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Hey WTF, did I miss something?

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So I just heard on the news that Bush allowed the CIA leak, and then the whole immigration thing just took over. Do you think that only happened to take the attention off Bush? So WTF is going on here? Why all the attention all of a sudden on the mexican immigrants, when we're just finding out that Bush allowed a CIA leak? Anyway, just wanted to know what everyone thinks about the immigration issue, what everyone thinks we should do about it. Its probably a touchy issue, and I don't want to start a huge HQ fight and divide everyone, so uh, just try to keep an open mind I guess. I dont know.

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i think ol bushy boy in a sling of sorts over the leak .. but its of no real loss to him cause he can't be re-elected anyway.

Imigration issue? i work in the oil fields and i'll there are ton's of illegal's, i have some very good friends that are mexican and they are legal imigrants. BUT i have a problem when they slither thier ass's across the border like terrist's and then take american job's from american people because they work for food basicly. So where is the justice when american family's can only get some shitty burger flippin' minimum wage job .. and have a family, there is no way that even if both parents work they still can barely make ends meet. This makes me sick ... its a subject that yea its gonna piss in a few people cherios but, if they're caught here illegal with no green card or citizenship cut off a hand and ship em back across the border. then they will think twice before slither'n back here again. banghead

Edited by Wicked98Shee
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name any american that would work for what they do....the reality is they do the jobs no american would want....i 'm mexican american and i wouldn't want any of those jobs......it's the same old story blame minorities for everything that goes wrong in this country



I don't really understand why people say that mexicans do the jobs nobody else will. Thats not really true, I know tons of white guys that mow lawns, build houses, etc etc... But they do it for so cheap that nobody can compete for those jobs. And the mexicans can AFFORD to work cheap because they usually have like 8 people working per household. When you have about 8 people all making minimum wage, all contribuiting to the bills of the house, well, I guess you can see my point, they can afford it. I'm no expert, correctify me if I'm wrong.

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Sure, most people don't want to do the jobs that mostly immigrants do. However, they are ILLEGAL aliens. If any of us drive our shee's on I-8 to glamis, we're going to jail and loosing our quads, but it's ok to come across the border, knowing it's illegal, and then get pissed off when someone asks if you have your green card, that's bullsh!t. However, it's not all the immigrant's fault. It takes two, the worker and the employer and we should be going after both. If you're employing an illegal there ought to be a penalty stiff enough to deter the money you'd save by hiring them. A fence isn't going to do anything, and the politicians know that. Take away the jobs and the ability to work without comming here legaly, and you've fixed the problem. And while there at it, make it a more streamlined process to work here as an immigrant. Have companies list how many open jobs they need to be filled, take applications and don't charge them a huge fee. They're already hurting for money, that's why they're filling out the damn apps. Any politician who says they're serious about immigration reform and isn't pushing most of these points ought to be kicked out of office for lying to the people who elected them.

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Yeah, I almost dies laughing when I heard about the fence idea. "Oh no, I can't cross the border because of this stupid fence. What ever shall I do?" I think if you want to work here and be productive, and learn the language and not expect special treatment, then you should be able to come over.

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i agree with you on that poly carbon...it just upsets me when people make all mexicans.... sure there are some that we don't want here....but for the most part they just want to come here and work.....i'm sure my point of view will not be very appreciated , i have a few family members who are here illegally and they work hard and love this country, and many of my family over the years have become american citizens, including both of my parents who have been here since the late 60's, the sad thing is people who don't know them probably look down on them, oh well this is something that i don't see changing

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BUT i have a problem when they slither thier ass's across the border like terrist's and then take american job's from american people because they work for food basicly.



over the last year or 2.... especially last year, there have been a shit load of polish and europeans coming into the UK for work.


as you said they are here to try and make a living, keep themselves fed.... this IMO is why they work so hard. people over here want good honest people who can work their ass off no matter what. i dont know of many illegal foreigners over here but to me they are all the same. they move to a different location, wokr their asses off, get paid shit pence... but at the end of the day they are greatful for it.


its prolly a different story with you guys though. :shrugani:

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moto man you don'y even know what your talking about.... sounds lot theres alot of hate in you....so whatever.......its easy to talk like a bad ass when your not face to face with some one.....me being mexican i take that very personal....so luckilly i'll never have to see you....peace out bitch

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:blink: Ok before i say this let me first point out that i am in no way, shape or form racist..I love everybody :D, and one of my best friends is a legal mexican(Jamie Perez, Mad skillz on a ktm 300exc)..With that being said this is my thoughts on the whole thing..


