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how much of a gain can i expect to see from lightening my flywheel? my other mods are in my sig. w/ a lightened flywheel will i have to change anything? sorry if these questions are stupid at all. i am fairly new at this whole 2-stroke thing but i definitely developed the sickness!!!!

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Glad to hear we have another infected addict :cheers: . Lightening you flywheel with allow your shee to rev faster, and get into it's power range quicker. I've been planning on getting mine done, I just haven't got around to doing it. Everyone who has done it says it's a great mod. PM boonman on here. He has done many of the HQ member's flywheels for them for a good price. He can tell you about it better than I can.

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how much of a gain can i expect to see from lightening my flywheel? my other mods are in my sig.  w/ a lightened flywheel will i have to change anything?  sorry if these questions are stupid at all. i am fairly new at this whole 2-stroke thing but i definitely developed the sickness!!!!


get it done you will love it

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are there any drawbacks to getting your flywheel lightened??



Definitely get ahold of Boonman if you plan on getting your flywheel lightened. I expected it to make the bike a little more finicky about wanting to stall when pulling off from a dead stop; but I would say you will never notice that. Other than you'll have to start pulling gears faster you'll love it. It will rev like an F1 car after the fact. :bolt::cheers:

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Boonman is a great guy. Ask him about the shift star mod while you're at it.


He has flywheels already machined for 125, ready to ship. Or, you can send him yours for 65 and he'll do it.


He even eats the return shipping back to HQ members...and has a helluva quick turn around time.


He can also mill or shave your stock head, too.


:cheers: to the BoonTune.

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are there any drawbacks to getting your flywheel lightened??


just do it!


you won't notice the famous banshee low end anymore, you rev through it to quick..


lightening makes it rev, tends to make them stall coming hard off the gas back to dead stops.. ie locking the brakes up...


4strokers add weight for the trails, cause it keeps them running at idle and in too high gear, lazy bastards shold learn to shift down :jesterlaugh:

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