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hey, what's everybady doing

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His work ain't too shitty, that's a clean bowl you got there 04. Hell, he even floated it in pretty good , nice selection on the tint, plenty of rolling stock, shit , you got a good job outta that deal.... :lol:


LMFAO Yep, Deuce knows his shit. :cheers:

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This is my bitch about gas.


It is sooo Obvious that the oil corporations are taking advantage of whatever they can.

But this is what I see, this is their method of lobbying for more refineries. We do not have enough (refineries) in the US and the damn EPA makes it so damn difficult to build new ones with their damn regulations... Now I understand that we need regulations to keep waste dumpers in check from totally runing our environment, but that is another lobby group that needs more attention.

I feel we need more refineries and more nuke plants for our 110Vac. But neither has been buil new in the past 30 years because of the EPA. and the damn tree huggers.. That is what is fucking us.

If we had refineries that could keep up, we would not be paying the prices we are. If there was only one mechanic in town, you would pay higher prices to fix your car, wouldnt you.

And I do agree with PTT, because  GWB's fix would only be temporary.

We need more nuke power and refineries..


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Wow push if you are on the Bush payroll like it seems sometimes then you should be fired for being a negative asset to the administration.

From $12 to $73 a barrel in 10yrs? 


I do work in the oil industry but unfortunately not for Bush. Somebody tell me how many gallons of gas you get out of one 55 gallon drum of oil? Don't forget you can't create something with nothing. Then take the price of a barrel and divide it by how many gallons. Add in the cost of the ethanol and other additives, taxes, refining costs, shipping costs, station profits and then add in the 8% margin from "big oil". When you get done with that find out the margin on an x-box game, a dvd, computer software, your vehicle, a bottle of water.... If you can do that and still think oil is screwing you think about the fact that demand for oil is up 800% over the last 10 years. There's another entity that robs much more out of your paycheck each week and you seemingly get nothing in return.

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I do work in the oil industry but unfortunately not for Bush. Somebody tell me how many gallons of gas you get out of one 55 gallon drum of oil? Don't forget you can't create something with nothing. Then take the price of a barrel and divide it by how many gallons. Add in the cost of the ethanol and other additives, taxes, refining costs, shipping costs, station profits and then add in the 8% margin from "big oil". When you get done with that find out the margin on an x-box game, a dvd, computer software, your vehicle, a bottle of water.... If you can do that and still think oil is screwing you think about the fact that demand for oil is up 800% over the last 10 years. There's another entity that robs much more out of your paycheck each week and you seemingly get nothing in return.




So, that's why the big oil companies are making 200% more profit these days on each barrel of crude after the cost of refining ? Wow, I'm glad you told us. Or is that from cooked books. ie. Worldcom, Enron, Delphi, GM, all others...... Hey, guys , and Brooke , we all need to be in the oil bidness these days . It looks like the only American(?) companies that hasn't built a factory in China yet. :huh:


Last I looked, I don't have an X-box, I don't buy DVDs, and I drink tap water. After I get my weekly net(weakly, after I get ripped a new A$$HOLE) , I have to watch all the fookers that don't pay taxes using up all those "precious" resources that I don't seem to need to survive. Hehe.



Dogboy's right. We do need more refineries .



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Rebel youre onto something with the whole redistribution of wealth thing. and how bout we get rid of some of the state and federal taxes on our gas. anyone have the numbers on that? how much of what we are paying are state and federal taxes? A LOT. federal gas tax is 18.4 cpg and my states tax is 25.2 cpg http://www.gaspricewatch.com/usgastaxes.asp


the oil companies are for-profit businesses and have shareholders to answer to. so its a bit of a tough shit situation there.


we definately need more refineries, and we need to be happy we arent paying $6+ a gallon like some other countries.

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This is not exactly on topic but I thought this comment I ran across represents an

interesting "wake up call" point of view that is at least worth some consideration.

Posted by: Bobsays on Apr 20, 2006 3:40 AM


If you look around the world, the US's power is fading everywhere. Latin America has given up on the US, and are now budies with China. The middle east seethes with people who hate the US. Same goes for much of central asia. Europe has gone really iffy on the US: the BBC has been running stories about how much Brits hate America (and they are America's best friend!). Canada doesn't like America too much.


It's getting lonely for you guys. Now, most Americans are happy to create an echo chamber, where Americans talk to Americans. But while that happens - like some gi-normous gab fest on Oprah's couch - the world goes in another direction.


People can now scent it - America is weak, not just militarily, but morally and ethically. The greedy culture of material progress is seen for what it is: crass.


Let's hope some new visions emerge somewhere in the US.

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This is not exactly on topic but I thought this comment I ran across represents an

interesting "wake up call" point of view that is at least worth some consideration.


was that written by an american?


i think thats laughable. a "wake up call"? please. :rotflmao:

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This is not exactly on topic but I thought this comment I ran across represents an

interesting "wake up call" point of view that is at least worth some consideration.



Printed out a couple copies of that.. toilet paper supply is a little low today :ph34r: ...




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Whether you want to recognize it or whether you want to keep your blinders on, most of the rest of the world does not hold us in very high regard. The Iraq/al-queda link was non-existent. WMD's were no where to be found. Mean while we alie ourselves with Pakistan who supplied uranium extraction centrefuge technology as well as nuke bomb technology to Iran and we strengthen ties with the Saudi's, the homeland of most of the 911 conspirators. Hey at least we are spreading democracy though right? Look at the power we as a people have to shape policy. Look at all of the directional choices that democracy affords us. Like Mike said in another thread, we could have picked Kerry if we wanted. But of course both Bush and Kerry have sworn allegiance to their shared religion (skull and bones/free masonry). Ignore the implications though because you have enough to worry about already. :shrugani:

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Whether you want to recognize it or whether you want to keep your blinders on, most of the rest of the world does not hold us in very high regard.  The Iraq/al-queda link was non-existent.  WMD's were no where to be found.  Mean while we alie ourselves with Pakistan who supplied uranium extraction centrefuge technology as well as nuke bomb technology to Iran and we strengthen ties with the Saudi's, the homeland of most of the 911 conspirators.  Hey at least we are spreading democracy though right?  Look at the power we as a people have to shape policy.  Look at all of the directional choices that democracy affords us.  Like Mike said in another thread, we could have picked Kerry if we wanted.  But of course both Bush and Kerry have sworn allegiance to their shared religion (skull and bones/free masonry).  Ignore the implications though because you have enough to worry about already. :shrugani:


im so bored hearing the same crap over and over. -_-


no proof or logic is ever gonna change the mind of the conspiracy theorists living in their make believe world.



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im so bored hearing the same crap over and over.    -_- 


no proof or logic is ever gonna change the mind of the conspiracy theorists living in their make believe world. 






Hey, the Saudi stuff ain't nothin to sneeze at. We already know we can't trust any American politician . :(

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i bought 3 and a half packs of gum...


send me a piece Ill send ya the shipping back I promise. ;)

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