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Hey WTF, did I miss something?

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So I just heard on the news that Bush allowed the CIA leak, and then the whole immigration thing just took over. Do you think that only happened to take the attention off Bush? So WTF is going on here? Why all the attention all of a sudden on the mexican immigrants, when we're just finding out that Bush allowed a CIA leak?


The president can't really leak information. The leaked information did not reveal the identity of a CIA agent which is what the whole case was originally about. Clinton used the same tactics to justify bombing the aspirin factory do a google search on Clinton leak aspirin.


On the illegals, we need to close the borders obviously. My one worry is that right now illegals do jobs for cheaper wages because they don't have a choice. Don't quote my numbers but my understanding is that right now as a country we have an unemployment rate of 4.7%, the unemployment rate for people without a highschool degree is around 15%, the unemployment rate for illegals is about 5%. Illegals are taking jobs from those who "should" be working them. But once you legalize all the illegals and make them citizens I have the feeling they won't be willing to continue to do the work that they do for any less than the next person. Immigration is a good thing but only when done legally. Ideally all illegals should be returned home where they can then try to return legally but we know that's not a plausible alternative in this situation. In the event that our govt did actually crack down on them say good bye to the cities with the large protests, anybody remember the Rodney King riots?

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I agree there is a need for immigrant workers for certain jobs. But I don't agree that the majority of the people to work them should be from Mexico and central america. Theres alot of people around the world that would work here if there was a guest worker program. People from down south have an unfair advantage.



Not all illegals settle with the job at burger king either. Legitimate licenced Contractors, plumbers, electricians etc, jobs get underminned also because illegals charge below the market rate.

Edited by rx7500hpt2
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people are quick to say that americans wouldnt do the jobs illegal mexicans do ,i say bullshit <_< as long as theirs high school kids ,mentally handicapped theres many (legal americans BTW) people willing to do them , socal i have no problem with immigrants coming here to start a life but they need to realize this isnt a shithole thrid world country like mexico,when you become naturalized they need to inherit our beleifs and ideals AND language ,fuck that jibberish spanish crap , i dont want to read that shit on labels and signs.if mexico is so great why wil l they al l flock to our country? the idea of them paying into our tax system is nonsense too BTW .i doubt theres much of any percentage that actually carry their weight in our tax system . i thin k if you come here as an immigrant you should have something to offer this country like our forefathers did ,not sponge/leech off our welfare/social security system and send the money back to mexico. its a damn shame we cant just shoot them when they try to illegaly slither over here .also i thin k they better learn to speak the language and thats english... not fucking spanglish , get a legal real job, actually contribute to our great country and communitys or be forced to go back to slumsville . :cheers:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Another big problem is all of the protests, over immigration. If you're not a legal citizen of the US, you aren't protected by the Bill of Rights. Basically, if you're here illegally, you really don't have any rights. Why are some of the legal Mexicans supporting the illegals? The legal Mexicans should be more upset about it, than anyone else. After all, the legals went through all of the trouble to do things right, and the illegals have done most everything wrong!


Compare Mexico's policy on illegal immigrants to the US policy. Mexico's policy is, when a illegal is caught, they are put into a prison for 2-2 1/2 years, and then they are shipped back to where they came from. Some of the illegals in Mexico, get even worse treatment, such as being raped, tortured, beaten, or even worse, and then put in prison. The US policy is, when an illegal is caught, they are taken somewhere, feed, and shipped back across the border. It's nothing more than a slap on the wrist, so what is to keep them from coming back? If the US would have a policy, similar to Mexico's, on illegals, we wouldn't have as many coming across, because our prisons would be at max capacity, which would cost us more tax dollars. Build a wall, similar to the one that used to be in Berlin, and that'll end a lot of the problems. Put a Bradley fighting vehicle with quad mount .50's on it, about every mile along the border, and see if that don't slow them down.


PS I'm not full of hate, or racist. I have several good friends that are LEGALS, and they are pissed at the illegals, also.

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America, what a country. The only place in the world where peolpe who have no legal right to be here can stand up and make demands...what a joke.


I think the intelligent thing for mexicans to do would be to hold protests in MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe change a few things so they dont have to leave there familys and homes to find work or food.


Start at the source of the problem if you want to fix it.


This is The United States of America. we speak engilsh, pay taxes, build shitty cars, and elect coke-head officials. If you dont like it, GO HOME!!!!!!!!! :headbang:

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Its easy enough to become a us citizen, so do it pay your taxes to cover the medicare and school systems that you'll use and everything is fine.And for those of you who voted for Bush to begin with, it serves you right and thanks for screwing the rest of us with your dumb ass. I guess the best thing about Bush is the economic downturn and the drop in interest rates. Thanks Bush supporters

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Im sure the goverment wouldn't have a problem taking 25% or more of each illegals wage. They sure dont have a problem taking 28% of my money. So, i say just close the borders, with military force, and then arrest any illegals found for tax evasion. With all the "fresh money" coming into the government, we could invest in research for hydrogen fuel cells, decreasing our collective dependence on the rag heads.

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