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Illegal's day off

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the illegal immigrants here r fighting for more rights and stuff like that. i dunno all the specifics...but they're preparing to pass a bill or law or something to take away their special treatment. dunno exactly....someone here must. Brooke! :confused:

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It's really no big deal. All the immigration reform is that they want all illegal aliens out of here, to have harsher penalties for companies that hire illegal aliens, and they want to setup a temporary worker visa program for foreigners that are doing the jobs that "nobody" wants to do. Bush said it best, when he said that cottling illegals isnt the answer to solving this problem, the best way to get rid of them is to improve the economy of the shitty countries, so people wont want to leave. The big ol stink everybody is raising right now is that every single illegal in this country wants to be granted amnesty from the new bill, which would be a giant slap in the face for all the people that are doing everything properly by trying to get into the country legally. I've already been called a sellout numerous times for my point of view but it's the truth. :shrugani:

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my brother owns a cunstruction company and 180 of his guys took the day off, i think as he tells it....... a white guy who's fucked up on speed and cant make it to work every day, are his choices he's either got a guy who has forged papers that say he's leagel or a guy who's so fucked up on meth he's hit and mis, some of his mexican guys make 1200 a week, i dont understand how they think there getting fucked, in ther country theyd make 6 bucks an hour as masons...... in cali they get a g a week

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the illegals should leave. im just glad i do not have to worry about any of the mexicans going to college with me since most of them are too stupid and do not know english. i have always wanted to screw some hot latino woman, so some of the hot mexican women can stay

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I heard a guy on the radio that said he had a couple of legal immigrants that asked for the day off so that they could support their people and he told them they could also use the day to find a new job. :shrugani:


yea i am all for diversity...but wats so hard about just doing it the right way? i dont mind immigrants in this country (to an extent) but if they r protesting as illegal citizens...well HELLO they dont have the right to protest do they? thats apart of the US Constitution. no one should get special benefits. everyone else has to come here through the system so no exceptions should be made, regardless of how hard anyone's working.

and ask for the day off? r u kidding me? if ur gonna fight, DO IT. don't try to make it nice and easy... :angry:

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