I have no problem with LEGAL immigrants, hell this whole country is founded by immigrants..I'm not sure of the exact number, i heard it on the savage nation, but america will take in something like 125K immigrants legally each year..Now the problem i have with the illegals is that if they skip over the border and take a job that a legal citizen would have otherwise had, they get payed cash and put nothing back into the system..I mean if there is a million illegals not paying taxes thats a big chunk of change that the system is being robbed from..That money could go to pay for health care or better school systems..


Another problem i see is that there is no punishment for the illegals we catch..They get fed a meal and sent back over the border(or where ever) to rally a few more buddies and try again..The reason this happens and they keep trying is becuase they have no punishment for it..They are immediatly put back in there enviorment so there is a safety net..I propose a different solution..Instead of sending these people back to there countries to try again we should change things up on them..Could you imagine if say a group of mexicans were caught..In there brains they think they are going to be fed a meal and sent back to mexico, where they can try to get across in a week..So they eat fill up,take a nap, wake up the next morning, and there in greenland freezing there ass off lol..From there it would be there own responsiblity to either get back to mexico or find a blanket lol..That in itself would make a few of them probably try to go threw the proper channels to become legal citizens..Hell england did this to there convicts and now australia is a thriving nation lol..


Anyways these are just a few of my crazy ass thoughts..I got another good one on how mexico could turn there economy arround but i'll save that for another day :D

Edited by Lethaface
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name  any american that would work for what they do....the reality is they do the jobs no american would want....i 'm mexican american  and i wouldn't want any of those jobs......it's the same old story blame  minorities for everything that goes wrong in this country




well i make 26.50hr ... and average oilfield pay is from 17.00 up .. now how many americans will work for that? ... most people that i know would . but they cant get the job if ya got a nontax payin illigal doin same job for 5hr .... see my point? this is a very touchy subject because i have seen a few of my good friends both american and mexican/americans not get work because the illegals work so cheap :shrugani:

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It has been my experiance that Mexican folks are very family oriented and take good care of their own in most instances. There are always a few bad eggs out there but that is among any group. For the most part I see them as a good part of society if we embrace them.


IN TURN they need to embrace our laws and get on board and in line with the proper entry into the United States. Nothing great comes with no expense, wait, sacrafice, etc...So why should any individual be rewarded the gift of American Citizenship without going through the same challenges and sacrafices as the next guy that DID follow policy and entered the US legally??? Sorry but regardless as to how much I may admire these folks for their courage and hard working nature, to the back of the line ya go if you entered the US outside of the law.


One thing I found VERY disturbing was a few photos of a San Diego Hight School where students were protesting. Evidently the school was predominantly Hispanic as thats is all I saw in the photos. Regardless, there I saw the American Flag flying upside-Down and the Mexican flag flying right-side-up...Let me tell ya...This is no way to win the hearts of most red-blooded Americans...Weak ass, jerk-off California Liberals maybe, but not the forementioned for sure...I will take into account that they were High School kids and not adults, but at the same time it don't take much of the sting out of it for me...



That about summs it up for me...







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i fuckin hate immagrants, they come here, take our work, take our money send it back to the shithole countries they came from, they hate americans, they cant speak our language for shit, and they think they are better than us,,, i work with a few of them, and i have to say things like 5 times for them to understand,,, the whole thing is way outa hand

Edited by helldriver
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as far as tax dollars go, not all illegals work for cash,,,,yeah some do, but alot get payed by check like all of us do....there is milllions of tax dollars that go unclaimed because they don't file taxes, but you don't hear that in the media, if they are taking jobs from americans who profits more....them or the companies that hire them...as far as the american flag being held upside down , that is just stupid....but they are just stupid kids.....but the media doesn't show you how the police were all dressed up in riot gear like a bunch of kids were going to start a riot......if all illegals where gone, the cost of living for all of us would skyrocket..my pint is they are here to work , nothing else....how many do you looking for a handout..i understand california might be a little more liberal because mexicans have been here since the begining, it seems like you guys just watch the news and illegals are new to your community, also these illegals are not all mexicans.....the illegals we need to watch out for are the ones that like to blow stuff up....once again everyone has the right to their opinion but there is alot of hate in some of your guys words....thats too bad

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