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passion 12 port

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Hey everyone. I plane on goin with the passion 12 port 4 mill engine. I am gonna be runnin 34 pwk carb's - Noss head - And manifold's. Are there anything else i need to use to run this engine. Thank's alot nik.

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1. Weld your crank

2. Clutch

3. Reeds

4. Good pipes

5. Change of underwear after you shit your pants.


Talk to Jim @ Passion, he will tell you everything you need to run his motors. His name on the boards here is PassionRE

Edited by watkins
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being a passion 12 port owner myself i would suggest you also, supply great fuel flow to that motor......ie. fat gas lines, drill your gas cap for air flow put a fuel filter that can be replaced between the tank and carbs, i would jet it with a dry air filter, then lightly oil your filter(or filters)......... a little rich is better than a little lean on that engine, jims motors haul ass, after 14 shee's i ran into jim, my 02 is my 15th, he's roughly my age and has built these motors since the yamaha RD series(so late 70's) if you get his motor to run properly your in for an eye opening ride............ im posting a pic of my fuel lines to illustrate what has worked well for my banshee, Jim and my good friends at Action Motor sports desisigned this for me.............

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if you get his motor to run properly your in for an eye opening ride............



Umm.. Thats a compliment right??? Not trying to be a dick Duece, but "IF" would kinda scare me when talking about a builder..



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well rippen i was building a race motor so i sent jim my engine...... some of us send our jugs cause were on a budget, then bitch we cant get it running properly, so i guess my comment is kind of a disclaimer for Passion Racing Engines, the (IF) has tons of varibles involved ie. do you know how to assemble a race motor?, do you have the correct parts to assemble said race motor, do you know more about jetting than the builder himself?, have you mowed enough lawns to afford the apropreate fuel modifications to support the fuel consupmtion you'll now be experienceing, there are many varibles in the design and proper installation of said ported juggs...............




Good point blue!!!!!! There are too many little factors can make or break a motor.

I didnt get my motor like I did in the first try, it took me several tries before I was satisfied with the way it ran. But when get your passion motor to run you will not be disapointed. Like blue said you have to take care of your motor after you get it running, I have 4 or 5 different air filters. I always run the best fuel and oil. My motor has not been rebuilt in a few years and still runs like a stripped ass ape.

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Good point blue!!!!!! There are too many little factors can make or break a motor.

I didnt get my motor like I did in the first try, it took me several tries before I was satisfied with the way it ran. But when get your passion motor to run you will not be disapointed. Like blue said you have to take care of your motor after you get it running, I have 4 or 5 different air filters. I always run the best fuel and oil. My motor has not been rebuilt in a few years and still runs like a stripped ass ape.



well said ..... this is the 3rd season on my engine and it still runs strong as it ever has, attention to detail is everything!! :cheers:

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Thank's man. How much of a difference does the 12 port 4 mill compare to a piped banshee. And horse power wise. Thank's Twin


i think your looking at a good 25 hp increase .............could be a few less or a few more, but ive found its where the power and torque kick in , ive noticed that when my banshee comes un glued no matter where im riding(sand excluded) that my ass end spins, slowing me down greatly, it seams the more power i have the more i breakem loose, jims motor allows me to gear so tall and come on from almost nothing combined with a shortened swing arm, i can roll it on and accelerate hard rather than loose traction ........i think, and this is just my opinion but, a stock shee with 35 horse hooks better than a 80 horse shee with the same chassis as the 35 horse bike, the more ponies you have for dirt racing the more mods you need, to get that to the ground, like proquad for instance has to be sitting on his axle(literally) or guys who hook would blow past him regardless of who built his motor, we couldn't count the variables evolved in what it takes to get that bike to stick to the track and win races, might be something as stupid as................ when was the last time you rebuilt your shocks........

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