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fmf pipes

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this is to anyone that has ever had the fmf power cores on their shee..I have a grab bar from dg and the mounting brackets are long enough on the silencers therefore the grab bar restricts it from reaching the holes to put the bolts in..any grab bars that will fit with the pipes??

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alright..thanks a lot..sorry it took so long to respond..new to BHQ. i'm lookin at a stock grab bar..will that work??



Stock will definitely work, but I'm almost wondering if there is something you can do to make what you have work out....what kind of grab bar is on there now? Do you have a pic to better describe the problem you're having?

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I bought my shee used..and it came with a dg exhaust and dg grab bar..it worked out..but now im upgrading..but I don't know all that much about some of the aftermarket parts that the guy before me installed..the closest thing that I found to the one on it..is the dg fat series..and I would post pictures..but my digital camera was dropped (accident) and now doesnt work..basically..the bar is dropped down instead of straight back..for whatever reason..and the silencers on the fmf's are taller..but the mounting bracket doesn't reach up enough..so the silencer hits the bottom of the bar..and the hole in the bracket doesn't reach up far enough..if that helps any..

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The FMF silencers come with a mounting kit, that moves them out from the grab bar. I used to have FMF's and they cleared my fat grab bar, with the FMF mounting brackets. You should have got 2 aluminum spacers, 2 rubber grommets, 2 rubber washers, and 2 steel washers, with the silencers, unless you bought them used.

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