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hey, what's everybady doing

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Rebel youre onto something with the whole redistribution of wealth thing. and how bout we get rid of some of the state and federal taxes on our gas. anyone have the numbers on that? how much of what we are paying are state and federal taxes? A LOT.  federal gas tax is 18.4 cpg and my states tax is 25.2 cpg  http://www.gaspricewatch.com/usgastaxes.asp


the oil companies are for-profit businesses and have shareholders to answer to.  so its a bit of a tough shit situation there.


we definately need more refineries, and we need to be happy we arent paying $6+ a gallon like some other countries.




That's a good indication of why no one other than the taxpaying consumer wants to do anything about the high prices of fuel . Thanks for the specifics Brooke. Unlike other countries , here you will see one person driving the four door 2500 dually back and forth to work, or the Suburban with 2 kids and a dog to school, everyday. I drives me a Ford Ranger 50 miles a day to work , avg. 27 MPG. Where over in other countries there will be small econo boxes full of smelly bastards all pitching in on the cost of commuting. I see a major trend shift towards hybrids coming. Hybrid Tahoe ????!!!! :huh::cry:

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I think its funny that those who are still supported by mom and dad and havent rerally lived yet think everything is just fine-buy a house raise a family-the American Dream-then tell me how everything is just fine.To those who have the Silver spoon,God bless you,but to the rest of us who have to make it on their on,things dont look so rosey---Keep Hope Alive :cheers:

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The price per barrel going up is due to the increased competion from china and Inda who 10 years ago did not buy half of what they do now. The rag heads are pumping up the price since we arent the only ones buying a shit load of oil any more.


The oil companies are still making a killing on gas/stocks or they would not have such a large profit margin.


Other countries do hate us, and we are falling apart from the inside out. Too many imagrants bringing their culture and beliefs from their shitty countries and trying to make ours shitty so they feel at home. Then why the hell did they leave their shitty country to begin with, if you want to come here for a better life then live like we do, speak like we do, read like we do, all in english and be an American not some other shit hybrid like afro/American, asian/American, mexican/American or where ever the hell you came from!!


We need a really good war right here on our own soil, so we can thin out the population of assholes and boost the econmy back up! I vote we have the war in southern california so we can get rid of a bunch of the illegals, and clear out some prime land so after the war we all have a really good place to go ride!!!!!

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I think its funny that those who are still supported by mom and dad and havent rerally lived yet think everything is just fine-buy a house raise a family-the American Dream-then tell me how everything is just fine.To those who have the Silver spoon,God bless you,but to the rest of us who have to make it on their on,things dont look so rosey---Keep Hope Alive :cheers:


silver spoon huh? :yank:

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silver spoon huh?    :yank:


Speaking of silver spoons, i'm a little perturbed right now. My maid lost my silver spoon the other day after she got done feeding me my Fruity Pebbles. I swear if she doesn't straighten out soon she's going back to Mexico. If she goes back though I don't know what to get next her predecessor was French had to send her back because of the whole armpit thing. Maybe Chinese, I can probably get a 2 for 1 deal on them. :shrugani:

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Speaking of silver spoons, i'm a little perturbed right now. My maid lost my silver spoon the other day after she got done feeding me my Fruity Pebbles. I swear if she doesn't straighten out soon she's going back to Mexico. If she goes back though I don't know what to get next her predecessor was French had to send her back because of the whole armpit thing. Maybe Chinese, I can probably get a 2 for 1 deal on them.  :shrugani:


oh man, i feel your pain. my maid cant seem to do anything right lately. its so hard to find good help these days. and to top it all off, daddy refuses to buy me a new car even though mine has a scratch on it. i dont know how he can expect me to be seen in anything that isnt perfect. life is so unfair. :cry: im gonna go cry in the pool house til i get everything i want.

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Damn Brooke,did that hit close to home,sorry Daddys home,If I knew you would be offened, I would have said silver tongue :rotflmao: and I wouldnt be surprised if you could really jerk off,you might have that talent and parts :headbang:

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Damn Brooke,did that hit close to home,sorry Daddys home,If I knew you  would be offened, I would have said silver tongue :rotflmao: and I wouldnt be surprised if you could really jerk off,you might have that talent and parts :headbang:


i just assumed that comment was directed towards me, was i wrong?


wtf is your problem with me? here we go again with nasty personal attacks. now i have a cock? fuck you man.

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Dont assume shit,I was just making a point,if I wanted to point at you I would use your name Dumb bitch-I have no problem with people who got it like that,like I said God bless them,to some I may be living large=300lbs :headbang: I am positive their are others who still live home for whatever reason,so what,I must have hit that insecure nerve :cry: your the one who took it personal-dont tell me to jerk-off If you dont have the equipment to do it yourself or do you? Take it easy,stop with picking fights-stick with attacking females who you might want to eat :lol:

Edited by bigwill
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Dont assume shit,I was just making a point,if I wanted to point at you I would use your name Dumb bitch-I have no problem with people who got it like that,like I said God bless them,to some I may be living large=300lbs :headbang: I am positive their are others who still live home for whatever reason,so what,I must have hit that insecure nerve :cry: your the one who took it personal-dont tell me to jerk-off If you dont have the equipment to do it yourself or do you? Take it easy,stop with picking fights-stick with attacking females who you might want to eat :lol:


damn. that was harsh.



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Bigwill with the body to body suplex...thats got to hurt.  Brooke is still down.  Spinning toe hold into a figure-4 leg lock and brooke taps out!  :D


<_< bigwill just has some sort of pent up hate towards me. theres a club i think. im sure youre a card carrying member already though.



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