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Ever get alittle toooo drunk?

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I don't think anybody up here pays $42/hour to shingle a roof, atleast not consistently.



i sware to god , overall im charging this guy 1800 bucks to , strip roof and dispose of the roofing , replace ruffly 10 sheets of ply , lay down tar paper , nail it down , tar it , then shingle it ..... Florida is really differnt on roofing codes due to the hurricanes . No one here has a roof and everyones trying to get it done luckly i could pull the permit through my boss . everything passed inspection today .


me and some one else do it in 2 full days . My folks had to wait 7 months to get a real company to do there roof , no way in hell would i do there roof too much surface to cover :headbang:

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three words for you bigred:


loser by association



Tell me again, how I am associated with him? If me posting a reply to something he said makes me associated to him, then everyone here is associated with everyone else.

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Guys i just sold both my banshees due to bhq and i am so pissed off at everyone for being so negative !!! I AM STARTING BANSHEE WITHDRAWL I NEED HELP .... YEAH RIGHT !!! my bikes aint goin no where fast !!!!!!! Atleast faster then brooke's Banshee :jesterlaugh:

Edited by stclark816
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If me posting a reply to something he said makes me associated to him, then everyone here is associated with everyone else.



you got that right... at the end of the day we are here to help each other out... we are all associates.

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I got a really really good drunk story.


About 5 years ago: Went to my buddies place up in the woods about 30 minutes away from my house. For the most part its 2 main roads to get there. We go out in his truck to a sports bar for the evening, and the night leads to playing beer pong with 151. Around 1:30 I head back to my buddies place with one of his buddies and all the doors are locked. So we sit out on the back deck waiting and decide to smoke a joint. Not a good idea with how much liquor I had. My head started spinning after a couple drags and I stopped. Head cleared up a little bit and thought I was alright. Decided to make a shot of making it back to my place.


Made it about one mile down the road to a restaurant, ended up puking in the bushes and passing out until about 3:30-4:00. Woke up and decided to make another run for it. Made it up the one road, turn down the next and by this point my vision is getting all blurry again. I've got another buddy that lives just off that road about halfway from where I turned to my house, which has a church right across the street.


This is where it gets good:


This isnt any ordinary church.....there is some weird shit that goes on in this rinky dinky church. Its about the size of a small house, and every member I've ever met is straight out of deliverence. So I park in one of the 5 parking spots (where we usually park when we hang out at my buddies), and decide I have to puke again. I go over into the grass on the side of the building and end up not puking, but I pass out in the grass. This was saturday night that this all happened and when sunday morning rolled around......guess who was still nice and passed out on the grass :unsure:


I wake up to someone rocking my shoulder, and look up.....and theres 4 of the strangest people I've ever seen in my life standing over me. I didnt know whether to scream or pinch myself because I was still dreaming....it just didnt seem right. I got up and said sorry about all this, got in my truck, pulled into my buddies driveway, got my whits together, and drove home.

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after the sadies highschool dance , my cuzin had like four cases of budweiser... and about half way through the night people were running out of beer .. so people started buying my cuz's beer at 20$ a pop ... i believe he scooped in about 400$ that night ....



i dont drink though.. my parents even said i could if i wanted .... but i dont , i thinks its gross

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after the sadies highschool dance , my cuzin had like four cases of budweiser... and about half way through the night people were running out of beer  .. so  people started buying my cuz's beer at 20$ a pop ... i believe he  scooped in about 400$ that night ....

i dont drink though.. my parents even said i could  if i wanted .... but i dont , i thinks its gross




:wacko: How can you think drinking beer is gross???


What are you 12?

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beer is an aquired taste. btw all the childish pot head crying between pages like 1 and 5 pissed me off, hope i didnt miss any good stories in between, cause i skipped to here. anyway, i have a couple funny stories. here's a good one.


we threw a huge party up in the hills at my buddies gold mine in fall when it was gettin cold. its his property and has an old gold mine on it. anyway, there was 4 kegs and about 30 people up there at peak. it was like a 20 minute drive up, and no place for other people to stay, so people came and went. he has a little trailer up there so about 5 people could crash in. anyway, we brought bikes up there so there was about 5 of us that were all good friends. i set up a bad ass sound system, which consisted of a computer in the trailer with unlimited music and 2 pairs of mackie self amped high end loudspeakers (SRM-450). we hung them up in the trees and cranked the music loud as fuck. we started drinking early in the day, finishing a keg between the 5 of us before anyone else showed up. so we were pretty fucked up. well we decided to go on a night ride through the forest on some old dirt roads in the mountains. well the only light was the moon and nobody had helmets or lights ........... thats all i fucking know. we woke up really far away, at a local town that was on the other side of the mountains........ in the parking lot of this diner, all 5 of us with dirtbikes............... W T F............ HAHA also i guess everybody left the party but the music kept going, and once it finished the playlist it went on to a couple hours of porn, and i guess you could hear it for miles and miles because there was like 4 notes left on the trailer from different people that lived up there HAHAHAHA ... yeah.... that night was fucked up........


couple months ago on my 20th bday me and a buddy went up to vancouver for a weekend. we live in a hicktown, and last time we were up there we heard about this kickass country club so this time we brought our cowboy gear with us. anyway we each had 200 cash in our wallets. the country club was full so we were pissed and started drinking in the truck. between the 2 of us we finished a 5th of jager (straight) in about 5 minutes when we found this irish pub. we got in (in our cowboy hats and wranglers and shit HAHA) and ended up drinking cuervo all night (i hate shitty tequila :( ) i guess my friend said we had a competition who could drink the most, i had 26 shots and my friend got 24. yeah all i know is we woke up the next day at 1:00pm still drunk off our asses.... we had 35 bucks left between the two of us. we couldnt hold down food or any liquid until about 9:30 that night. at 5 something we started getting hungover... yeah and we had to drive home (4 hours) to work the next morning. that sucked ass.


haha anyway, i got lots and lots of crazy stories, hope someone gets a kick out of these 2. maybe later i'll share my half gallon challenge stories.... :evil:

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