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reed cage?

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Just wondering on the cage itself if it is stock? I need to order new reeds and didnt want to order something that wont fit. All the stock cages I have seen pics of look gold in color and not quite the same as the one I have. Can someone give me advise on what reed petals to order for this cage Thanks :cheers:

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I thought the stock cages only had 2 screws that held down the reeds these cages have 3 screws. If they are fmf ram valve cages where can I get ram valve reeds everywhere I look they dont make them anymore. Will the FMF torque reeds fit or is there any other reeds out there with 3 hold down screws that will fit this cage Thanks

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I used to have an FMF Ram Valve, and the only place to get reeds was FMF. I don't know if one of the other manufacturers makes any reeds to fit it or not. Try calling FMF, and see what they have to say. Maybe they know of someone that makes reeds for the Ram Valve, or they may know of someone that has them in stock. Reeds made for the stock cages won't fit, because they aren't wide enough, or long enough.

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