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wolf creek was damn good


It was ok those bitches were dumb and that guy was a pussy HOstel was just gory as fuck and the coffee shops was prbbly the best part "Do U WAnt TO GEt STOneD" lol best line of the movie i saw Final Destination 3 it was pretty good they just fuked up in the beggining tho movies these days pretty much suck.

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well horror flicks should have gore in them,, that what we expect,


and as far as a story line in horror, who gives a fuck,, as long as it delivers the gore/violence, and teenage sex!!!!


if i want a story line, i'll go watch the Titiainc re-make


and btw how the fuck do you re-make a disaster flick, and turn it into a love flick?? :yank:



devils rejects was also another good one

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Some shit movie with Ben Asslick in it, something about creatures coming out of toilets.

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i'm with kayleigh, i liked the narnia books as a kid, and had to see the movie. but now my 4yr old girl watches it day after day, over and over if we'd let her. but it's cool, it's a good movie. actually she's sitting beside me watching it again right now, lol. :D

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Walk the Line. johnny cash life story. pretty damn good movie, kinda long but johnny cash kicks ass, and the acting was really good. Definitly rent this movie if yor a johnny cash fan. I hear that train a comin..... :headbang:

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