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Well fellas

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Well I haven't been around lately.

For those that remember or even give a rats ass, the trial formy sisters murder started Monday. Looking good so far, I haven't been to any of the trial with work though.

Keep us in your prayers and wish us luck.





Hobart murders seems to bring up the best results on it.


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Tell that muther fucker I got something for him!!! and me and my families prayers are with you all! Tim

Edited by batoutofshell
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good luck man, I hope he gets what he deserves. I disappeared around here for a good long time with my son being born and all.


Give me a pm if you get a chance, we gotta talk about what we were a couple months back

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sorry, not religious. I belive in an eye for an eye, hope that motherfucker gets whats commin soon!

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