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I made it back late last night too....I got there Thurs about noon, left yesterday around 10:30am...got home at 10pm last night -_- I left early because I was wore out, ran out of beer, and it was too freakin cold. Saturday morning I woke up with a splitting headache and my ass crack was full of sand :lol:


It was a blast though, got to meet some really cool people, got pretty drunk in Tyler's heated trailer; what more could you ask for? :D


I didn't get to take as many pics as I wanted to; was too busy trying to get my POS jetted right. Didn't realize the elevation was that much different than Memphis' banghead I ended up giving up after the 4th jetting change and just ran it sputtering like a champ


Here are a few that I got, my friend took a good chunk of pics...I'll get them from him tonight and post them all for you guys :cheers:


One of camp



Me on the strip



98bonerstockshee leaving all of us off the line :D That afro on his helmet cracked me up



Big Blue's shee and mine



Tyler on his raptor headed to the strip...that thing sounded sick as hell :headbang:



That's all for now, I'll get more and post them in the images section. :cheers:

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