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i've been looking at a few different mid line ones. my question is, will one protect the ribs more. some are labeled impact and others deflection. they all look the same as for coverage of plastic (shape). i'm not as worried about a deflection as i am breaking another rib. in reading the details that follow them, they are all using the same poly. some may be a little thicker but they don't list that. i was hoping someone may be able to shed some light on this for me.


i know one is better than having none at all.


i was looking at the:

fox r3

thor aftershock



thanks for your help



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i used to use the thor plastic chest protector. it was good for keeping the mud off my shirt and if i was sliding along the ground on my front. i used it for abour 2 or 3 years of racing mx. at the end of last season my friend stopped his mountain biking all together to start racing mx all the time. he used a "dainese" body suit for the down hill events he went to, i got to try the suit when he didnt need it. the difference is night and day between the 2, the suit was alot more comfy and keeps you hella warm on cold days, and when i was sliding along the ground on my front after coming off, i didnt feel every bump i was hitting on the ground. also, there is a bit more freedome of movement.


id recomend you get a body suit of some sort. IMO, the plastic armour is flimsy and with a big hit would break. with chest, elbow, back and kidney protection in one suit i dont think you could go wrong.


then again, depends what riding your doing?



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hey tithead, sounds like your spending a lot of time "sliding along the ground on my front". lol :confused::rotflmao:


i've only used my fox airframe and it's great for roost deflection etc. haven't had a crash with it on yet though, not looking forward to it either. they aren't indestructable but even if it did crack/break, well that's better for it to absorb some of the impact than your ribs taking it all. i had open heart surgery a few years back and i'm really concerned about rib/chest injuries too, so anything is better than nothing. try some on and see what's the most comfortable for you. the air frame is really comfortable for me, i don't even notice it's there when riding till i hear something cracking off of it, lol. unless one of my buds punches me in the chest to test it out, which seems to happen pretty often. :rotflmao:

by the way, not sure where you're pricing them but rocky mtn. atv has pretty decent prices and lots to choose from. B)

Edited by MILO
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