanhedrin, rejoicing that they had been found worthy to suffer dishonor for the sake of the name.




any dog will bite out of fear i dont care how good it is...........if you have a son and a daughter and the son is going to shoot the daughter would you shoot the son to save the daughter or let the son kill the daughter?


"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear". 1John 4:18 I agree Deuce. Any dog will bite out of fear.


As to your question, imo the understanding is to be found with the daughter; but also the son in this case. I believe that the father can easily restrain the good son who will only suffer a bruised heel in his victory over the evil temptation, but a gun in the hand of the bad "son" will probably get someone shot.


What if the son can see an intruder behind the daughter that no one else can see? Do you trust a good son to take the shot?


I think that it is most wise for the son to call attention to the father and to wait for the father to make his move in this case.


If the gun were in the hand of the daughter, just wait until she starts shooting and have faith that she misses you or that the father intercedes.


Trust in God to equip you with the means to keep your family safe.


Amazing question really.

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well if your kids are gonnashoot one aonther, that is called bad parenting, and they should shoot you



so this asshole 04le belives that if you kids are bad, you should kill them or get rid of them,,, :yelrotflmao:


and not evry dog is gonna bite out of fear you stupid assholes,,,

did you ever see a dog that was beaten or abused,, {ya know the onew that 04le owned}


the dog is too scared to do that, and the person who did that to the animal should be beaten

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Ok a little different direction, the question is what would happen if it was proven there is or isnt a god.


here is my answer:

If god was proven absolutely to not exist, I think it would be good for mankind in general. There would be less wars, people would get off their asses and actualy do somthing to help themselves since they would know there is no god to do it. It would take time but it would be a good thing to happen, we could get on with life and not have to worry with what would jesus do.


On the down side the economy would go to shit for a short time. Think of all the loss in revenue that religon brings, how much money does the vatican have? What does it cost to build all the ornate churches? How much money do old ladies send to evangilists? How much is made selling bibles? All the crosses and religous junk made and sold in the world. All that money would be up for grabs. Of course tell the pope he needs to give up all that money and power since there is no god. You prove there is no god and a huge power struggle will commence to get control of all that money and power.


On the other hand if you could get all that money for cancer reaserch, convert the churches in to housing for the homless, use the vatican resourses for scientific reasearch. Think of all the good that could be done if we put all the time, money and effort of religon to other uses!!! We could already have a good space station, or people living on mars, cures for all sorts of ailments. Cloned body parts to help people with damaged organs or limbs, the list is endless!!!




Now if god was proven to exist, the world would stop functioning as it does and we would all just pray alot and hope we die soon so we can go to hevan. I would not want to keep living this boring existance paying bills and taxes and working my ass off just to pass time untill I can move on to a better place!! I would be a thrill seeking junkie not caring if I die since I would be in a better place. What would be the point in making the world a better place, it would be a waste of time. I would just go to church and pray and do what the lord says then try and hurry to hevan!!

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