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Ever get alittle toooo drunk?

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Really? Hmmmm.. for sum odd reson that always happens to me ..huh small world


well typically when i get too drunk and wake up next to some one, im not so fortunate on the looks. haha, damn booze.

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well typically when i get too drunk and wake up next to some one, im not so fortunate on the looks.  haha, damn booze.



haha lol i kno that feeling :rotflmao:

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oh great, my exboyfriend!! did lee enlist you to come torture me???  :P


hehe, no I've had an account since last summer, I was just floating through them today, I love reading your post... they do really make me laugh. Mostly because I'm probably one of the very few here that know you can back your comments up. So, consider me on team brooke :)


ps, good to see you're over the plauge. I knew you could beat it :P


And since this is the "a little too drunk" thread, kids don't drink and drive:






But I strongly recommend Subaru's... considering how well it actually held up, and the fact that I'm still alive.

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well fasterthanyou90 I suppose your actually a slower thinker than me so before you start runing off at you gay ass mouth why don't you stop and think and realize that if your in that type of lifestyle you hanging out with the wrong crowd all together, so once again...son before you open your cocksucker check yourself you may realize....I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about...bitch! :yank:

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I have a few stories also. Heres the funniest...............now that its in the past. We were drinking at my house and decided to go to a town near by and hang out with some friends, and of course drink some more. We were already fucked up. But we showed up and continued drinking. ( i was only 17-18) My friend started passing around shots. I have a shit load of I don't know what. I don't whos house I we were at but here came the bong around the table. Fuck it. ( inhale) When we left I couldn't drive. My buddy said he could drive. He took my car and other friends lead the way back to my house. Not sure how it happened but my friend driving my car rear ended the friends we were following. No, no, they weren't stopped. Just cruising home and we got a little too close. Everyones Ok. We get to my house, I get out try to go to my back door and fall down. My dog jumps on me and delays the trip to my house by I don't know how long. My friends say they watched and laughed for a while. I wake up in my bed the next morning, not sure how I got there. My mom said she had to clean my puke up off me and the utility porch the next morning. Then she had to get me to bed before my little brother woke up and she had to explain what was wrong with me to him. Glad I've grown up.


Got stuck in a farm field one time and a tractor that was plowing the field towed us out, and drank a couple of our beers with us. Just got caught up laughin and shit and drifted off the road into a farmers field. :confused:


Thats right my name is lucky. Have a couple of bad stories to tell but I don't feel like depressing anyone. Later :bolt:

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Uhhh ok......and.....wait wait try making some since next time you try and say something, maybe it would work better if you would get the root out of your mouth




What the fuck Root? what kinda backwoods West Virginia hick talk is that were u born retarded or what? OH oh u got me there im gonna go cry now and start an emo band and name the first album endofitall9 :yank: U talk alot of shit for not knowing who the hell ur talking to why dont u get the fuck out of here we dont need trash like u around :angry:

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What the fuck Root? what kinda backwoods West Virginia hick talk is that were u born retarded or what?  OH oh u got me there im gonna go cry now and start and emo band and name the first album endofitall9



funny stuff

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well i didnt have any good drunk stories wen this thread started....but after this past weekend....well.... :cheers:


so saturday i drank about 10 or more shots of vodka, nursed some johnny walker, and washed it all down with guinesses and coronas. AND ALL on my poor empty stomach.


dont remember much. i did have a hard time wen i woke up in a bed being spooned by a chick and wearing someone's swimsuit. (yea, no one went swimming that night...) :o


wat i do remember of the party it was lame...smelled bud the whole night and couldnt find any. music was horribly replaying the same stupid songs. puked in 3 different places. peed on a tree.


can't wait to party this weekend for my bday :headbang:

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