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that you're an attention whore.


yeah but Lefty, she probally doesnt know who the vice president is, or the secretary of state is, or anything that happened in the news this week, but god love her she probally looks great naked and thats all it takes to get by in my world :bolt:

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yeah but Lefty, she probally doesnt know who the vice president is, or the secretary of state is, or anything that happened in the news this week, but god love her she probally looks great naked and thats all it takes to get by in my world :bolt:


thats depressing

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yeah but thats how it is out here brooke, the younger and dumber you are the more attenion you get, a sharp smart girl, is down the street at smith barney, the foxy dumb ones are hanging out in the entertainment industry :rotflmao:

Edited by Blue Duece
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you idiot. blue is from cali.  DUH read his posts.


and you saying that you cali people dont judge others is the biggest crock of SHIT ive ever heard. from the land of plastic surgery, fake blondes and fake tans, look down your noses at anyone who doesnt spend 50G on a car and hundreds of dollars a week on hair and shopping...please.  :yank:  i can look twice as good as you and your bratty snotty friends for 1/4 of the money.    :shootself:


my bad deuce...just assumed most ppl here were from the midwest or eastcoast. it was all in humor anyways...geez...touchy...

as for the plastic stuff....do i look plastic at all to u?? no. r my friends plastic? maybe a few, dont know. callin u guys hicks is one of the few times i've ever teased someone cuz of where they're from. i luv ppl. all ppl. and hey, if they're plastic, they're still ppl too...even if their smiles r a little robotic :P

"dude totally" my studios on the Sunset Strip, i have a house in topanga, and know LA all to well, i dont know where your getting the "hick" from but i been living in cali about 45 years, probally a few years before you were in your daddys ball sack........ :cheers:


well hey, nice to know someone else is loving the sunshine as well :D

You can kiss my "hick" ass :yank: ....



bend over honey :clap:

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my bad deuce...just assumed most ppl here were from the midwest or eastcoast. it was all in humor anyways...geez...touchy...

as for the plastic stuff....do i look plastic at all to u?? no. r my friends plastic? maybe a few, dont know. callin u guys hicks is one of the few times i've ever teased someone cuz of where they're from. i luv ppl. all ppl. and hey, if they're plastic, they're still ppl too...even if their smiles r a little robotic :P


well hey, nice to know someone else is loving the sunshine as well :D


bend over honey  :clap:


good god girl. you are the lamest most passive agressive COY person EVER!!




you cant seem to make ONE statement and stand by it which just proves, everything you say is to either get attention or fit in.




'orange juice sucks'




can someone please come slit my wrists, this is way too painful

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good god girl. you are the lamest most passive agressive COY person EVER!!


can someone please come slit my wrists, this is way too painful


:huh: wow. ok. excuse me for living.

anyways...let's start a new thread so u can bitch at everything else i say. am i coy? ok. let's see who else is siding with and wants to agree.

no matter wat i am, does it matter? so wat if i have a different personality. wen i joined bhq i was just into quads and watever else fun ppl discussed.

but w/e. i'm sure u'll get over me, urself, and everything else that pisses u off Brooke.

'till then, i'll sit here and await the hundreds of replies from all the men that kiss the dirt u walk upon who want me to jump off a cliff as well :)

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:huh:  wow. ok. excuse me for living.

anyways...let's start a new thread so u can bitch at everything else i say. am i coy? ok. let's see who else is siding with and wants to agree.

no matter wat i am, does it matter? so wat if i have a different personality. wen i joined bhq i was just into quads and watever else fun ppl discussed.

but w/e. i'm sure u'll get over me, urself, and everything else that pisses u off Brooke.

'till then, i'll sit here and await the hundreds of replies from all the men that kiss the dirt u walk upon who want me to jump off a cliff as well :)


:) o yes, because the only reason anyone else here would say youre annoying is cause they wanna bang me :)


give people a little more credit.

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I get what you're saying. But I highly doubt she does. I could go on and on about her but I'm feeling way too sick to get into it.


ooh that one hurt :P gonna go cry in my corner again. :cry:

:)  o yes, because the only reason anyone else here would say youre annoying is cause they wanna bang me  :)


give people a little more credit.


y? u dont seem to. :confused: hey, feel flattered...these guys seem to love and know wat hot is...so u must be working it ;) oh wait, am i being coy again? y dont u start coaching me on wat exactly i should and shouldnt say....in fact, i'll go grab enforcer, we probably both need a lesson.

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y? u dont seem to. :confused:  hey, feel flattered...these guys seem to love and know wat hot is...so u must be working it ;) oh wait, am i being coy again? y dont u start coaching me on wat exactly i should and shouldnt say....in fact, i'll go grab enforcer, we probably both need a lesson.


i dont give YOU or your idiot friend feivel any credit cause youve both proven over and over that you dont deserve it. but i give pleanty of other people lots of credit. :shrugani::)

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