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bye bye city life! sold my house today


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450 a month for each kid to attend private school, cause the public schools are a free for all zoo




That is the exact reason I am moving. I only pay $325 per kid and it is going up to $375 per. $750 a month added to what I pay now makes a damn fine house payment.

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That pitbull was a pain in the ass with its barking that day me and trex were there.


fuckin dog was viscious as a puppy, 4 mos old and he was lunging at me on a leash to bite me. tries to bite me through the chain link fence.dumb as a box of rocks.

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Hey bud congrats.  I told you that you had to move last summer when you were at my place.  Good luck with everything.  Get the kids a Lab.  Best dogs in the world.  I think mine has "selective hearing".  hmmmm. kinda like my kids.  <_<




i wish i had the loot to move into your hood bob. i`m lookin for a bandog pup, they are hard to find. i work nights so i need a dog that will guard my family with it`s life.

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Hey bud congrats.  I told you that you had to move last summer when you were at my place.  Good luck with everything.  Get the kids a Lab.  Best dogs in the world.  I think mine has "selective hearing".  hmmmm. kinda like my kids.  <_<


A Labradors hearing is finely tuned....to what ever it is that isn't you. My dog is smart, because when I do catch her doing something she shouldn't she knows shes in trouble, if she decides to listen to me.


But I have to hand it to her. She scared 2 salesmen out of the shop yesterday. Door opens, dog goes nuts, door slams.

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Yup, I hear that John. I worked nights for 17 years and I was pretty worried some of them at my old place. No dog. House and yard was too small. Anyway, git that wheel better and I'll see you at Willys. I'm gonna try to get there Sunday with the boys. Congrats again. Lemme know if you need a hand with anything.

Oh, your daughter will finally get a chance to bounce around on the mini Rap. :clap:

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A Labradors hearing is finely tuned....to what ever it is that isn't you. My dog is smart, because when I do catch her doing something she shouldn't she knows shes in trouble, if she decides to listen to me.


But I have to hand it to her. She scared 2 salesmen out of the shop yesterday. Door opens, dog goes nuts, door slams.




Funny Stan. Mine is 110 pounds now. HUGE! No fat (Wish I could say that <_< ) Vet said he could easily carry 130 pounds. Problem is when he sees someone new he does the "wiggle and smile" routine. I'm sure you know what that is, he kinda walks sideways and smiles at you. Pretty funny/stoooopid. :D

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Funny Stan.  Mine is 110 pounds now.  HUGE!  No fat (Wish I could say that  <_< )  Vet said he could easily carry 130 pounds.  Problem is when he sees someone new he does the "wiggle and smile" routine.  I'm sure you know what that is, he kinda walks sideways and smiles at you.  Pretty funny/stoooopid.  :D


My buddies ol yeller lab would do that smile thing. We called it his tweaker face. My dogs hair stands up on her back, from the nape of her neck to her tail, and she runs around the shop floor, growling and running back and forth, but then running away if someone new tries to pet her. And if anything in the shop is out of place, like a roll away cart is in a different spot the next morning, she tucks her tail and hides. She don't know what to do if its all different. Nice guard dog huh?


I've seen a few chocolate labs get big, in the 90lb range or so. Mine is at about 55, and she isn't getting much bigger. I have seen a black lab that was in the 140's once. I have a semi embarassing story about that dog, but I don't want to hijack nyuks thread.

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My buddies ol yeller lab would do that smile thing. We called it his tweaker face. My dogs hair stands up on her back, from the nape of her neck to her tail, and she runs around the shop floor, growling and running back and forth, but then running away if someone new tries to pet her. And if anything in the shop is out of place, like a roll away cart is in a different spot the next morning, she tucks her tail and hides. She don't know what to do if its all different. Nice guard dog huh?


I've seen a few chocolate labs get big, in the 90lb range or so. Mine is at about 55, and she isn't getting much bigger. I have seen a black lab that was in the 140's once. I have a semi embarassing story about that dog, but I don't want to hijack nyuks thread.




I'll get a pic of Mack next week sometime when i grab the digi camera from work. I'll get him to look kinda mean. Oh and please, share the story, NYUK absolutely wouldnt mind, I'm sure.

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I'll get a pic of Mack next week sometime when i grab the digi camera from work.  I'll get him to look kinda mean.  Oh and please, share the story, NYUK absolutely wouldnt mind, I'm sure.


Here I was, about 14 years old, about 120 lbs. This dog lived at some peoples cabin that was next to our cabin. He was a fun dog, loved to play but he was HUGE! Like I mentioned they said he weighed 140lbs outweighed me by 20lbs at least.


Well one day I'm sitting on their couch, kicked back, minding my own business watching some TV when this dog comes up all playful like he always did, but apparently there was something alluring about the way my legs were stretched out in front of the couch.


He proceeds to mount BOTH of my legs and start pumpin. He was pumpin so hard, and had such a grip on me that he was pulling me off the couch. It took 3 people to get him off me before I ended up with a Pink Panther in my face.


It both hilarious and humiliating all at once.

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Here I was, about 14 years old, about 120 lbs. This dog lived at some peoples cabin that was next to our cabin. He was a fun dog, loved to play but he was HUGE! Like I mentioned they said he weighed 140lbs outweighed me by 20lbs at least.


Well one day I'm sitting on their couch, kicked back, minding my own business watching some TV when this dog comes up all playful like he always did, but apparently there was something alluring about the way my legs were stretched out in front of the couch.


He proceeds to mount BOTH of my legs and start pumpin. He was pumpin so hard, and had such a grip on me that he was pulling me off the couch. It took 3 people to get him off me before I ended up with a Pink Panther in my face.


It both hilarious and humiliating all at once.




Very rarely do I actually laugh OUT LOUD at posts but this one got me. Pink Panther? WTF!. Yup, them big ole dawgs have some draggin, humpin power! As a kick ass 14 year old that must have sucked and it has stuck with you. That too is funny. You crack me up bud.

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