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Went to first

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:P alright this is going to be the lamest thread any of u will probably ever read...




it was the best minute of my life. i rode FASTERTHANU90'S banshee, and i'm in love. the lame part is...only went to first on it. :D have yet to go all the way...hopefully next weekend!


officially a banshee whore,

kayleigh :headbang:

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youre eleventeen, you dont know anything about dirty. and thats a good thing.



HEY I'M 18 NOW! so there.... :P:lol:

im ignorant to the bliss of sexual activities am i?.....care to enlighten us brooke?

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HEY I'M 18 NOW! so there.... :P:lol: 

im ignorant to the bliss of sexual activities am i?.....care to enlighten us brooke?


no thank you


never said i knew anything about sex. i dont even know what first base consists of.




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i dunno that its wise to start confessing our sex knowledge on bansheehq...u might as well go jump into a pool of sharks :P u know u've got some interested male fans on here brooke :)

u do seem a little wound up though...u have some old skeletons lurking in ur past relationships?? :shrugani:

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i dunno that its wise to start confessing our sex knowledge on bansheehq


no, its not, hence, i said i never claimed to know anything about sex.

u know u've got some interested male fans on here brooke :)


no i dont

u do seem a little wound up though...u have some old skeletons lurking in ur past relationships?? :shrugani:


:blink: are you suicidal or what?? im pretty fuckin chill right now, but i can get wound up quick if thats where you wanna go.




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no, its not, hence, i said i never claimed to know anything about sex.


no i dont


:blink:  are you suicidal or what??  im pretty fuckin chill right now, but i can get wound up quick if thats where you wanna go.




WHErrr Jeez Brooke put thos claws away

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my point exactly...


no brooke, i dont want to die. go ahead and get wound up. u dont need to darling, just simply having fun.


if u do get pissy, dont think i wont bite back. we've been down this road before. hey, maybe we could race to solve our probs :D oh yea, u dont ride...


being that, dont get mad if i say something in the general discussion area that doesnt exactly exploit knowledge on banshees...just having fun. if this thread really pisses ppl off, i'm sure there's a way to delete it.


u need to not be so freaking serious dude...where's the fun in being the "adult"? its the internet.



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my point exactly...


no brooke, i dont want to die. go ahead and get wound up. u dont need to darling, just simply having fun.


if u do get pissy, dont think i wont bite back. we've been down this road before. hey, maybe we could race to solve our probs :D oh yea, u dont ride...


being that, dont get mad if i say something in the general discussion area that doesnt exactly exploit knowledge on banshees...just having fun. if this thread really pisses ppl off, i'm sure there's a way to delete it.


u need to not be so freaking serious dude...where's the fun in being the "adult"? its the internet.






i was just fuckin around, youre the one who pulled the cheap shot with the "skeletons lurking in ur past relationships?? " comment. oh and now the "oh yea, u dont ride..." cheap shot.....so, whos the one whos looking for a fight here??


like i said, im chill. but keep pushing it if you want. im sure it would be entertaining.

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well hey, i'm game if u r. not really much to battle over.

dude the skeletons comment was purely outta curiosity...wasnt 100% sure whether u were kidding or not, haha.


:rolleyes: ...guess u were. yea that riding comment was bitchy...just trying to bark loud as a little dog. :notworthy:


we can have a duel wen theres a better topic to butt heads on. this one's more of a cat fight...no fun. we're all good then?


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