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Well fellas

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Yeah hopefully we'll know Friday. Trials supposed to wrap up Wednesday-Thursday.


The biggest thing on the defense side that I know is hurting thier case is they aren'tputting forth any allibys, no other scenarios, not even saying where he was if he wasn't there.

So we'll see.

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Good luck to you, it doesn't sound like you'll need but a little bit of luck never hurts. I can't imagine what your family has been through and the trials will give details families should never have to hear.


I'm not a religious man by a long shot, but if there is a God, he would have created a place just for people like that to never forget what they have done.

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i believe in karma. i believe in prayer. i believe in friendship.


keep that in mind dude. just know that ur not going through all this alone. u got the whole bhq family behind u!


stay strong.

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sweetie, my prayers are with you. ive thought about you and this whole thing a lot since it happened. it will be nice to have some sort of closure for you and your family. let me know if you need anything, anytime.

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Find out what jail he's going to and if anyone knows someone on the inside, spread rumor that he's a kiddie-raper.He'll sure as hell get his then!


Hell, sometimes you don't even have to do that....


I know 3 different people that work at my local county jail, and I know someone that is friends with a higher up at the state penn. Sometimes accidents can happen. :shrugani:

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