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Guess who is going to Kansas

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Well since it has been ages since I had a real vacation Dune Girl invited me down in April. I asked for permission to leave, and I got a yes. I guess were gonna go to the dunes since I have never been to any. But I dont care Im just excited to finally be able to be away from everything up here. I could be on a deserted Island and be the happiest sole around, just because its some place different.

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I feel the same way sometimes :cheers::cheers:


Well since it has been ages since I had a real vacation Dune Girl invited me down in April. I asked for permission to leave, and I got a yes. I guess were gonna go to the dunes since I have never been to any. But I dont care Im just excited to finally be able to be away from everything up here. I could be on a deserted Island and be the happiest sole around, just because its some place different.


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Well since it has been ages since I had a real vacation Dune Girl invited me down in April. I asked for permission to leave, and I got a yes. I guess were gonna go to the dunes since I have never been to any. But I dont care Im just excited to finally be able to be away from everything up here. I could be on a deserted Island and be the happiest sole around, just because its some place different.



Well seeing as how my short term memory is shot..I'll just drive down the road.. put on a blindfold for a couple mins... BAM!!... Instant vacation :headbang: ...on second thought... maybe that's not such a good thing :shrugani: .... Anway... have fun in the frozen tundra country...




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well shit they will allow anyone in this state. we have morals and what not.


hanging around dune girl will get you in some serious trouble. she might get you out of it working for the cop shop but she starts alot of it.




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holllllllla!!! ok i'll admit kansas definately isnt the best place to go on vacation...but she'll definately see how us ks folks party..hahhahaha...hope you dont mind a little bit of country.... :lol: we'll leave for the dunes probably the next day after she gets here....so she wont be tortured with the flat land to much...




anyways you better be ready to getcha swerve on...!!! :cheers::dance:


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