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people want more immigrants?

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What kinds of jobs are illegals taking that would help our unemployment rate? Jobs that are so shitty that people would rather not work at all then do that! Part of what makes our economy work is the fact that we've got cheap labor to do all the crap jobs. Saying that you're unemployed because there are no jobs is bullshit. There's jobs, they just royally suck. So instead the government pays ur ass to stay at home. Really though, some people are better off staying at home. Say you roll up to Home Depot cuz you need a few guys to help you hang some drywall. Are you gonna pick the mexican or the white guy with tracks up his forearms? One will get the job done (and well) for $5/hr, the other is just gonna steal your dvd player.


I do agree however that we don't need to help em out. They shouldn't quallify for assistance programs. If they wanna sneak into our country to try and make a living in the Home Depot parking lot, more power to em. Just 2 requests: Make an effort to learn english and stop waving the damn mexican flags around!

Edited by Wallrat
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Here's my take on it. Same response as I put into PolyKarbons post.


On the illegals, we need to close the borders obviously. My one worry is that right now illegals do jobs for cheaper wages because they don't have a choice. Don't quote my numbers but my understanding is that right now as a country we have an unemployment rate of 4.7%, the unemployment rate for people without a highschool degree is around 15%, the unemployment rate for illegals is about 5%. Illegals are taking jobs from those who "should" be working them. But once you legalize all the illegals and make them citizens I have the feeling they won't be willing to continue to do the work that they do for any less than the next person. Immigration is a good thing but only when done legally. Ideally all illegals should be returned home where they can then try to return legally but we know that's not a plausible alternative in this situation. In the event that our govt did actually crack down on them say good bye to the cities with the large protests, anybody remember the Rodney King riots?

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They complain because they have no rights, well you arent a citizen here so you dont have any now do you. I had a lot of friends in highschool that wanted summer construction jobs, cant get any though because illegals immigrants have them. If they are working here and sending their money back home it isnt helping our economy. Its funny when they talk about you in spanish, its even funnier when you talk back to them in spanish. The mexican border isnt that big, we can take over a country but we cant stop people from coming into ours.


I have a lot of mexican friends, they are all legal, work hard, pay taxes, go to college and make something of themselves. They want to make our government do what they want, why not take over their own and run their country like they want it.

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you know what i am not an illegal, but fuck the ones of you who have all the shit talking to say......i enjoyed coming on the hq to talk and learn about banshees but knowing how alot of you feel i don't need to come back.....so i'll let you go back to dating your sisters and eating road kill....later ...bitches

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i bet if their was a $5 bounty put on each illegal we could get rid of them real fast




thats a good point we need to get the indians to scalp them and i think everyone would benefit . :lol:

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you know what i am not an illegal, but fuck the ones of you who have all the shit talking to say......i enjoyed coming on the hq to talk and learn about banshees but knowing how alot of you feel i don't need to come back.....so i'll let you go back to dating your sisters and eating road kill....later ...bitches



Oh my god!!!!!!!!! Someone disagrees with other people's opinions in a public discussion. Somebody please hand this whiney little bitch a tissue. :cry::cry::cry:

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you know what i am not an illegal, but fuck  the ones of you  who have all the shit talking to say......i enjoyed coming on the hq to talk and learn about banshees but  knowing how alot of you feel  i don't need to come back.....so i'll let you go back to dating your sisters and eating road kill....later ...bitches



i think your mixing up illegals and legal immigrants ,its a very simple concept .if yo u wanna live here do it legally and speak our language and be a productive citizen ,otherwise go back to craphole mexico eat hot peppers and pick oranges for a nickle an hour

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you know what i am not an illegal, but fuck the ones of you who have all the shit talking to say......
how the fuck is it shit talking , theyre talkin bout illegal immigrants . and yes that flag flying is BULL SHIT . personally i dont see why the fuck they need to snatch up a flag , not learn the language , live in poverty and do whatever else they do , isnt that what they came from in the first damn place? :shootself: and this aint directed at mexicans , its anyone whos illegal
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I say let them come in. And Lets all move to Mexico! NO more snow!!!!! whoo hoo


But seriously, can you really blame illegals for wanting to come here? Look what this country has to offer. It's too bad most of us don't take advantage of it.

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i said it from the start, i know everyone has their own opinions, my problem was when i here about running mexicans over, shooting them, scalping them, as far as mr 100% mexican , jesse,your weak its more like mr coconut, your worst than the rest of these guys that talk about shooting mexicans, what the fuck do you think they say about you behind your back retard

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cant yo usee the difference ? jesse is a produtive legal immigrant ,he is an american who has done things the right way and is a value to our country . we are talkign about illegal people NOT al l mexicans . IMO the mexican people who are trying to do good in our country and the correct legal way should be especially upset about this the most ...as it is a direct spit in their face for all their hard work and effort to become americans.i say kudos to the hard working legal mexicans who make a life here :cheers:

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i said it from the start, i know everyone has their own opinions, my problem was when i here about running mexicans over, shooting them, scalping them, as far as mr 100% mexican , jesse,your weak its more like mr coconut,
Edited by jesse1004
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Is having illegals really messing this country up that bad?


:confused: its not as bad as everyone makes it out to be...

you know what i am not an illegal, but fuck  the ones of you  who have all the shit talking to say......i enjoyed coming on the hq to talk and learn about banshees but  knowing how alot of you feel  i don't need to come back.....so i'll let you go back to dating your sisters and eating road kill....later ...bitches


:clap: i agree...theres a lot of crap on this site that isnt banshee talk. but thats sorta wat the "general discussion" implies.

SOCAL if there's something u read or that is said that bugs u...dont respond. we dont need anymore "enforcers".

i dont think u should throw a hissy fit and leave. just say eff u and be done with it. on to the next interesting topic. :huh:

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