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thats the gods honest truth, anytime a girl has told me she wants to be my friend means i got something she wants and dick isnt it



well i must be either a weirdo or a dyke....cuz that hasnt been the case with me!! all my friends r guys...

i mean, i dunno wat THEY're thinking (and i'm sure ur right, i mean ur a guy) but i'm just not into girls as friends. i have a few but most r just too bitchy or dramatic. i luv hanging with the guys...more fun!

with faster...he's just cool to hang with wen i'm out in the desert with no one to chill with. him and i r bored as hell so its fun to ride and stuff together.


i dunno....guys can think all they want, doesnt mean i'm gonna make their dreams come true :P

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well i must be either a weirdo or a dyke....cuz that hasnt been the case with me!! all my friends r guys...

i mean, i dunno wat THEY're thinking (and i'm sure ur right, i mean ur a guy) but i'm just not into girls as friends. i have a few but most r just too bitchy or dramatic. i luv hanging with the guys...more fun!

with faster...he's just cool to hang with wen i'm out in the desert with no one to chill with. him and i r bored as hell so its fun to ride and stuff together.


i dunno....guys can think all they want, doesnt mean i'm gonna make their dreams come true :P


all that means punkin, and dont take this wrong is that your an attention whore, you dont have anything girls want so they take zero bullshit from you, you have to be the center of attention or your pissed, your girlfirends arnt bitchey, they just dont cater to your crap cause there not trying to get in your panties, id let you piss and moan all day if i knew i was going to hand you a mile of pipe that night........just fuel for thought princess

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aaaw.... :(


of course i love attention :P dont get me wrong i think all ppl r cool...but at highschool the a lot of my girl buds talk and talk about gossip and who they're doing or who they want to do...and NONE of them know wat a quad is.


i dont say i dont like all girls...just seem to make friends with guys more often. attention whore? perhaps. but wen i go out to party i'm not thinking about how many eyes r on me. a lot of my guy friends have gf's so i know theyre not lookin at me.


i feel a little hurt! r u saying that i'm stupid for having guy friends? :cry:

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little brookie knows what its like to be a woman........thats 99.9% of the battle right there :cheers:


here i thought brooke was my problem...but theres my solution...change my name to BROOKE! :P

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naw im not saying your stupid for having guy friends, and ill bet your just a doll, all your girlfiends do probally talk shit all day long, to me your a baby girl at 18 your just prime, im better than twice your age and have heard crap from girls since i was 10, as you become a woman you'll realize what im saying is true, if fasterthanu was johnny depp youd have droped your panties for him day one, try this sweetheart call faster and tell him that no matter what your not sexually atracted to him and hell will freeze over before you two ever have sex, and stand back and watch how he slowly backs off callling you, and seeing you :dance:

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tell him that no matter what your not sexually atracted to him and hell will freeze over before you two ever have sex, and stand back and watch how he slowly backs off callling you, and seeing you :dance:




That is exactly right. As I meet new male friends after awhile of hanging out, drinking beer, riding, racing, whatever. As soon as I say there is no chance in hell im gonna cheat on my husband there gone.

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if fasterthanu was johnny depp youd have droped your panties for him day one, try this sweetheart call faster and tell him that no matter what your not sexually atracted to him and hell will freeze over before you two ever have sex, and stand back and watch how he slowly backs off callling you, and seeing you :dance:


hes 100% right. and the faster you realize it, the better off you'll be. not that guys are evil, and girls arent either. but people choose to surround themselves with people for reasons.


guys want girls around who they either want to fuck, or who they think will fuck them. sometimes, even if they know you wont fuck them, they will stay your friend just because you make them look good or feel good, for whatever reason. they might enjoy your company, and think your cool, but thats not what its all about. ever.


girls want guys around who they get something from. if a girl wants to sleep with you, she will right from the start. no friend bullshit. otherwise, you have something she wants or needs. be it money, emotional comfort, attention, a feeling of security, you can fix her car, whatever.


i have some really good guy friends. im not saying you cant have great friendships with guys, but dont fool yourself into thinking its not somewhat about sex. thats how you get your heart broken, or wind up breaking someone elses heart.

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id let you piss and moan all day if i knew i was going to hand you a mile of pipe that night........just fuel for thought princess


Talk about fuel for thought...this thread is full of wisdom. Shit I wish I would have known when I was young, and had to learn like everyone else.


And a mile of my "pipe" works out to be approximately 25,344 strokes.

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