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people want more immigrants?

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We have one of the largest meat packing plants in the country in our county.


The tallest building in New York City is in New York City. The shortest human on Earth lives on Earth. The biggest room in my house is in my house. Etc.....



Anyway, I'm part native American, so all you bitches can go ahead and leave. Except the females. Oh and leave your banshees too.

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My extended family (which by the way are a bunch of racists), have always said that we've got cherokee in our lineage. Very proudly I might add. Supposedly there was a picture floating around of my great great great grandmother - not only an indian but an indian princess! I finally saw that picture - 1st indian I've seen with an afro...

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Anyway, I'm part native American, so all you bitches can go ahead and leave. Except the females. Oh and leave your banshees too.


have you ever heard chris rock's schpeal on native americans? hehe

he talks about how "blacks think they are so oppressed or whatever, but what about native americans?? whens the last time you saw a family of native americans at mcdonalds??? there are none. there arent even enough for the thanksgiving parade. they got jlo in there dressed as an indian, you cant fool me, i know a puerto rican when i see one!"


:rotflmao: i love chris rock.

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Anyway, I'm part native American, so all you bitches can go ahead and leave. Except the females. Oh and leave your banshees too.


I thought the indians were imigrants that came across an ice bridge in the Alutean archipelago many many years before the Europeans sailed the oceans blue. So I guess we all better leave and let the deer and the buffalo roam.

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:cry::cry::cry::cry: wahhh wahhh wahhhh mexicans are stealing everybodies jobs! :cry::cry::cry::cry:


It's so unfair that they're willing to work less than any american is, yet instead of getting upset at the companies that hire them or the fact that the penalties they recieve for hiring illegals are a joke, I'm gonna lash out at illegals in general and threaten to shoot em all or scalp em. YEAH!!! That'll definitely solve all our problems!


Simply put if there are companies that are willing to hire people illegally because they'll work for a little less, then you're gonna have people risking their lives to cross over here. If you take that incentive away, what reason would they have to cross illegally?


BTW I do agree with criminalizing illegals for crossing, and I don't agree with the government granting amnesty to those that are here illegally.

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:o actually rocketboy, you have no idea what my opinion is on this whole immigration issue. i said nothing about my political stance on the issue, i simply said that speaking about murdering, scalping etc etc is over the line, and reprehensable.  youre disgusting. and any valid point you may have on the issue is lost because of your hideous, low, ignorant comments about running down, murdering and scalping illegals. most of whom have done nothing but risk their lives and freedom to provide for their families. illegal and wrong to come here the way they did, punishable and deserving of penalties, yes, deserving of murder, NO. 


you, rocketboy, are a disgusting excuse for a man, and thats been proven time and time again with your ugly, racist, ignorant posts.




hahaah :dance: truth hurts huh? :cry: ,now im racist cause i think its wrong for mexicans to sneak over heer ,that is a crime BTW and therefor makes them criminals . the scalping was a joke but i guess youd need a personality to get it ,were off topic so ill quit on this matter :wacko:

Edited by rocketboy
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you, rocketboy, are a disgusting excuse for a man, and thats been proven time and time again with your ugly, racist, ignorant posts.

hahaah :dance: truth hurts huh? :cry: were off topic so ill quit :wacko:


You crack me up :D


rocketboy your posts are as intelligent and thought out as a fart. Keep it coming, I haven't laughed this hard in a while.

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hahaah :dance: truth hurts huh? :cry: were off topic so ill quit :wacko:


You crack me up :D

I haven't laughed this hard in a while.




look at your dick if yo u really want a laugh :rolleyes: , thought this thread was on immigrants ?

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I thought the indians were imigrants that came across an ice bridge in the Alutean archipelago many many years before the Europeans sailed the oceans blue.


Yes indeed, the indians WERE immigrants, but there wasn't anyone IN america when they got here. We're talking about the beginning of human kind now. Shit, every human originated from africa.



People say "America was founded by immigrants". Well, yeah, true, but how long ago was that? It's fucking 2006 people, everyone just stay in your own country unless you have something to contribute. Overpopulation is another problem.



Whatever, it's not like anything we say is going to actually CHANGE anything, what, you think this is a government for the people, by the people?

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Have any of you ever had a Carne Asada burrito from Los Panchos in El Cajon :headbang: .......some of the worlds most beautiful woman are Hispanic :jesterlaugh: I have lived I san Diego for 32 years.........I dont have a problem with the over population of mexicans.......I do for one have a problem with undocumented immigrants here in the US........they need to stand in line, wait there turn, and get the correct documents. AND START PAYING TAXES!!!!!!!........face it people I am White, and there is more pepper than salt here in So Cal...........THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN DO.......EXCEPT ENFORCE THESE LAWS...

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some of the worlds most beautiful woman are Hispanic


Thats another thing I've been hearing a lot recently. Its a retarded thing to say. First off, it's personal preference. Secondly, EVERY race has it's share of beautiful women. Yes, even Iraq has it's hotties.


Jesus Christ. The more I think about it, the more it pisses me off. I'm tired of white people feeling bad for other races for no reason. Oh whats that, your poor? Boo fucking hoo, white people are poor too. Every race is equal, every race is the same. If you can be a proud mexican, then I can be a proud white guy. White Pride bitches. I'm starting a white history month, a white entertainment television channel, and...somehow we'll find white people food.....damn. What the hell, we don't have our own food.



//rant over.

Edited by PolyKarbon
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Have any of you ever had a Carne Asada burrito from Los Panchos in El Cajon :headbang: .......some of the worlds most beautiful woman are Hispanic :jesterlaugh: I have lived I san Diego for 32 years.........I dont have a problem with the over population of mexicans.......I do for one have a problem with undocumented immigrants here in the US........they need to stand in line, wait there turn, and get the correct documents.  AND START PAYING TAXES!!!!!!!........face it people I am White, and there is more pepper than salt here in So Cal...........THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN DO.......EXCEPT ENFORCE THESE LAWS...



yep i must agree they are some very hot women ..... till they turn 30 then they blow up like a balloon .. then ya deal with em till they're 36 and trade'em in for 2 18yr olds :rotflmao:

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