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I guess its my turn

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Got a bomb dropped on me today after a 10 hour day at work. Ol lady served me with divorce papers. Didn't even see it coming. I even got the police called on me when she told me to get out of the house and i didn't. The cops told me I didn't have to leave. The one cop even said "I don't pay for your shit. I aint gonna tell you to leave" but I decided to since its on record that they were at the house. If there is an argument later on, he said someone might end up going to jail.


She aint worth going to fuckin jail over.


So, for the mean time I'm suspending my business/bike parts n shit, but if I have something someone wants in stock I'll let it go cheap. Most of it isn't polished, some is, but for the time being I'm not going to have much going on being that I fund quite a bit of it out of pocket anyway.



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Sorry to hear that man, my pops is goin through his second right now. It sucks but the grass is always greener on the other side. On a legal note never raise your voice or start arguments let them get crazy looks better in court.


You're dead on with that one Pete. I hope it don't get to court though. I'm hoping for a peaceful division on this shit. I told her the truth today when I said that I didn't have any cash, money, shit to give her if she wants half. I don't have half.


But I did get the last word in when I left, in front of the cops (hope i didnt blow it)....she said something about her being fair with me, and I cut her off and told her to go to hell, got in my truck and left.

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Dude, Stan I'm so sorry. Anybody that ends a marriage like that without giving you any kind of warning has serious issues. You know what they say though, the best way to get over somebody is to get under somebody. Goodluck homie, if there's anyway I can help dont hesitate to ask!


Give me a list of what you got, there's still some shit I need for the build.

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geez thats terrible Stan ,but if she is gonna be like that you dont want her and theres no telling how long she has been feeling this way ,theres more fish i nthe sea and she was wrong for you if she would jus tgive up and bail like this .sounds like shes been deceitful to me and i would start talking to an attorney right away ,this is a very crucial time to get things done (these early stages make or break your belongings and rights),and theres certain things you should not do or say ,dont put anything in wirting till an attorney has double checked it ! best of luck you WILL get through it and be better off !

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Stan, congradulations :cheers: welcome to the club. Divorce is not a bad thing, its the start of a whole new chapter in your life. But listen man, try to contain your emotions, don't get youself in any legal troubles with her, you gotta play things smart here, meaning you better hide or sell your assets, watch what you say to her, and be prepared for anything she might try to pull. Watch your back, she's prolly plotting against you right now.


Hope my advice doesnt come off as cold, but you really didnt need another guy telling you he's "sorry for your loss". :) Again, just play things smart, cover yourself and all of your assests TODAY, and keep your emotions in check. She can't be trusted anymore.

Edited by Meat
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Man that really sucks. A buddy of mine at work just settled his divorce took 3 years and a lot of cash to get it finalized. A good lawyer or hit man can be money very well spent if she tries to make things difficult. His wife is now on vacation in Belize, it was nice of him to sell all his stock so he could write her a check to pay for it. :shootself:

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