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people want more immigrants?

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what is wrong with these people, i dont understand why people want more undocumented immigrants coming into this country, so they can come in and mess everything up,dont enough cross the boarder illigally the way it is, damnnn, i dunno if there is a good reason why they should come in pleeaaaaaase enlighten me

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I think alot of people are totally missing the point of what the government is trying to do with the new legislation in regards to immigration. I think that the government has finally realized that there is no way that they are going to keep the illegal immigrants out of this country, so instead of spending billions of dollars trying to keep immigrants from coming here illegally, they want to get them legal, and get them to start paying taxes.

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its not hard to keep them out,, just gotta tighten up the borders more,,, it can be done


I agree that it can be done, but at what cost to the american taxpayer? In the long run, it would seem to make more sense to just get them legal, and have them start paying taxes. This would mean more tax money coming in, instead of more tax money going out.


My biggest issue with this is the ones, legal or not, that come to america and fly the flag of their own country instead of the american flag. If your country is so damn great that you feel the need to have its flag on everything you own, then what the hell did you come here for in the first place???

Edited by korndawg
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It also has a lot to do with getting votes, politicians see the immigrants as a large voting base. As for taxes, the people hiring them now are the ones not paying the taxes, they'er just pocketing the money. Don't hear about too many illegals filing for tax returns either,since a lot of them don't make that much (low income people get most if not all thiers back at the end of the year).


There is no good solution to this problem since it has been ignored for so long.

Need to stop anymore from coming in illegally, then we can start to figure out how to deal with what we have.

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Is having illegals really messing this country up that bad?




Evidently, you don't realize how many of these people are on government assisted programs, like welfare, and so on. All of the money for assistance programs, comes from our tax dollars. I think we can find a better use for tax dollars, than to support illegals.

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thats like saying we cant stop drugs so lets legalize al ldrugs in america ,we cant stop crime and it s very expensive to have trials, so lets let all the crimianls lose and go free .fuck those immigrants :angry: its all for votes and politics , wel l take any piece of thrid world shit regardless so might as wel l do it legally if yo uwant in to collect your welfare and social security here .basicly all its gonna do is hurt america and i cant belive our own government would sel l us out like that . i say instead of arresting them and sending them back(only to cross again later that day) ,when they cross over ,start shooting the fuckers on sight ,thatll get the message across real quick like .

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thats like saying we cant stop drugs so lets legalize al ldrugs in america ,we cant stop crime and it s very expensive to have trials, so lets let all the crimianls lose and go free .fuck those immigrants :angry:  its all for votes and politics , wel l take any piece of thrid world shit regardless so might as wel l do it legally if yo uwant in to collect your welfare  and social security here .basicly all its gonna do is hurt america and i cant belive our own government would sel l us out like that . i say instead of arresting them and sending them back(only to cross again later that day)  ,when they cross over ,start shooting the fuckers on sight  ,thatll get the message across real quick like .



im with you, fuck the illegals

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It shouldn't take much to keep illegal immigrants out. Put up a fence, have patrols, and bring some guns. If we have any kind of an unemployment rate why are we letting more people come over. Maybe because companies save money by paying less to illegals. I say shoot them.

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we cater to them, when it should be the other way around, they should speak our language, they should pay taxes, and im so sick of when i buy something having spanish instructions, or when you call the phone company or something like that and you have a choice of spanish, i mean what the fuck, we must stop catering to them


not only that i have worked with some of them, and they dont like americans, they only like american money, and when you yell at them if they do something wrong, they tallk amonst themselves in spanish about you,,

i fuckin hate em,

call me what you want, but i dont agree wityh them being here, and alot of americans have about had it with them

Edited by helldriver
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