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Tom Cruise Vows

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goddamm has he lost it, my father in law is into the same bullshit, we go out to eat and he floats his key ring over the menu to see what the beings suggest's he has for dinner, like his fuckin car key is going to point to the vegie burger (oh yeah i forgot to mention he's a vegan also) so i gotta keep a straight face while all this shits going on, when my son was 1 and walked around the driveway feeling the lug nuts on the cars this guy mentioned he must have been a car mechanic in another life, and this guy launched appllo 13 for NASA, he's so fucking smart but on the other hand he's looped..........Ron L Hubbard can get on my jock, he started this shit cause Gene Rodenberry landed Star Trek and put him out of a job........in the imortal words of Napoleaon Dynamite...."Frikin Idiots"

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goddamm has he lost it, my father in law is into the same bullshit, we go out to eat and he floats his key ring over the menu to see what the beings suggest's he has for dinner, like his fuckin car key is going to point to the vegie burger (oh yeah i forgot to mention he's a vegan also) so i gotta keep a straight face while all this shits going on, when my son was 1 and walked around the driveway feeling the lug nuts on the cars this guy mentioned he must have been a car mechanic in another life, and this guy launched appllo 13 for NASA, he's so fucking smart but on the other hand he's looped..........Ron L Hubbard can get on my jock, he started this shit cause Gene Rodenberry landed Star Trek and put him out of a job........in the imortal words of Napoleaon Dynamite...."Frikin Idiots"


I read a little bit about this Scientology scam at www.wikipedia.org and I've come to the conclusion that Ron L Hubbard was either on a LSD/peyote cocktail 24 hours a day or one serious fucking kook. Anyone that could think any of that shit could even remotely be true is out of their fucking minds completely. It reads like a story I read back in a psychology class written by a schizophrenic.

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:rotflmao: What a complete sack! Out of millions of sperm it fucking amazes me that he got there first.
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scientology is a fucking genius scam. its like so grandiose and out there, i have no idea how anyone can believe it, but its fucking perfect for the self-important rich fucks who dont have near enough shit to do. all the money it takes to be a part of their group, fuck, that alone doesnt pass the straight face test, but again, makes it perfect for the elitists who are constantly looking for shit that makes them better than everyone else. that along with their intimidation tactics, perfect money making, power gaining loon cocktail. :wacko:

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