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nology coil and wires. the msd cdi runs off of batteries that last aprox. 2 hrs per charge, if you are just drag racing it would be the way to go. general riding i would look in to dyna. but what ever you do don't get a pro com engineering cdi. thay are trash ,your bike either wont start with out being pulled or will die when you try and rev it. i went through 4 of them before i got my money back.

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nology coil and wires. the msd cdi runs off of batteries that last aprox. 2 hrs per charge, if you are just drag racing it would be the way to go. general riding i would look in to dyna. but what ever you do don't get a pro com engineering cdi. thay are trash ,your bike either wont start with out being pulled or will die when you try and rev it. i went through 4 of them before i got my money back.




If you get the inline charging circuit, that plugs in between the stator, and the voltage regulator, you don't have to worry about the battery going dead, unless you let it set there and idle for several hours. The charging circuit costs about $30-$35 extra, but it's well worth it. I've had the MSD for 4-5 years, and I've never had any problems with it.

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I have the MSD ignition and for the money I would have gotten a port job instead. But It's not a bad system just expensive. It was very easy to install, but your key will no longer work with this igition. Not a big deal to me because I can just take out the battery a carry it with me, because it's a very small battery and it will not run without the battery unlike a key you can't hot wire it.

You can set your timing advance and retard and change it when you want easily. I have remote control batteries from remote control cars on mine. They will last up to 12 hours and only cost about 15 bucks each. I would recommend the MSD, but only after you've done other mods first. Port, Vforce, pipe, etc. Cause for the money, it not a great improvement.

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