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i avoided myspace til i realized i could check out all the people i went to high school with. can only see their pics if you have an account. so far its been well worth it....fat, strung out, ugly, fat, fat, fat, ugly kids, dumb and fatter.....etc


good stuff.


dude u wont believe me...but i found my dad and brother on myspace. my mom kicked my dad out and his son (my half bro) wen i was little and like 13 yrs go by and i have no daddy...then one day on myspace POOF i get this message from a guy and its my bro.

now we're reunited. :D weird huh??? i use myspace for highschool buddies, old buddies, and family. its awesome.

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dude u wont believe me...but i found my dad and brother on myspace. my mom kicked my dad out and his son (my half bro) wen i was little and like 13 yrs go by and i have no daddy...then one day on myspace POOF i get this message from a guy and its my bro.

now we're reunited. :D weird huh??? i use myspace for highschool buddies, old buddies, and family. its awesome.


thats pretty cool.



my dad is hulk hogan. hes easy to find. just listen for the yelling and bone crushing, BROTHA!!

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thats pretty cool.

my dad is hulk hogan. hes easy to find. just listen for the yelling and bone crushing, BROTHA!!


wo call me lame but his show on mtv or vh1 is sooo cool! hogan knows best...best show ever!

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wo call me lame but his show on mtv or vh1 is sooo cool! hogan knows best...best show ever!


oh yea all fun and games til you bring home a C on your report card and *PUNT* next thing you know youre waking up on the back lawn gripping a yellow bandanna.



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well eff u....u can leave.


now go ahead everyone yell at me for yellin' at a brotha!


o great. John McCain just called me. lefty is headed to mexico in a pine box as we speak. apparantly your burn was too much for him and he drowned himself in a sink full of refried beans. the senator is pissed, he said last thing he needs is a dead mexican on his hands. will the republican party never get a fuckin break?!!!

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i avoided myspace til i realized i could check out all the people i went to high school with. can only see their pics if you have an account. so far its been well worth it....fat, strung out, ugly, fat, fat, fat, ugly kids, dumb and fatter.....etc


good stuff.


all the more reason for me to stay away from it then. I despised most of the people I went to school with.

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o great. John McCain just called me. lefty is headed to mexico in a pine box as we speak. apparantly your burn was too much for him and he drowned himself in a sink full of refried beans. the senator is pissed, he said last thing he needs is a dead mexican on his hands.  will the republican party never get a fuckin break?!!!


Mmmmm frijoles refritos. If he lived a little closer I'd bring over some Tostitos.

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HELLO so did i, hence the joy in seeing they all suck even worse now.


the less contact I have w/ most of them the safer they will be. beat the shit out of 2 of them a couple of years ago in the local mall parking lot. the guy was an ass then and is married to a girl who was a good friend of mine til she became a cheerleader, then she was too good to say "Hi" anymore. like I said, ran in to them in the mall parking lot and she tried to be all buddy-buddy. I blew them off and he garbbed my shoulder and I jacked him dead between the eyes, out COLD. she tried to hit me and I threw her on the hood of a car. mall security letme go caus ethe tape showed me avoiding them and him grabing me first. Fuck 'em all.





PS. I think I can safely say


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the less contact I have w/ most of them the safer they will be. beat the shit out of 2 of them a couple of years ago in the local mall parking lot. the guy was an ass then and is married to a girl who was a good friend of mine til she became a cheerleader, then she was too good to say "Hi" anymore. like I said, ran in to them in the mall parking lot and she tried to be all buddy-buddy. I blew them off and he garbbed my shoulder and I jacked him dead between the eyes, out COLD. she tried to hit me and I threw her on the hood of a car.
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Mmmmm frijoles refritos. If he lived a little closer I'd bring over some Tostitos.




he just called me from death. he said you have a drink named after you in hell. creatine, vodka, and a splash of cranberry juice to make it pink. apparantly i have three streets named after me and they sell 'be like brooke' kits. flying off the shelves. they are bullet proof briefcases that contain aleve, black eyeliner, worn out band tshirts and jim beam.



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